Frostbite and supercooling


  • What is supercooling and frostbite
  • Signs of supercooling and frostbite
  • Help with hypoint or frostbite

  • What is supercooling and frostbite

    If the summer time is the holidays - this is usually the season of warm resorts,
    Where can I crash in the sun or find out maritime
    depths, then the winter in many are associated with New Year's cruises and
    Active rest in the mountains. And here offers for lovers of active
    Recreation is quite a lot - these are the ski tracks, and the ability to ride
    on sleigh, ice skating, and just take a walk near snow vertices.

    Moreover, psychology
    man is such that for many vacation is associated primarily with
    shift atmosphere. And the cardinal as a challenge will be, the better.
    Therefore, quite frequent cases when southerners go to relax where
    you can more snow, but northerners count on weekends
    Finally, how should it be done somewhere on Canar, Cyprus and others
    resorts whose main feature is a lot of hot sun.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that with a sharp change of climate when traveling,
    Let's say on the snowy resorts of the Alps, newcomers who are accustomed to a softer
    and warm climate, often observed symptoms of hypothermia
    organism. Well, in the most bold (stubborn, reckless or, as a rule,
    traveling with girls always ready to feats of young people)
    supercooling smoothly can go frostbite. Moreover, pretty
    Often subjectively in the first moments of supercooling or even frostbite
    A man of little perceives the presence of this fact.

    On the cold the skin at first is not much worried about his owner, but
    Because yesterday rescues from drafts southerners, and today's knights
    without fear and reproach, dressed quite easily even by the standards of local
    residents, happy to indulge in various tricks on ski slopes
    in front of his numerous enthusiastic spectators.

    Only through time to an unusual pallor of the skin can join
    lethargy, inhibition, drowsiness, chills, discomfort in
    open parts of the body. All these signs indicate at least about
    The supercooling of the body. And with prolonged exposure to low
    temperatures may occur and frostbite body of a person who,
    By the way, maybe several degrees.

    Signs of supercooling and frostbite

    But first let's consider signs of hypothermia and frostbite.
    If the first condition, most likely experienced almost all of our
    readers, thoroughly on the street in frosty weather, then all «Prelas»
    freezing and frostbite, fortunately, were experiencing much less
    number of people. As you know, any effects of cold ordinary
    Immediately with an innate sense of maximalism inclined to interpret
    how «Well, frozen (la) I», Although from a medical point of view is more correct
    speak «overcooked». Since the symptoms of freezing, as well as
    frostbite is much stronger than expressed and much more dangerous for health and
    Life of man. But first things first.

    So, supercooling. One of the early symptoms of supercooling is
    chills, feeling «crawling geasses» By body, trembling in the whole body,
    a slight decrease in sensitivity in open areas of the body (as
    Rule, this face, hands). If the effect of cold continues, then
    letness may arise, drowsiness. Coming at first small, and
    then pronounced circulatory disorders - first in the skin, then in
    subject to tissues.

    Frostbite and supercooling
    General supercooling of the body can lead to freezing. Development
    His high humidity contributes, strong wind, fatigue, hunger,
    Small mobility, alcoholic intoxication (under such circumstances
    freezing can occur at atmospheric air above

    When freezing, the muscular trembling is first noted, rapidly
    heartbeat and frequent respiratory movements, skin pallor appears
    Pokrovov. Then the body temperature decreases (36 degrees Celsius and
    lower), drowsiness, cardiac pace and
    blood pressure decrease. With continued exposure to low
    temperatures breathing becomes superficial and rare, then can
    Again the loss of consciousness and death.

    In addition to the general supercooling and freezing of the body can develop
    frostbite of individual parts of the body. As a rule, these are open areas
    (face, hands), and often shoes in wet footwear. Wherein
    Skin pale is going on, the nervous disappears and completely disappears
    Sensitivity, and with severe frostbite appear bubbles with
    Mutted fluid. The skin becomes edema, may acquire

    As mentioned above, several degrees of frostbite distinguish.
    It should be noted that it is immediately quite difficult to determine what extent
    frostbite, the final assessment is possible after 24 hours, t.E.
    Some time after heating the victim in warm

    The first degree of frostbite corresponds to the appearance first redness,
    and then pale and cyanosis (sinushnosis) of skin, development
    Empty of the limbs. The skin becomes insensitive to stimuli.

    With a second degree to phenomena, characteristic of the first degree joins the appearance of bubbles with turbid content.

    At the third degree, the death of frostbed sites occurs, their
    blackening, mummification, and in running cases and rejection.

    At low temperature and large humidity, cases are possible
    Diseases of the so-called «Trench foot». In this limb
    scatter, become painful, the skin blushes. For warning
    Diseases need to keep legs dry. In case of occurrence «Trench foot» follow
    protect damaged stop from moisture and cold, warming it,
    periodically keep in a horizontal position to improve
    blood circulation.

    Help with hypoint or frostbite

    As a first aid in the supercool or frostbite
    need to be transferred to a warm room. If there is no possibility, you need
    Place the victim closer to the fire. If frostbite or
    The supercooling is mesmer, and the victim can move, very useful
    active energetic movements, for example, mahu legs - several
    dozen times each.

    If it is impossible to move first, you need to free the victim from
    Olondenie or wet clothes, if so. With frostbed legs
    - Cut the frozen shoes and remove it. With strong freezing and
    loss of consciousness may be absent - in this case you need
    Make artificial respiration. Then you need to quickly lose the skin
    hands or soft cloth (glove, fur caps and others.) before redness and
    Sensitivity restoration. Rubbing usually do about 10
    minutes, such a procedure leads to warming limbs and decrease
    or the disappearance of pain. If the limbs remain cold and
    pale, this indicates a deeper frostbite.
    Of course, in those places where there are bubbles or areas of blackening,
    no need to rub! Grab fruitled limb warm
    water with the addition of crystalline manganese-sour potassium (when it
    availability), impose a aseptic (sterile) bandage, wrap
    limb. If possible, you need to give hot drink, then
    victim to put and hide with a warm blanket. Further treatment
    Conducts doctor. With pains are prescribed analgesics (anesthetic
    funds, up to narcotic), and with strong degrees of frostbite
    The victim is hospitalized in the clinic.

    As you can see, low temperatures may turn large trouble
    For human health. And freezing and frostbite even lead to
    death of man. Therefore, it is important here as observance of technology
    safety in the mountains, in snow and cold localities and holding
    Events for the prevention of frostbies. In particular, it is recommended
    Dressed on the weather, having wind and moistureproof clothes at hand.
    It is also recommended not to thicken thirst with cold water, snow or ice.
    Special attention should be paid to the legs and remember that close shoes,
    no insoles, raw dirty socks often serve as the main
    Prerequisite for the appearance of scuffs and frostbite. Special attention
    It is necessary to pay shoes to those who often sweat feet.

    As for the prevention, then such events as you already,
    Probably guessed, are hardening. So, quite useful at home,
    every day in the evenings pour legs - first warm water, then
    Gradually lowering temperature. First pour foot, then legs up
    knees, through time completely. When you are quite comfortable, you can
    Turn to the diversion of the whole body. In addition, very useful
    Boscoration - at least a little walk with bare feet on the ground. Start off
    better in summer, and then go daily at least for a few minutes
    all year round, even in winter. For hardening the body is also useful
    Contrast shower - alternated dumping hot and cold water.

    Thus, pre-prepared its body to conquer the Alps, and
    Also having mastered the main safety recommendations in the mountains, you
    have every chance to spend a rich, interesting, and most importantly, safe
    for your health vacation. Successful to relax!

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