Capricious skin


  • Who has a capricious leather?
  • How to deal with it?
  • Some tips in the distance…

  • Capricious skin

    Who has a capricious leather?

    Most often, this problem overtakes adolescents who, in connection with sex ripening, hormone metabolism is broken. Cells of the sebaceous glands begin to share and produce too much skin saline.

    The consequences of this process are well known: through the expanded ducts deep into the skin easily penetrate the microbes that contribute to inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands. In the future, the angry rash is developing, which delivers a mass of chagrins, and the mirror becomes the enemy number one.

    However, not only adolescents suffer from this problem, but those who have already been thirty. Especially doubts this disease to women. After all, the hormonal imbalance of the fair sex representatives is much more common than in men.

    Various gynecological and endocrine diseases can be the culprits for the appearance of acne, defects in the work of adrenal and liver, as well as hereditary enzymesopathy. Sometimes skin problems arise due to the reception of some medicinal and vitamin preparations, and even due to the use of unsuitable cosmetics.

    How to deal with it?

    To begin with, remember: To get rid of the problem of acne, you need to eliminate not the rash itself, but the reason for its appearance. However understand this problem «On the eye» Even an experienced specialist will not be able, and an additional examination will be required: checking the hormonal profile, biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and a small pelvis. Only after that a dermatologist will offer treatment individually for you.

    Often women to normalize the hormonal background and the work of the sebaceous glands are prescribed drugs with antidrogenic effects. Help to cope with microbes and antibiotics that the doctor selects depending on the type of bacteria that caused skin problems.

    When identifying more serious diseases (liver, endocrine and brain violations), treatment will need to be carried out with the help of appropriate specialists: a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist or a neuropathologist.

    Some tips in the distance…

    So, suppose that the reason for the appearance of your acne has already been found, and the specialist appointed you the necessary and timely treatment. Nevertheless, getting rid of cosmetic problems of rash on the skin in a couple of days still will not succeed. How to be here? After all, look «For all one hundred» I want today!

    For patients with acne, modern dermatology offers and outdoor treatment: with an electric current (diathermocoagulation) or laser, rash elements are removed, special anti-inflammatory lotions, antibacterial ointments, and physiotics are used – Cryoissages, mud masks, ultraviolet irradiation and ozone therapy.

    Additionally, during treatment, experts recommend to adhere to a dairy diet, which reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands (it is very important to exclude citrus, nuts, caffeine drinks, chocolate, alcohol, some seafood, and all fat, fried and smoked). And remember – skin health and organism – in your own hands. It is only necessary to correctly and promptly eliminate the foci of diseases.

    And the last advice for those who are struggling with the problem of rash – squeezing acne and resorting to similar «Cardinal» Measures. Remember: at best, such self-treatment will not give the expected result, at worst – Strengthen the inflammatory process. After all, angry rash – not just a cosmetic defect, but a serious illness, and amateur in the fight against it is unacceptable.

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