Warts are benign neoplasms on the skin and do not constitute a serious danger. But despite this, they seek to get rid of them. Why do you need to do? What methods to choose?

The way faced with the truth and myths about wartings. Many still consider,
that the sole warts can be infected if you step on the frog; what
Ordinary warts can cause skin cancer. Though
Warts — These are benign newEducation
on the skin and not beforeput a serious danger, they seek
get rid of. Why should it be done and what methods to choose, the dermatovenerologist will explain
Pilyavskaya Svetlana Olegovna.
How they appear?
First of all, it should be understood
The emergence of ordinary (vulgar) warts on the body. And it is one
from the types of human papilloma virus. The viral nature of warts means that
Regardless of their localization — on the hands, fingers, foot or even face
— Their appearance causes contact with an infected surface. Options maybe
be many — from banal handshake and use of someone else's towel to
Hanging in public transport or a common shower in the pool.
Another equally important consequence of infectious
Wart spread is that already appeared on the skin
Bearding maybe «help» Spreading the virus for adjacent fabrics. This
The process is called autoinoculation. In practice, he leads to the emergence
new warts where «root» infection. This process contributes
stressful states and reduced immunity, but it's not just in them.
Incubation period — from infection to the appearance of characteristic skin seals
— ranges from two to five months, so the source to determine
infection is impossible.
Some factors can additionally contribute
Increase the number and area of warts. When locating on the feet of its influence
can we wear close and poorly ventilated shoes. These causes can
lead to the fact that the wart will change its color, will increase or will
Remove — but how?
It is the constant risk of autoculations and changes
the qualities of such neoplasms is the main argument in favor of
You can quickly remove warts. And good news is that,
that today medicine has a whole arsenal of effective means to combat
with them enough just to choose one.
The most versatile is the method of cryodestruction,
or removal with low temperature. In cosmetic cabinets for this
Objectives use liquid nitrogen, and the procedure itself is quite simple and what is important,
Almost painless. It is due to its simplicity cryodestruction is not
It has long been available at home. Instead of liquid nitrogen here
Used tool Krofarma®,
which allows to achieve temperature in −57°WITH. This is quite enough for
Removal of the wart of the medium size, and detailed instructions
and the holder will ensure the accuracy of applying. In addition to them, the kit includes 12
disposable applicators, so one balloon is enough for several
Complex cases
More expensive removal options involve visiting
Doctor dermatologist. Necessarily to their services need to resort if
You noticed a wart modification over time. In this case, only
The doctor will be able to determine what therapy is better to appoint.
If the wart is stable and does not cause painful
sensations, but at the same time it is characterized by a large size, it will be better to cope with it
Surgical excision — Predesome enough, but effective procedure. At
The arrangement of warts on the face recommended electrocoagulation and laser
Removal. As they require complex equipment and special training
cosmetologist, these methods may be not cheap.
All listed ways, with the exception of surgical
interventions, most often do not leave tracks on the skin, so you can not
worry for her smoothness after the removal of the wart. Ultimately, it is not
Only therapeutic, but also aesthetic procedure!
If you have questions, please leave them in the comments. Our
Expert Pilyavskaya Svetlana Olegovna will be happy to answer them within
Online consultation!