The main directions of the prevention of caries of teeth


  • Basics of prevention of caries
  • Balanced nutrition in disease prevention

  • Basics of prevention of caries

    The main directions of the prevention of caries of teethCaries today occupies a leading position among teeth diseases. Despite the abundance of all sorts of information about this disease, people continue to be very frivolous to his manifestations, visiting the dentist only when an unbearable dental pain occurs or a tooth begins to collapse. Experts believe that the prevention of caries is one of the most reliable and effective ways to prevent diseases of the gums, teeth and other organs.

    Caries arises under the influence of many predisposing factors, lifestyle features, unfavorable environment, hereditary predisposition, food addiction, stress and bad habits, and much more. These items can be attributed to the main causal factors that lead to the development of many diseases. However, it is difficult to deny that addiction to the use of food and beverages containing easily durable carbohydrates, in particular sweets, provokes the development of caries.

    The features of the composition of water in a certain locality can also cause dental defeat. Vitamin and mineral imbalance, border metering temperatures, poor-quality oral hygiene, the presence of a dental plaque and a tooth stone lead to a disruption of the integrity of the enamel of the teeth, in which microorganisms penetrate the development of caries. Effective prevention of caries, according to dentists and doctors of other specialties, significantly affects the overall health of the population.

    Prevention of caries should be started long before the child's appearance. Compliance with the future mother of a special diet, timely rehabilitation of chronic infection foci - one of the most first preventive measures. In addition, the understanding of the large role of inability to carbohydrates in the development of caries should lead to a conscious entry of these substances in the child's body. But everyone knows that kids simply adore sweets, and numerous relatives are in a hurry to please the guys. Young mother must necessarily consult with a doctor regarding the diet of the baby and try to abide by him strictly.

    Balanced nutrition in disease prevention

    Balanced nutrition - the key to the health of the teeth and the entire human body at any age. Parents must learn themselves, and teach their child to the right oily cavity hygiene. It is not necessary to neglect the recommendations regarding the time of cleaning the teeth, the multiplicity of cleansing movements, the prevention of caries is also.

    It is later recommended that a periodic visit to the hygienist is recommended to carry out the procedure of professional cleaning of teeth, which will make the most effectively remove the dental flare and dentities. The preventive visit to the dentist allows you to identify caries in the earliest stages of its development. Caries must be treated, even if it appeared on milk teeth. An important role in the prevention of caries is played by a fluorinelement Fluoride, which is contained in food products, water, toothpaste. Its reasonable content in the body has an impact on the strength of dental enamel, reducing the risk of caries.

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