Treatment of demodicosis


  • What is demodecosis
  • How demodicosis is treated

  • What is demodecosis

    Demodecosis - common pathology in humans and
    Animals caused by ticks of the genus Demodex. Currently out of 65 species
    and several subspecies of demodex in humans are found only two:
    Demodex Follikulorum and Demodex Breis. Each view and subspecies of demodex
    strictly specific for its owner.

    affecting animals makes it takes appropriate measures in
    agriculture, since the defeat not only the skin is connected with it and
    Skins, but also internal organs of animals.

    Treatment of demodicosis
    Zheleneck (Demodex Follikulorum) meets most often,
    It is found only in a person in hair follicles, sebaceous
    glands, out of the owner his reproduction stops. Mite
    viable and outside the owner with constant humidity and room
    Temperature in the dark up to 9 days. Optimal temperature for development
    Tick ​​- 30-40°C, at a temperature of 14°With ticks are in a state
    Catching, and at 52°With quickly dying. In the water insects are saved to
    25 days, in dry air die after 1.5 days. The most favorable
    Nutrient medium for demodex - vegetable oil, fat, vaseline.

    They have dimensions of 0.3-0.4 mm. In the cavity of the hair follicle females
    lay eggs, from which after 60 hours the larva hatred, which
    still and constantly feeds. After 40 hours, the larva turns into
    Nymph 1, which is also larger and remains in the follicle. After 72ch.
    There is a conversion in nimph 2, movable, moving by skin
    Call, and after 60 hours - transformation into an adult. Adult Path
    re-enters the follicle and after laying eggs die. Vital
    The cycle of the tick is about 15 days.

    The owner's body has any pathological processes:
    Neuroendocrine, gastrointestinal, mental, immune and
    The presence of chronic infection foci occurs the body sensitization
    To the bow. In this situation, Demodex is a chemical,
    Mechanical stimulus promoting development and maintenance
    pathological process. In addition, symbiosis is disturbed with
    Corinbacteria and a conditioned pathogenic flora, which is also
    launcher for the development of the disease. Perhaps also
    Asymptomatic tick carriage in the absence of leather pathology. At
    89% of the carriage of the parasite were discovered in the mass examination
    regardless of skin pathology. The greatest activity of demodex on the skin
    man is observed in the spring-autumn period, which is associated with elevated
    insolation, changing the environment of the environment, immune and
    Endocrine changes. Most often, the tick is found in the area
    nose-lump fold, cheeks, nose, chin, rare enough - in
    Neck area and very rare - in the field of back and chest.

    Manifestation of demodicosis is diverse. Exist skin and eye
    Manifestations of the disease. It is necessary to distinguish directly demodecosis
    and diseases, the flow of which exacerbates the presence of ticks.

    How demodicosis is treated

    Therapy selection is a clinical picture of the disease, the presence of
    forms of ticks, their number. It is also necessary to take into account the concomitant
    Patient pathology. For exposure directly on demodex ticks
    Applied acaricidal agents to which derivatives
    nitroimidazole group. The most efficient means is
    Trichopol used from 4 to 6 weeks. Also used
    Ornidazole cycles from 8 to 10 days. Noted not only
    antiparasitic effect of the drug, but also bacteriostatic,
    Incoming neutrophil activity, stimulating adrenergic
    Structures, strengthening reparative processes. Perhaps application
    Preparations of sulfur, angioprotectors, antiserotonin and antihistamine
    Tools (Loratadina, Ebastina, Terfenadin and DR.), chlorohina, enzymes
    Gastrointestinal tract, Isotretinina, Retinol Palmptat,
    Calcium derivatives, sedatives, immunomodulators,
    biologically active substances and other.

    Therapy includes vesseloring (aqueous adrenaline-resorcin
    Solution and other.), Mazi, containing antibiotics, Mupirocin (baccake),
    Erythromycinic, Fusidinovaya, Tetracyclined Ointment, Antihistamines
    Means, steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
    (indomethacinic, butadion, orthophenous ointments, etc.), drugs,
    containing sulfur, naphthalan, metronidazole, 20% benzylbenzoate solution,
    Vitamin A derivatives (Retinino Ointment, Retin A, Ayrol,
    Benzoyl peroxide (Oxy-5, Oxy-10) and others. For therapy of near-therapy
    The areas are used alcoholoic mixtures, 3-5% trichopol cream,
    Sulfapyridazin sodium and others.

    Preparation of sprugal containing a solution of ESDEPALETRINA and PEPERONIL
    Butoxida. During demodecosis and pink eels, sprigal rubbed into the affected
    Skin areas with a tampon 1-3 times a day. Clinical improvement
    and recovery can be achieved in 70-87% of cases. Sprugal good
    transferred and does not cause serious side effects.

    The disease is to comply with the general general rules in everyday life and
    in public places. Need proper and adequate skin care,
    Full food, compliance with recreation. With insignificant
    Changes in the skin of the skin of the face and the periorubital region
    need timely appeal to a dermatologist.

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