External organs


  • How it started
  • Favorware «proof» Evolution

  • How it started

    The very end of the XIX century French doctor Franz Glenra painted
    Idea: if our distant ancestors went on four paws, then the location
    organs of the digestive system should be badly combined with our
    The current vertical gait. Glenar has begunExternal organs to surgical
    stage of incarnation of ideas to life. Patients complaining about pain in the stomach and
    Other defaults of the digestive system, was offered intense
    Operation, whose purpose — Making changes to the configuration
    gastrointestinal tract. After that, the problems of patients are usually,
    aggravated, but their complaints did not stop the surgeon.

    stage was the presentation of the slower at the beginning of the 20th century
    Poisoning of the body with productivity of rotary bacteria,
    in the blind intestine. Nobel laureate Ilya Sreeryov said,
    that the digestive system of the person who pretended at the previous stages
    evolution, poorly adapted to the modern diet. Inspired
    This idea, the English surgeon William Lane decided to embody her.

    He carried out a correction operation «Nature errors», By changing the place
    Single intestines with thick. Next, he began to remove the whole thick
    gut, believing that this operation will free the body from there
    putrid bacteria and contributes to the treatment of a number of diseases — from
    Ozzles to schizophrenia. Lane conducted over 1000 such operations; dozens of it
    followers, as researchers write, left «non-regular
    victims», among which were dead. Only in the 30s of the 20th century in
    Medical textbooks began to appear critical notes on
    The activities of the followers of Glenara and Mechnikova-Lane.

    But all this may seem illiscimulating episodes compared to the problem of the so-called rudimentary organs.

    Favorware «proof» Evolution

    «rudimentary» translated from Latin means «rudimentary»,
    «underdeveloped», «residual». To this kind of education biologists
    The anatomical structures that in accordance with the teaching took place
    Darwin went to a person from his distant ancestors, having lost
    your initial functions and becoming useless.

    At the beginning of the XX century, there were about 180 «Uselessness». To them, in
    particularly believed such vital anatomical structures as
    Timus (Forks), Epiffis (Pulberry Iron), Almond,
    Knee Mensky... If scientists failed to determine the function of the organ
    in the body, he was considered Rudiment. Not surprisingly, with growth
    Scientific knowledge The list of such bodies has become less and less.
    Today, many scientists believe that it is time to completely abolish.
    It turned out that most of the so-called rudiments do not even
    one, and several important functions. Delete them — And the person will begin
    big health problems.

    Copchik even B
    modern with biology textbooks is often called «residue
    Reduced tail». However, studies have shown that if
    Copchik and the associated muscle system did not exist, people
    It would be necessary for a fundamentally different system of supporting the internal
    organs. But these doctors could understand only after rolled
    Fashion Wave on Country Removal Operations — with the smallest

    Its sad story has
    Appendix. Now it is already known that he plays an important role in work
    Immune system. Appendix consists of lymphatic tissue, so
    Helps the body to deal with infections, especially in the first years of life.
    Researchers note that the location of the appendix near the connection
    Thin and colon, in particular, protects the small intestine from bacteria,
    inhabiting blind gut.

    For a very long time
    Rudiments of almonds. Only in recent decades it turned out that they
    need a growing body in order to promote launch
    protective mechanism from infections. Meanwhile «Unnecessary» Almonds
    Tens of millions of people were cut out. Only in the USA in the 1930s
    last century they were removed more than half of children.

    and other infections of the upper respiratory tract children with preserved and with
    Remote almonds were sick about the same. But employees
    New York oncological service soon discovered that people with
    remote almonds are almost 3 times more susceptible to some
    malignant diseases. The same tendency to the oncological
    Diseases are observed in people with remote appendix. So, after
    Surveys of several hundred patients with various forms of cancer
    It turned out that 84 percent of them appendix was removed. IN
    Control group he was not only 25 percent.

    In general, it is not surprising that modern surgeons are less and less and less desire to cut off «Lyland» Organs.

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