Pain at the bottom of the abdomen and diseases of the digestive organs


Pains at the bottom of the belly can be the most different in character and intensity, to localize the left, to the right of the navel or spread to the entire bottom of the abdomen. Often, the causes of pain become diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen and diseases of the digestive organs

In case of enteritis, the pain is usually localized around the navel, accompanied by a nausea, liquid chair, there is a bloating, increased gas formation.

With acute appendicitis, the pain appears in the epigastrium, above the navel, and then shifts to the right and down, into the right iliac yam. It is enhanced if you put a patient on the left side. The increase in pain and the spread of it on the entire abdominal wall with an increase in temperature is a formidable symptom of peritonitis. In no case should the analgesics and antispasmodics should be taken, it is necessary to urgently apply for medical care.

Acute cholecystitis can also cause pain at the bottom of the abdomen, while the most painful is the area under the right edge arc. With acute pancreatitis, the pain sling is distributed to the left side of the abdomen. Stomach will be uniformly, soft. The appearance of pain is usually due to the admission of oily, acute food, alcohol.

Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by sharp pains as a result of violation of the height of the intestinal wall. Urgent examination and solving the issue of surgical intervention. The same applies to cases of infringement of groin hernia. Acute pain, «Cheeky» belly, weakness, pallor, drop in blood pressure — Symptoms of intraperous bleeding.

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen associated with other reasons

Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis) often manifest abdominal pain. If problems are associated with the right kidney, the picture is similar to acute appendicitis, which leads to diagnostic difficulties. Pain with renal colic applies to the crotch area and lower back. Clear the situation helps urine analysis and instrumental research.

Cystitis is characterized by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, frequent urination with small portions, accompanied by burning.

When prostate, pain moves to the area of ​​the rear pass and the cresses.

Basedova disease (diffuse toxic goiter) leads to an increase in intestinal motility, which is accompanied by frequent pains at the bottom of the abdomen and diarrhea.

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen and gynecological diseases

The most often pain at the bottom of the abdomen is worried about women before starting and during menstruation (Algodismenorrhea). These are pulling pains, breathtaking lower, sacrum area, crotch. Pain in the iliac region in the middle of the cycle can be associated with ovulation — Rule of the follicle of the ovary and the outlet of the egg. Such states are not serious pathology.

If the pain in the ovarian area continues more than a day, you can suspect adhesitis.
Unbearable pain at the bottom of the abdomen, pallor, dizziness, cargo bleeding from the vagina — Indicators of emergency surgical pathology, namely:

  • apoplexy of the ovary;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • rupture cysts of the ovary;
  • twist legs moma uterus.

Pains at the bottom of the abdomen arising after sexual intercourse, sign changes about possible endometriosis, adhesive process.

Pain at the bottom of the belly in pregnant women

In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, painful sensations at the bottom of the belly are allowed. They are physiological and associated with the perestroika of the uterus. In the third trimester, pain may occur normally due to the intestinal compression of an increased uterus with a fruit.
Sudden severe pains testify about obstetric pathology (Hypertonus of the uterus, pairing placenta) and require an urgent appeal to the doctor, in order to avoid spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

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