Krivoshoy in matters and answers


  • Question number 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5

  • Krivoshoye - Diagnosis Serious. And, unfortunately, today is not so rare. The most frequently asked questions about the child's curve is answered by a practitioner Ignatiev Gennady Vasilyevich.

    Question number 1

    - What is Krivoshi and when it can arise in a child?

    - Krivoshoya is the underdevelopment of muscle tissues and vertebral segments of the cervical spine, T.E. physiological deviation from the norm.

    The cause of Krivoshei may be the forced position of the child's head during pregnancy with the cordhouse of the cord, injury during childbirth and postpartum injuries, which often lead to the functional blockages of the cervical vertebrae (displace them relative to each other).

    Blocking is most often found in 1-2 vertebrae (generic injury) or 6-7 (the first month of life). At a later age, Krivoshoy may arise due to injuries, inflammatory processes in muscle tissues and other.

    Question number2

    - What is dangerous this disease - does it affect the work of other organs?

    - This pathology is dangerous in that later entails the curvature of the spinal column (scoliosis), leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, vegetative dystonia, vertebarian disease (violation of cerebral circulation).

    Question number 3

    - Can it go without treatment?

    - Of course not! From the first minutes of life (starting with hypoxia) - Krivoshoy will not pass without a trace. Every day, new and increasing, like a snowball. And at different ages appear all new symptoms and problems.

    Even if the problems do not seem «Screaming», Over the years, they will be aggravated and be sure to manifest in adulthood.

    Question number 4

    - You use massage? What is the essence of the impact method?

    Krivoshoy in matters and answers- The essence of this method is to have any hands - special «Soft» technicians, eliminate blocking in the cervical spine. Massage, unfortunately, it is impossible to remove Krivoshe, this is the complication of the parents that they do something, and problems remain and increase. Because of the subluxation of the first cervical vertebra-Atlanta, blood circulation is disturbed in the brain.

    In addition, the body begins to adapt to this. As a result of the organism self-regulation, there is a forced curvature in the cervical spine. Turning heads to the side is limited. As a result, in the zone of the sublock and blocking the vertebrae, the growth zones are partially closed. There is underdevelopment or anomaly of individual vertebrae. Atlant is formed up to 6-7 months old and further underdevelopment will affect the rest of his life. It has a form «lodge», The skull is based on it, illness leads to chronic oxygen starvation. The load on the hold of the skull is distributed on 2-3 vertebrae, because of which they are slightly discharged back, in normal state, all vertebrae in the cervical department should be curved forward.

    That is why it is very important in childhood, the sooner, the better to fix a minor curve. If there is a suspicion that the child doesnakly turn his head in both directions, then not a single day, not one minute, will later lead to underdevelopment of other cervical and underlying vertebrae.

    As a result of self-regulation of the body, the spine almost all will take the form of a minor spiral. Because of what, in the future, not only the underdevelopment of intervertebral disks, vertebrae, but also deformations of the rib arc. In the consequence, such children at an older age forms scoliosis osteochondrosis, discogenous disease.

    Question number 5

    - How many techniques are necessary for the treatment of krivoshi?

    - The approach to the treatment is purely individual, one must pass 1-2 reception every other day, another 2-3 with an interval in a week, then after a month 1 reception. A total of 5-6 receptions during the year. In the future, I recommend it once in the half - a year to come to the reception for the prophylaxis of scoliosis.

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