Arthritis, Arthrosis - what is better? Worse, they will say people wearing from the articular pains, and will be right.
But, nevertheless, the differences should be known because these diseases are treated in different ways.
Arthritis - A whole group of diseases in which the inflammation of the joint, sometimes one, often several. The reason is in violation of the work of immunity, the disease develops a gravity, and the reason for its manifestation can be hypothermia, harmless cold, stress.
Arthritis arise at different ages, but the hardest and dangerous - rheumatoid - most often amazes people in the able-bodied, from 30 to 50 years. Women are sick three times more often than men, since women's sex hormones enhance inflammation. With arthritis, the joint is hot, swelling, sting. If it is not treated, it can bring to disability within 1-2 years.
Arthrosis - also a group of diseases, but they start with changes in tissues of the joint, most often age-related, or after injury. Gradually accumulates the microtraums of cartilage, lining the joint, pain occurs, the movements are limited. And then there is often inflammation. With Arthrosis, it is also best to go to the doctor right away, and not to engage in self-medication - then the chance for recovery is much higher.
Remove pain - half
Of course, for the patient, the most importantly, the doctor helps remove the articular pain, sometimes unbearable. And for this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs) are widely used in the treatment of joints (NSAIDs) - long-known diclofenac, ibuprofen and newer celecoxib, nimesulide. These medicines are a great benefit for patients, but will be a mistake to think that they cure illness. Crop and arthritis, and arthrosis are completely different medicines - the so-called basic drugs.
For arthrites, basic drugs are immunosuppressors - drugs that normalize the activity of an immune response (methotrexate, leflomide, infliximab, rituximab).
Hondroprotectors are used to treat arthrosis, that is, drugs containing cartilage components (glucosamine, chondroitin), as well as medicines from vegetable raw materials - soybean and avocado. Hyaluronic acid preparations are introduced directly into the sick joint with injection.
Tips for every day
With the onset of cold weather, aggravation of chronic joint diseases occurs. What to do to avoid this?
The most important thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations of your attending physician, "Dmitry Karateev says. - In chronic diseases of the joints, it is important to regularly take medicines, do not miss visits to the doctor.
- With the onset of autumn, respiratory infections occur more often. And any general inflammation can stimulate inflammation in the joints. Therefore, be careful, try not to hurt with colds, avoid contact with patients with infectious diseases.
- Avoid hypothermia, keep joints warm.
- But do not get carried away and warming treatments - they can also cause aggravation.
- It is impossible to move too little, but also excess physical exertion is dangerous. Best question about loads solve with a doctor.
- Balanced nutrition is necessary. But recommendations are more dishes with gelatin (type of jelly, fuel and t.D.) - this is from the field of myths, in the state of the joints it does not affect.
Vitamins for knee
Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you need to regularly take Vitamin C, said Robert Davis, professor of physiology from Pennsylvanian college of orthopedic medicine. If you take about 500 mg during the day, it does not exceed the norm, but it is enough to improve the condition.
Try to exclude tomatoes, eggplants and all kinds of peppers from the diet, except for black. There is evidence that they can cause an allergic reaction, that is, the response of immunity, which underlies the inflammation of the joints.
Reduce the consumption of vegetable oil and margarine. Studies have shown that oils with a high content of omega-6 fatty acids can enhance the inflammation of the joints. Two types of oil have a low content of omega-6 fatty acids: rapeseed and olive. They can be consumed moderately. Include in your food vegetable juices that reduce articular pains: carrot, celery, cabbage. However, first consult with your doctor.
From small to old
It is believed that problems with joints arise in old age. This is wrong. Arthritis, especially rheumatoid, can affect at any age and even very small children. Young and arthrosis — Doctors refer it to the account that we are less work physically, but often inspirically load our joints in exercise, lifting weights and t.NS. Injuries occur, and then in the injured joint arthrosis develops.
Efficiently but expensive
The newest preparations used for the treatment of arthritis are the so-called biological (not to be confused with biologically active food additives!). These high-tech and very expensive drugs point point affecting molecules involved in inflammation.