What you need to know about arthrosis


  • The concept of arthrosis
  • Causes of arthrosis
  • Basic symptoms of the disease
  • Methods of diagnosis of arthrisa
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment of arthrosis
  • Treatment of arthrosis chondropotors
  • Introduction of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors during arthrosis
  • Application of artificial lubrication of joints
  • Metabolic therapy in the treatment of arthrosis

  • The concept of arthrosis

    Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, very widespread in the world. More correct name of arthrosis - osteoarthritis. Primary arthrosis occurs on a previously healthy joint, and its cause is damage to the joint, for example, severe physical work. With secondary arthrosis (synotte), the joint, subject to arthrosis, was deformed before the disease - for example, as a result of injury.

    Violation of metabolism in the joint leads to a loss of elasticity cartilage. The partial or complete loss of proteoglycans from cartilage contributes to the greatest way (due to deep cracks in cartilage). There is another reason for the disappearance of proteoglycans - this is a violation of their production by cartilage cells of the joint.

    The most common diseases of the arthrosis of the joints of the lower half of the body (hip, knee, first plusneflang). In the hands of the disease, arthrosis is most often exposed to the FALNG FALNG. Arthrosis usually occurs first on one joint, and then on the second - symmetrical first.

    Arthrosis of 1 degree is the first stage of the disease. Also divided into arthrosis 2 and 3 degrees.

    Causes of arthrosis

    Physical hard work contributes to the appearance of arthrosis. The time of the disease in arthrosis is approaching if the movements during operation are repeated. For example, one of «Professional» Diseases of football players - arthrosis of the knee joint. Full people are also stronger than arthrosis.

    Arthrosis develops in the event that two contacting surfaces of the joints are poorly docked - after all, the pressure on cartilage in this case turns out to be uneven. Arthrosis of this type develops most often in people patients with scoliosis or flatfoot. Causes of arthrosis:

    • Grass Sustav
    • Inflammation of Sustav
    • Violations of metabolism and thyroid gland

    Basic symptoms of the disease

    What you need to know about arthrosisThe most basic symptom of arthrosis is a crunch in the joints and not very strong pain after physical work. Pain in arthrosis arise in severe physical work, injury, infections, t.N. «Starting pain». Such pains occur at the beginning, for example, working day, then eliminate. But with the increase in the load on the joint resumed. There are permanent pain in arthrosis that will manifest themselves with each change in the court position. Cause of such pains in arthrosis - tensile joint during movement.

    If there are problems with blood circulation in the joint, there may be continuous night pains that will disappear when driving.

    If knee pain arise - then this is one of the symptoms of the arthrosis of the hip joint. Such a mismatch of the place of painful sensations of the source of arthrosis is due to the transfer of pain on nerve fibers. In arthrosis, the knee treatment may differ from the treatment of other joints.

    Acute pain in unexpected situations is a sign of availability «articular mouse» - Quite a large fragment of the joint or bone. During further movement «mouse» may disappear, and pain - stop.

    If arthrosis is in the deployed stage, its usual symptoms are pain when walking or standing, and this pain becomes more and more in the evening.

    Pain - not the only symptom of arthrosis. Namely, at its early stages there is a small crunch when changing the position of the joint. Later, this crunch thoroughly, fast fatigue appears when driving, as well as the difficulties of the joint movement during the transition from the rest of the rest to the movement (for example, when waking).

    Arthrosis in his late stage most often manifests itself in limiting the mobility of the sore joint, at the same time, the full inability to change the position of the joint does not occur.

    Methods of diagnosis of arthrisa

    The first method of diagnostics of arthrosis - X-ray. Three radiological stages of arthrosis are isolated. At the first stage, there is a limitation of the movement of the joint to a slight extent, and at the third - pronounced deformation of the artist affected by arthrosis.

    Another popular method of diagnosing arthrosis is a blood test, in the event of a disease with reactive synovitis ESO increases up to 25 mm / h.

    There is also another method for diagnosing arthrosis - analysis of synovial fluid. Deviation from the norm - the reactive synotic provokes a decrease in the number of neutrophils to such a level that they are becoming no more than 50%.

    And finally, the last method of diagnosing arthrosis is a histological study of synovia. With arthrosis, the proliferation of cover cells is absent, fibrous fat rebirth is observed. Atrophic patches appear, the number of vessels is reduced.

    Physiotherapeutic treatment of arthrosis

    This method of arthrosis therapy is one of the fundamental methods in the treatment of arthrosis. It has a positive effect on the metabolism of cartilage, prevents or reduces the pace of destructive activities of arthrosis. It also has a beneficial effect on the circulation of various substances in the bones, a synovial shell, near-hand fabrics. In addition to all this, physiotherapeutic treatment of arthrosis prevents painful sensations and synotes.

    Microwave therapy Arthriza

    The wavelength at different stages of arthrosis practically does not change, it varies depending on the equipment available and special instructions of the doctor from several centimeters to several decimeters. Moreover, the last waves are more often used in the treatment of arthrosis, since their penetration into the fabric affected by arthrosis is deeper than in centimeter waves, respectively, and the beneficial effects of decimeter waves on the patient with arthrosis higher than that of centimeter waves. Even if arthrosis accompanies ischemic heart disease, microwave therapy will not cause side effects.

    Ultrasonic therapy Arthriza

    This type of treatment of arthrosis applies only in cases where there is no synovit, there are pain in the area affected by arthrosis, and also present proliferative changes in the surrounding tissues. Contraindications for ultrasound treatment of arthrosis are atherosclerosis, climax, fibromy, mastopathy.

    Electrophoresis in the treatment of arthrosis

    Electrophoresis of such painkillers, as analgin and novocaine, ensures the elimination of pain arising from arthrosis. If electrophoresis apply to sulfur, magnesium, zinc, then this method can be called full-fledged treatment of arthrosis, since these substances will accelerate the metabolic processes in the affected joints. Also produced electrophoresis of dimexide - this procedure reduces pain in the patient with arthrosis and eliminates the inflammation of the joint. Electrophoresis is used mainly to the elderly, patients with arthrosis, with pronounced painful arthrosis syndrome. However, the patient should not be secondary synovitis.

    Applique of coolants in the treatment of arthrosis

    This method of treatment of arthrosis is quite popular all over the world. Coolants contribute to the temperature in the patient with arthrosis joint and cartilage, the expansion of capillaries, increased hemodynamics, increases metabolism, tissue metabolism, degrade proliferative processes, is stimulated naturally recovering cartilage patient with arthrosis. This method of treatment of arthrosis should not be applied if arthrosis is already in the third stage, if there is synits, ischemia, hypertensive disease, varicose veins. Most often, the coolants are peat or illuminated dirt (from 38 to 400 degrees Celsius), ozokerite (from 50 to 550 degrees Celsius) or paraffin. To cure a patient with arthrosis of the joint usually 10-15 procedures.

    Local barotherapy in the treatment of arthrosis

    In arthrosis, the local blood circulation is most often disturbed, since patients with arthrosis in the area of ​​affected joint are reduced, insufficient number of capillaries.

    Local barotherapy creates a reduced pressure in the area near the patient with arthrosis, which helps to improve blood flow in this area, eliminates blood stagnation, reveals unscrewed capillaries and t.D. This type of treatment of arthrosis is used if various drug treatment methods of arthrosis do not help. Contraindications are the same as in previous methods of treatment of arthrosis - various diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the presence of synovit.

    Treatment of arthrosis chondropotors

    Chondroprotectors with arthrosis are special medicines that improve the metabolism in the affected joint, and therefore prevent or slow down its destruction. In most drugs from the arthrosis of this kind, biologically active cartilage substances are contained.

    Introduction of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors during arthrosis

    This method is used in pronounced pain and with reactive synovitis. Most often, inhibitors are entered during the arthrosis of the knee joint. The most popular drugs from the arthrisa of this type are Trasilol (counterbalance) and the city. These drugs inhibit trypsin, chymotrypsin, cathepsins and other proteases. Trasilol or the city is introduced inside the joint, dosage - 25,000. Arrometry treatment time - from 2 to 5 injections of these drugs from arthrosis, intervals between injections - 2-3 days. Before the introduction of the drug to the body, it is necessary to produce intramuscular administration of DIMEDROLA, and the medicine itself from arthrosis must be mixed from 0.002 g of hydrocortiches - it will eliminate sharp pain from the arthrosis.

    Application of artificial lubrication of joints

    This method of treatment of arthrosis improves the correspondence of two joints to each other and reduces the deformation and destruction of cartilage. As an artificial lubricant, polyvinylpyrolidon or its 6% solution (hemodez).

    These drugs from arthrosis are entered only in large joints. Injection should be produced once a week, dosage - 5 ml of 15% solution of polyvinylpyrolidone in a mixture with 25 ml of hydrocortisone - to eliminate pain from arthrosis. The rate usually consists of 4-6 injections, although this number can be changed at the discretion of the doctor. If the joint is sick with arthrosis, then the amount of polyvinylpyrolidone administered is reduced from one and a half to two times. This type of treatment of arthrosis is effective at any stage of reactive synovitis.

    Metabolic therapy in the treatment of arthrosis

    This type of treatment of arthrosis is aimed at accelerating the metabolic process in the affected joint.

    There are two of the most important for metabolic therapy of arthrosis substances:

    • Phosphaden. This drug is part of ATP, a coenzyme, has a pronounced anti-aggregate effect
    • Potassium orotat, orothic acid - the substance on which pyrimidine nucleotides are based, it itself and its salts produce an anabolic effect on the sick arthrosis

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