Osteomyelitis. What to do and how to treat?


  • What is osteomyelitis
  • Ostomyelita symptoms
  • How to diagnose osteomyelitis
  • How to treat osteomyelitis

  • What is osteomyelitis

    Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory disease of bones and bone marrow (Greek. Osteo - bone,
    Mel - Brain, ending «IT» - means inflammation).

    The disease is characteristic not only for the childhood period, it can affect adults.

    Osteomyelitis may occur as a result of bone injury (fractures and t. NS.), i.e
    The causative agent of the disease falls directly into the wound.

    Osteomyelitis. What to do and how to treat?
    More often osteomyelitis is developing with hematogenous path of dissemination of infection. In this case, pathogenic microbes are already
    are in the body and blood flow (t.E. Hematogenous) fall into the bone. The source of infection can be
    carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis (t.E. chronic inflammation in the throat like
    Corollary of frequent ANNIX) and other chronic foci of infection in the body.
    The feature of the newborns is that they have already ready-made entrance
    Gate for infection, such as an umbilical wound.

    By the nature of the flow of osteomyelitis can be acute and chronic.

    Newborn, this disease never acquires a chronic nature.

    Osteomyelitis in 70-80% of cases caused by gold staphylococcus (s. aureus).
    In recent years, the defeat of newborns and children of early
    age staphylococcal infection, it can be said that now the period
    Staphylococcal boilers.

    Newborn, as a rule, happens in maternity homes. Often fault
    Medical staff and women in labor that are carriers
    infection. The situation is also complicated by the fact that staphylococcus is very easy
    adapts to antibacterial treatment and does not lose its aggressive
    Properties. Air surrounding objects and linen in children's wards and maternity
    halls can also serve as a source of infection. Master's mastitis can also
    Cause of child infection.

    Osteomyelitis pathogens - Streptococci
    Groups A, hemophilic stick, less often Salmonella, gram-negative
    Enterobacteria, streptococci groups in. The most frequent localization of osteomyelitis
    are tubular bones of limbs. Sometimes ribs are affected, vertebrae, bones
    Skulls and especially often the upper jaw. In the newborn period, the disease is more
    manifests itself during the first two weeks of life.

    Ostomyelita symptoms

    Older children pain in the affected bone - the very first and most bright
    Symptom of the disease. In the first hours of painful character, then quickly
    enhances, becomes drilling, driving. Pain enhanced at the slightest
    movement, so the child gently affected. Since newborns
    pain threshold increased, t.E. they are less sensitive to pain, and besides, they are not
    can describe their feelings with words, painful symptom less bright. At
    Cleaning the affected area is possible, anxiety. More often
    pay attention to the fact that the child does not raise his hand or foot (limb «Cuts as
    Plem»). The baby is sluggish, sleepy or the opposite is restless, refuses

    Temperature, as a rule, rises to high
    Numbers (39-40). Against high temperature, there may be cramps. maybe
    redness of the skin and swelling of soft tissues above the lesion focus (due to

    The amount of leukocytes increased in blood analysis
    (leukocytosis), neutrophils (neutropyl) in the blood, ESO
    erythrocytes) also raised.

    How to diagnose osteomyelitis

    Conduct blood crops and
    other biological material. This allows you to find out which one
    microorganism is the causative agent of the disease, also find out
    Sensitivity to antibiotics.

    Conduct computer
    Tomography and radiography of affected bones. Typical radiographic
    Signs of osteomyelitis appear only after 10-14 days from the beginning of the disease
    In some cases, this period is lengthened.

    In doubtful cases resort to diagnostic bone puncture.
    The material obtained is examined on the composition of the cells, send to
    Bacteriological research, to identify the pathogen and sensitivity to antibiotics.

    How to treat osteomyelitis

    Treatment should be carried out
    exclusively in the hospital, under the constant supervision of medical personnel!
    Timely started treatment allows in many cases to avoid complications.

    As a rule, treatment
    Start with the appointment of the shock dose of antibiotics.

    From antibiotics more often

    Antibiotics of the penicillin group (for example, oxacillin), the last generations of cephalosporins and others.

    The duration of antibiotic therapy on average is 4-6 weeks.

    In some cases, you have to resort to surgical treatment.
    Osteopreopraration is produced, t.E. Opening of the affected area. In that
    case after cut (naturally under anesthesia) remove purulent
    Content and carry a bone-brain channel special

    In addition, the treatment complex includes immunotherapy (the introduction of anti-staphylococcal gammaglobulin, etc.), vitaminotherapy.

    Under the subsistress of acute inflammatory process, physiotherapeutic treatment, special physical education.

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