Condylomes: Pointed Danger


  • How can I get infected with papillomatosis?
  • How infection is manifested?
  • It all depends on immunity

    Condylomes: Pointed DangerHow can I get infected with papillomatosis?

    Pointed Condylomes or Warts are caused by human papilloma virus. To date, more than 60 varieties of this virus are known. The appearance of Kondil - the symptom of infection by papillomorovirus infection of the genital organs. The causative agent of this disease is transmitted by contact path, t.E. with close physical contact, which, as a rule, takes place when sexual interchange.
    It is unlikely, but the possibility of transmission of a virus through blood is completely excluded, through objects and clothing (household) and in breastfeeding. However, the main way to transfer the papillomatosis virus is still sexual path.

    The incubation period for the human papillomatosis virus is usually 2-3 months, but under certain circumstances, this time can be reduced or stretched up to a year. After the incubation period on the patient's genital organs, expansion appear, resembling an appearance of cauliflower.

    How infection is manifested?

    Finding into the human body, papilelomirus is fixed on the cells of the epithelium of the genitals, crotch or rear passage area. It is then embedded in the cell of the epithelium and embedded in its DNA, forcing the cell to function differently. The affected cage begins to actively grow and share with the formation of protein keratin, as a result of which the growth characteristic appears for a disease.

    The size of one condyloma rarely exceeds several millimeters, but the quantity of them can be varied from a single condyloma to tens and hundreds. There are often cases when pointed condylomas completely covered the genitals, crotch and anus area. It is these places that are the most typical localization of the Condyl. In men, single education should, as a rule, should be sought on the extreme flesh or in the area of ​​the Vernoy Grozde, in women - on small sexual lips.

    Condyloma themselves do not pass, and with random or intentional damage in their place there is a bleeding and poorly healing ulcer.

    It all depends on immunity

    Like any other viral disease, papillomatosis manifestations are dough related to the state of the patient's immune system. The higher the immune status of a person, the longer the incubation period will last and the minority will be the manifestations of the disease.

    The patient or carrier of a papilovirus infection of genitals is inclined to infection with all other diseases transmitting sexually by chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and t.D. Treatment of such patients significantly longer, severe and expensive.

    Sometimes the papillomatosis virus is found in the patient's blood randomly during a survey (for example, a woman during pregnancy) in the absence of external manifestations of the disease. In such cases, the immunologist is needed to correct the lifestyle, and, if necessary, treatment.

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