33 ways to defeat hangover


one. Orange Juice, Lemon...
2. Askofen or Quality Plus
3. Aspirin + but-shp + activated carbon
4. More vitamins
five. Vitamin B6
6. Air, sun and water
7. Spell
eight. Bay
nine. Cabbage with kefir
10. ะ–
eleven. Enema
12. Cocktail «Bloody eye»
13. Coffee + Lemon + Cognac
fourteen. «Bloody Mary in Generaliz»
fifteen. Lemon with ice
sixteen. Medical recipe
17. Mesome...
18. «Mirgorodskaya»
nineteen. Milk
twenty. Hangover sound
21. Graft
22. Enjoy Your Bath!
23. Observe the sequence
24. Thanks to doctors
25. Spirulina
26. «Strelletskaya Metla»
27. Super recipe for severe cases
28. Raw flakes
29. «Morning happiness»
thirty. Enzyme
31. Hash
32. Good little little
33. Shveves

33 ways to defeat hangoverone. Orange Juice, Lemon

I would like to tell 1 recipe that was transmitted from generation to generation. It is very simple and very effective:

200 g of natural orange juice
1 lemon with peel
100 g Mรถday.

All this is a mixer about 5 minutes. Optionally, you can throw 1 protein. Here, in general, and everything.

2. Askofen or Quality Plus

After a rapid fun, it is necessary for the night (or if you wake up at night) drink askofen tablet or campaign plus. Cheap, reliably, practical.

3. Aspirin + but-shp + activated carbon

6-8 Activated Coal Tablets
2 but-shop pills
1 Tablet Aspirin

You need to drink it all after drunking at night. In the morning «Boduna» usually does not happen. Activated coal adsorbs any dirtyness, but-shpa - helps liver, and aspirin dilutes blood - pressure decreases.

4. More vitamins

In the morning: 2 aspirin tablets + 3 l mineral water (stretch to lunch). For lunch - fruits or juices. You can not very calorie food.

five. B6

Vitamin B helps from the hangover and smell6 in ampoules. Two ampoules are poured into a half package of water and drink a volley.

6. Air, sun and water

33 ways to defeat hangoverBring yourself in a combat condition from not a particularly deep hangover can be a simple walk. Preferably without cigarettes. Before walking, take a couple of dragee Polyvitamins (Decamivit, Gends), drink a glass of natural juice or bravery. Then get closer to nature and breathe. It is necessary to breathe a skill. Do it better ever sitting. Inhale is made not in a chest, but belly. Not releasing the type of air, continue to breathe due to the expansion of the chest. Then continue a sigh, raising my shoulders. Then exhale, but already in reverse order. Approximate duration of one cycle - 15 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times. If the head was spinning when breathing, then it is necessary to interrupt for a few minutes. Similar breathing can be held in 2-3 times with a break for 10 minutes. Then it is desirable to drench with cold water. In Russia, this method of cleaning the lungs and the organism is not one century used priests. They knew in this business.

7. Spell

For the rank of bodice, I use the following ways:

1) half-liter of cold water, into which lemon juice squeezed perfectly helps people with reduced acidity
2) 1 l kefir + 1 l of water + salt + sugar. Drinking with the words «Bodun, come out!»

eight. Bay

Machine 25 g gelatin for 1 hour in warm boiled water. Divide 1 liter of jam or syrup, where the vitamins are more. Then heat the gelatin and slowly pour into the resulting syrup. Next taste: in the refrigerator or immediately drink. And vitamins sea and glycine have.

nine. Cabbage with kefir

If there was no sauerkraut at the table, after (or during) you can fill this gap of fresh, mixing it with kefir and helping it. Very useful and well sobering dish.

10. ะ–

1 more advice (only a man's half). When I happen a hangover, I use the principle of RAZ: to - coffee, in - bath, g - woman. It is advisable not to confuse the sequence. So, you get up in the morning from Boduna in the mouth of Kaka, the legs-hands are shaking, the head hurts. Collect the remnants of the will in the fist, go to the bath and turn on the water, determine the temperature on the wrist - twist the crane, while you can endure. While water is poured, boil coffee, preferably natural and stronger.

33 ways to defeat hangoverWhen coffee is ready, come with a circle and go to the hot bath. 5-6 minutes learn and relax, then take the coffee and drink slow sips, enjoying it with aroma. (It is important that at this moment, you alone already felt the taste for life.) After (it's a little easier to come together) you get up sharply, you only start to grow cold water and under the jet of water.

Well, with anatomy, it is finished, now the simplest thing is: gently wake up your girlfriend or wife and have sex with her. (It is sex, and not love so like love games in this state to imagine very difficult.) Preferably the last point of the recipe to repeat two times, and then - a strong healthy sleep.

eleven. Enema

If you know how and can you even make yourself a ball - do before bedtime. After all, severe alcoholic intoxication and hangover is poisoning. The better you clean the body from toxins and Syuvuhi - the easier it is to cope with what has already absorbed into the blood.

12. Cocktail «Bloody eye»

Known such a recipe for a counter-protein - cocktail «Bloody eye»: An yolk is placed in a glass of tomato juice (yolk with juice does not interfere, let them float) and then all this is a volley. I must say that the tool has never been tested due to the fact that all the juice was drunk in the evening... But if you woke up on a tomato field next to the smokeshief, you can try ๐Ÿ™‚

13. Coffee + Lemon + Cognac

The recipe is simple: A cup of hot coffee is taken (if anyone has a heart problem, it is better to replace tea), there is a slice of lemon and sugar to taste, a pair of spoons brandy is added and all this mixture is drunk hot. Warning for smokers: refrain from the cigarette after that at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise it is possible to reverse effect! Improving well-being occurs already in the process of drinking this mixture. True, I was found a strange side effect: after drinking this coffee-brandy mixture, for some reason, I strongly want to sleep, that sometimes it may be a sum of the opportunity (especially at work), but if you pass, then somewhere after half an hour drowsiness passes.

33 ways to defeat hangoverfourteen. «Bloody Mary in Generaliz»

Composition: tomato paste, water - 200 g, vodka - 50 g (do not confuse).

Cooking: Tomato paste to taste extruded into a glass of water and stirring, getting a red drink, similar to tomato juice, add vodka to a glass, mix and drink.

fifteen. Lemon with ice

In the morning, kill the hangover is quite nice in the following way:

1) Large cup stuff ice
2) throw a lump of lemon there
3) pour emptiness mineralka (Narzan, Yasnogorsk... Anyone - the main thing is not Borjomi).
4) look at all this is exactly a minute (by the hour) so that it self-elected.
5) then drink long.
6) go to p.one

sixteen. Medical recipe

Tested on yourself (during experiments, no animal suffered :-))) in the morning or, in morestally, after the event, it is used to use an increased dose of activated carbon tablets. Then after 10-15 minutes to drink how much the cucumber or sour-cabbage brine will fit, you can even eat cucumber. The procedure is desirable to carry out near the meeting room and the press. If you repeat the procedure several times, then it is not worried about not, but a completely different place. Then go to spend the rest of the participants of the feast. Hello with big bodunger!

17. Mesome...

I want to share a very interesting my supervision, but not only on my experience ๐Ÿ™‚ I warn that this recipe is just an observation that has not passed due check in sufficient quantity «Extensive» ๐Ÿ™‚ So... «If you happened to mix vodka with beer, which happens quite often, and moreover - vodka with wine and other options «Cocktails» Type «Kiss aunt clave, forcibly given», «Touching» or «Tears Komsomolki» (cm. Unforgettable Vecchka Erofeeva), then in this case it follows «aggravate» T.e interconnect everything that is on hand and in the store. If you're really «Nonzheli», then it will not be worse, but the resurrection from the dead maybe». This recipe found some scientific substantiation on behalf of Dr. Kochkina, but apply only purely voluntarily and addressed to those who honor the memory of Wednesses and follows his call - if you drink it, then investigate this process to fully in order not to turn the creative process in a banal drunk, for «....In the morning I am maliguous and weak, but in the evening - what are the abyss in me!!!».

18. «Mirgorodskaya»

With a very strong cock, it is better not to drink beer, but a cool mineral water. I prefer «Mirgorodsky». But everyone can choose. Nothing that after a while you will scare the toilet, but clean well, and appetite will appear.

33 ways to defeat hangovernineteen. Milk

After an abundant drunken without a seryl, you need to drink half-liter milk before bedtime, in the morning you will doubt that yesterday was drunk. Will be new, nothing hurts. Use.

33 ways to defeat hangovertwenty. Hangover sound

The corresponding order of tea drinking should simply be accompanied by chanting or ended. Ringing bells, say, treats. And Russian folk songs? The songs of our women, no worse than any amount of alcohol in the morning - can put on the feet of any. Moreover, Russian folk tunes are adding any company. Song in the morning is almost a massage. And the main thing: the consumption of alcohol ending with a chant, addressed by the sound of people's entrances, leads... What is there - in the morning easy!

21. «Graft»

I decided to share with you the way I saw me in some pre-New Year program. If you are planning a big feast (New Year, Birthday and T.D.) with a rapid inspired, it is not bad for 5-6 hours before the start of the feast of drinking 50-100 g of something strong (vodka, brandy, etc.) Thus the body gets «Grafs» and time to generate neutralizers to protect the brain. Checked by me repeatedly - acts! Become more persistent and do not suffer.

33 ways to defeat hangover22. Enjoy Your Bath!

The method is known. Bounce hops from the body a broom has long been a purely Russian tradition. But in no case you can not move - the steam room can strongly overvolt the cardiovascular system and is unknown, how it will affect the already exhausted organism. With the appearance of shortness of breath and cardiac rhythm of fun with a broom and steam, you must stop. Doctors even inclined to the advantage of the sauna in front of the Russian bath. Hot and dry air will remove the hangover relatively safer. But in all we need moderation. After a bath or sauna - Borjomi-tiled mineral water, hot strong tea with sugar or lemon. The only inconvenience of the paired hangover - after the bathhouse, not to the works of the righteous.

23. Observe the sequence

One elderly man advised - I checked and approve. Often on the same table stand and vodka, and brandy. And their action on the body is different! Path first vodka, and then polish the brandy - the consequences will be much less sad!

24. Thanks to doctors

Recipe from the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology MMM: a glass of strong, hot, strongly sweet tea + pill balallin + pill furosemide (Laziks).

25. Spirulina

There is such a thing - this is some microalga. Sale in pharmacies and looks like a greenish gray powder. Spirulina displays slags from the body and has another bunch of healing properties. It is said that if in the morning after a rapid booze, you use a third of a teaspoon and drink water - it is well neutralized by a hangover. I am not tested by me.

33 ways to defeat hangover26. «Strelletskaya Metla»

The best thing is that it was invented on the oral chimney or more precisely on the cleaning of our poor intestine after a gross drunk - it «Strelletskaya Metla»:

2 parts of acidic cabbage
1 part of chickened fresh cabbage
1 part of a grated carrot
Full cabinet of cucumber pickles

Stir and consume. After 15-20 minutes, you will safely sit on the toilet...

PS: Silvering toilet bowls were not...

27. Raw flakes

This thing is generally unique: it can be used and as a normal food. Raw Flakes (Oatmeal, Wheat and T.D., But necessarily category «Extra») Pour kefir or ionage at the rate of 1 st. Spoon of flakes per 100 g kefir. You can cheer up, sugar, who likes what. In the spring and summer you can add greens. At least a couple of hours.

28. Super recipe for severe cases

1) More sober pour into a vessel with a silver object, the filtered (resistant) water or prepare the key purchased water (it is impossible from under the tap).
2) in one of the night (morning) rods pour 2 glasses of harvested water.
3) In the first thoroughly dissolve 2-3 tablets of simple aspirin and add 1 / 3-1 / 2 h. Spoons of soda, shake.
4) in the second glass to pour 14-65 drops of Corvalol and 2-7 drops of mint tincture, shake.
5) Pour in the left hand 3-10 tablets of activated carbon and 2-5 but-shop tablets, then:
- lick, not swallowing, all pills
- score in the mouth of the water, wait until the coal takes off
- swallow and drink the first glass
- knock out, exhale.
6) wave the second glass, plug and binky.
7) Additionally, you can drink more 1-3 cups of warm mineral water, and gastriters - put the antacid tablet under the tongue.

If someone tells you, they say, activated.coal will reduce the activity of other drugs - boldly spit into his face. To dinner you are a full member of society and you can again elect and be selected.

29. «Morning happiness»

2 cups of coffee with lemon (large quantity), and the first - without sugar, the second - with sugar - 2 spoons. All this drinks in front of a half of the bottle of light savory beer. For every 60-70 kg of the weight of the victim.

thirty. Enzyme

Alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme responds for splitting alcohol. Who in the body there is a lot of him - he does not suffer from hangover or suffer less. The same, who is not lucky with the number of enzyme, is forced to try on himself methods of treatment from hangover... In different nations, the number of alcohol dehydrogenase varies - this is predetermined genetically. Russians, it is obviously a lot. And one of the reasons for drinking chuck, it is the lack of alcoholic dehydrogenase...

31. Hash

Very helping to make it feeling such a decent dish of Armenian cuisine, like hash. The recipe is simple enough, but requires long-term training. To prepare a hasha, you need to take a fair piece of cow's leg. Preferably with the fat brain moslos. Rinse it carefully and throw in a saucepan. Pour water and cook. Solit no need. Cook you need long and hard, at least six hours. After the brew will be ready, remove the mosic, to separate the meat, cut, bone (knocking out the brain) to give away to dogs (if any), and everything remains to be returned to the saucepan. Then get a bigger garlic, the cementing it, stir it tightly with salt and folded into a separate bowl. Hash pour and file on table. Nearby it is advisable to put more greens and thin fresh pellets like Lavash. But if there is no lava, bread will come down. Peppers and seasonings - to taste and needs.

33 ways to defeat hangoverSo having prepared, proceed to the cure procedure. A spoon must be kicked up a fairing portion of garlic with salt, mix it thoroughly with hash and start quickly. The body instantly covers an extraordinary heat, the soul asks outside, and hangover flies to the side. But you cheerfully continue to eat this glorious dish and be sure to feel extraordinary conclusion. To top it all, you can take a stack of vodka (if you do not need to sit behind the steering wheel in the next 12 hours).

Naturally, in order to cure a hangover in such a way, it is necessary to correct their plans in a timely manner. For example, if they decided to drink alcohol in the evening, then do not be lazy to immediately start cooking hash. In the morning he will be ready and will be quite by the way. Foresight and careful planning does not threaten nothing but good.

32. Good little little

The most common way, but not the most effective. The fact is that it is necessary to know the measure right here, and any errors lead to the continuation of the drunken. With measure, we have always been tight in Russia. Struggle from the shoulder, skeleton on the vest with the nut, and the soul was and remains wide. Experts recommend everything to do everything. First of all - wake up better than vodka. But vodka knowingly high quality, not diluted alcohol or even brandy, namely good correct vodka.

Next: the moment of wings is best to delay most - the better, the better. Enough enough, if necessary, finally come to normal state, follows 1 time 50 g of vodka. And to calm down. If the hangover is not very cruel, moderately, then take about 100 g of vodka, and slowly, in 2-3 sunset. If it really is very bad, then the dose can be increased to 150 g, but at the same time dividing it on 5-6 glasses.

If a very-one is bad and the day is thoroughly spoiled, then you should drink no more than 250 g of vodka in 6-8 sites during the day. At the same time, drink as much water, brine, snack with cucumbers, cabbage and sleep. If you do not sleep - read good good literature. TV is better not to watch - too much negative.

33. Shveves

I want to share my secret from headaches after a rapid fun. The secret is very simple: you buy a bottle of swims and after drinking the alcohol for the night you drink 200-300 g of this drink. The next morning you feel better than everyone, because there is a substance called Cinene in Schveps. What is this substance i don't know. Tested personally for yourself. Using it as far as possible. Helps - of course, if the drink did not end «While leaning» on the table, in my opinion, with such a situation, nothing will help.

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