Who is dangerous fibrusing alveolit


Who is dangerous fibrusing alveolitFiber viewing Alveolitis is a pathological process in lungs. It is characterized by inflammation and progressive fibrosis of lightweight fabric.
In this disease develops breathing failure.
Risk factors include:
  • tobacco smoke;
  • Metal dust;
  • silicate dust;
  • Wood dust;
  • asbestos;
  • Viruses.
The main manifestation of the fibrosising alveolitis is the expansion and inflammatory changes in the bronchi, mainly in the lower segments of the lungs.

What symptoms recognize the fibrusing alveolo

Clinical manifestations reflect increasing respiratory failure. Comfers for shortness of breath, dry cough. Chills and cough with sputum appear in complications.

The following symptoms are also observed in the fibrosing alveolitis:
  • fatigue, general malaise, chest pain
    Character, amplifying with deep breath, later - loss of mass
  • Sustainable irreversible expansions of bronchi;
  • Chronic infections;
  • separation of purulent sputum;
  • 40% of patients increase the body temperature;
  • In progression, tachipne arise, tachycardia, cyanosis, deformation of the fingers of hands «Drum chopsticks» (with a long-term course of the disease);
  • When inhaling the sound is heard by type «Cod Codelofan», In the later stages - a sound that resembles the friction of cork tubes;
  • Muslim develops failure.

Some statistics

The disease is more often observed in people aged 50 and older.
In the US, prevalence - 20 cases per 100,000 men and 13 - per 100,000 women; The incidence is 11 per 100,000 men and 7 - per 100,000 women.
In the UK, prevalence - 6 cases per 100,000 population.
There are no accurate statistical data in Russia.

What else needs to be aware of the fibrosis alveolitis

The main group of patients constitutes the faces of the elderly, so it is necessary to take into account the high probability of the concomitant pathology of cardiovascular diseases.

During pregnancy, the feasibility and risk of having a child depends on the degree of respiratory failure and therapy.
In complications, antibacterial therapy and transbronchial rehabilitation are needed.
With pneumosclerosis, «Cell Lekhk», severe respiratory failure Need treatment of the main state in combination with symptomatic therapy.
Observation at the pulmonologist - no less than 1 time in 3 months.

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