

  • What is flux
  • Treatment of flux
  • What can I do
  • After treatment

  • We often have to hear the phrase «Everything needs to be done
    in time!». And to visit the dentist this applies first.
    Sick tooth can not be cured by rinsing soda, using analgin
    and wonderful paste for self-discovery of teeth. Also ineffective
    And the various dental drops, heels, and so on. Sooner or later
    you «tumper». Believe me, it's better not to bring.

    Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area are most often
    Complications of caries. Depending on the severity
    They are located in the following order: periostitis, abscess, phlegmon.

    What is flux

    «flux» - German origin, he means «Flow, flow». Now
    You will not hear him from any dentist professional: flux times
    and forever renamed odontogenic periostitis. This is the most common «reward» patient patients who have avoided the dentist for a long time.

    Most often, the perity is becoming affected Caries
    tooth. However, it is possible that the whole thing in mechanical injury (injury)
    or inflammation of the gum pocket - the space between the tooth and the gums.
    In any case, an infection is involved in the emergence of a flux, which
    and provokes the development of a purulent process.

    As mentioned above,
    Most often, the cause of odontogenic periostite lies in the sick tooth.
    From the top of the tooth Pumplings, it makes itself a canal in bone tissue, striving
    break out, and breaks through the bone, stopping under
    Anniversary of the upper or lower jaw (in Latin - Periostum). Exactly
    Hence the name of the periostitis.

    O Periodontitis They say when:

    • Toothpache is constant,
    • The pain is enhanced when pressed to the tooth, chewing or when trying to knock on the teeth by any object (fork, for example),
    • Tooth is very destroyed,
    • Previously, this tooth was treated for the pulpit.

    The symptoms listed above are accompanied by edema of the fabrics surrounding
    tooth, swelling the cheek on the side of the sick tooth - this is already periostitis. Especially severe cases of periostitis may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

    Treatment of flux

    If such a trouble happened to you, urgently run to Dentist doctor.
    The treatment of periostitis looks like this: under the anesthesia make a cut in the cavity
    mouth, releasing pussy. A rubber strip is inserted into the incision - drainage.
    After that, antibacterial is prescribed to the patient
    and anti-inflammatory funds.

    What can I do

    • In no case do not make warming compresses, this procedure contributes to the dissemination of the process.
    • Not
      Make yourself no dressings. Repeatedly concentrated in various
      Figures and cartoons «disease» with a tied cheek scarf - very
      bad example. The bandage is not a healing agent.
    • Do not drink
      antibiotics without consulting pre-with a doctor. Antibiotics
      drink according to a specific scheme, otherwise they are absolutely
      ineffective. Microbes are adapted to the medicine, and the antibiotic becomes
      Useless in the future, in the way you lose the liver and kidney.
    • Do not take painkillers less than 3 hours before a visit to the doctor. Otherwise you make it difficult to formulate a diagnosis.
    • If
      You made a cut, do not drink aspirin. Aspirin can call
      bleeding. Especially as an anesthetic in this case, it is absolutely
    • If, despite the incision, within 12 hours you did not make it easier, contact your doctor again.
    • Do not assign yourself medicines and do not cancel them in your understanding.
    • Do not listen to the opinion of your acquaintances, even if they (in their stories) had the same problem.

    After treatment

    It is worth expecting the instant disappearance of edema and infiltrate, edema can
    Even a little to increase. However, for 3 days you must sharply go
    Amend. Infiltrate - Soft Tissue Sealing Plot in Zone
    lesions - can persist for quite a long time.

    a few hours after opening an abscess or periostitis, driving
    The pain in the field of the hearth must subscribe, and the temperature to start decline.
    On the cut line can be small unpleasant sensations, but strong
    pain should not.

    Rubber is usually inserted into the section
    Strip - drainage that will not allow the wound to close before
    of time. Do not pull it, let you feed or try to correct. If
    Drainage fell - quickly consult a doctor.

    If something went wrong, it is written here, consult with your doctor.

    I would like to especially
    emphasize that the commodities of the doctors are that they «Brought out
    infection» when the tooth was removed, do not have the slightest
    rational soil. Enough to remember how many bacteria of various
    species in the norm inhabit the oral cavity of a person to understand all
    The absurdity of such applications. Yes maybe after treatment or removal
    the tooth you have developed an aggravation, but, as a rule, it happens,
    Despite the removal or treatment of the tooth.

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