Postpartum period

With the approach of the date of delivery, the exciting waiting for the most important period of the period becomes more and more. A new person will come to the world - your child. And although pregnancy and childbirth is not a disease, but quite natural processes, however, it is physically and psychologically complex sensations for a woman.

Finally, this long way is 9 months of joy and anxiety, visits to women's consultation, mood drops, nausea in the morning and insomnia At night, it remains behind. Behind the pain and tension of childbirth. What will these first after childbirth days and weeks? What feels a woman during this period? What can disturb and what you need to be ready?

This article, our site addresses those who experience pregnancy and childbirth for the first time, we hope that such information is useful and future fathers. After all, the postpartum period is important for the whole family. «Being» Moms, I hope, remember your feelings in the first days after childbirth and, maybe complement the article with useful comments.

Psychological sensations

Pregnancy, restoration after childbirth, newborn, postpartum period, childbirth

It is believed that the new Mom should experience a bright euphoria after it made a charming baby. In fact, the psychological state of a woman after delivery to a greater extent depends on how difficult it is or on the contrary, childbirth. Therefore, among the first sensations of the women in labor may experience:

  • fatigue, exhaust;
  • excitement, joy;
  • frequent mood difference from joyful excitement to fatigue and even depression;
  • disappointment by childbirth and themselves;
  • increasing confidence in their forces, and in its importance;
  • a sense of lack of competence and knowledge regarding the care of the baby;
  • feeling of a turning point in life and concern about this;
  • discontent with their appearance.

As you can see, a set of sensations is quite diverse and a bit paradoxal. Although, if you think about it, nothing surprising in it. Birth of a child puts a young woman for a new position in society and family for her. These are very serious changes in life. In addition, you should not forget about intensive physiological restructuring of the body. The field of childbirth quickly decreases the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Therefore, in the case of a negative emotional state and the woman itself, and its loved ones need to be understood that the hormonal background is controlled in many ways. Do not worry about this. Typically, the mental state is rather quickly normalized. The main thing is to secure the possibility of resting and not to demand too much.

Physical sensations

May take place both, and only some of the described manifestations.

  1. Painful feeling in the field of abdominal muscles, crotch pain, general painful sensations in the whole body. These sensations may arise due to severe fence during childbirth.
  2. Difficulties when walking and seat.
  3. Blood selection from the vagina can be quite abundant. Postpartum discharges are a mixture of blood, mucus, uterine fabric elements. In the first days of allocation, the blood-red color is gradually acquired by a suburban color, and after 2 weeks they become pink or light yellow.
  4. Difficulties with urine isolation, there may be several reasons. Injury to the bladder during childbirth. Perineal pain and possible edema can sphaze the urethra. Finally, there may be a psychological fear of painful sensations. However, it is very important no later than after 8 hours to empty the bladder bubble. The obstever will surely ask; Whether the female has grown? The reduction of the voltage of the bladder contributes to a better reduction in the uterus. In addition, the timeline emptying of the bladder is important for protection against the infection of the urethra.
  5. Possible constipation, the abnormal work of the intestine in the postpartum period can be explained by the psychological factor - the fear of painful sensations, the unusual situation, too much concentration of attention on this process. Physiologically problems with a chair after delivery are explained by the temporary weakening of the abdominal muscles.
  6. Strong sweating for 1-2 weeks, which is a completely natural process of output of excessive fluid from the body. In itself, this phenomenon contributes to restoration after pregnancy.
  7. Redness of the eyes - the phenomenon is temporary, it is explained by the breaks of small capillaries during severe swelling.
  8. Pauses of nipples and swelling of the breasts are experiencing almost all. But these phenomena pass, as soon as regular feeding of the child is being established.
  9. On the third or fourth day is possible temperate temperature lifting. This is due to the tide of milk in the chest. However, the rise in temperature should be short-term. If the temperature is not normalized within 4 hours, you should consult with your doctor.

How to recover quickly after childbirth

Pregnancy, restoration after childbirth, newborn, postpartum period, childbirth

There are several simple and affordable tools that contribute to the fastest recovery after delivery.

  1. How can you start moving. Make small walks along the corridor. If it is not able to do this, start with simple exercises that you can perform lying in bed.
  2. Try to drink more liquid. Juices and clean water are especially useful. It will help to restore the intestinal work faster, which means, Improve the metabolism.
  3. Observe the diet. The most useful for you - raisins and dried fruits, buns with bran, apples, boiled meat and fish, fresh cottage cheese. But from chocolate and coffee it is better to refuse, at least temporarily.
  4. As soon as possible, start feeding a child. It is desirable that the first applying to the chest occurred in the first 24 hours after delivery. And the sooner, the better.
  5. After childbirth, it is important a lot and sleep well. How it does not paradoxically sound, but it is so. Sleep when sleeping baby. Returning from the maternity hospital, do not grab immediately for household goods. Rest, deliver small pleasures. Usually, children are quiet at first. Most of all in the world they need Mamino Milk, gentle touch and good long sleep. Take advantage of this period to restore strength and health, dear moms.

In what cases need to consult a doctor

Sometimes postpartum complications can occur. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself in the first 6 weeks after delivery. MyMedinform.COM gives some symptoms when the compulsory appeal to the doctor.

  1. Abundant blood discharge, when 2-3 gaskets are impregnated in blood for 1-1.5 hours. Or highlighting with an unpleasant smell (the smell should be like during menstruation). This situation requires urgent medical care. Waiting for arrival «Ambulance» Or during transportation to the hospital, try to lie.
  2. Pain feeling at the bottom of the abdomen, the tumor of this part of the body, which persists a few days after delivery.
  3. Acute pain in the chest, pain in Ires, hip, pain and tumor when flexing the knee, pain and redness of other parts of the body - all this can be a sign of thrombus in Vienna. Immediately contact medical care.
  4. Seal, hardened in the chest, sometimes accompanied by the rise in temperature, signals the border of the milk ducts. Need to begin treatment.
  5. Sow, remaining after Cesarean section.
  6. No stool for 1-2 weeks after childbirth.
  7. Too frequent urge to urination, burning in this process, dark urine color. Drink more fluid and be sure to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to mention the emergence of an emotional connection with a newborn baby. Strong maternal feeling, like paternal, does not always occur immediately with the type of child. Do not worry about this, and even more so to blame. Give your opportunity to get used to each other. Let your mutual love and affection will definitely slowly in vivo.

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