Sharp sudden abdominal pain in children


  • Acute appendicitis
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Acute gastritis

  • First of all, it is necessary to find out the intensity of pain and
    The possibilities of their localization. In severe pain, the child prefers
    Lying, sometimes in an uncomfortable, forced pose. Turns with the effort,
    carefully. Pain can be piercing (djal), in the form of colic, or
    stupid new. On localization it can be spilled or
    Mainly concentrate around the navel, or «Under the bow».
    It is important to establish the ratio of the appearance of pain meals.

    Kinja abdomen pain - a dangerous sign. She may be
    manifestation of the catastrophe in the abdominal cavity - acute appendicitis or
    Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). With dashing pains need urgently
    call «ambulance»! Before her arrival, do not give the child any
    drugs. On the stomach you can put a cellophane package with ice.

    Such signs as stubborn abdominal pains that are not silent for 2
    hours, abdominal pain when touched, accession to them
    vomiting, diarrhea, elevated body temperature should be seriously alert
    Parents. The following diseases require emergency medical care.

    Acute appendicitis

    Sharp sudden abdominal pain in children
    Dangerous disease requiring surgical intervention. Pain
    appear suddenly, usually in the aircraft region, then capture
    all stomach and only after a few hours are localized in a certain
    place, more often on the bottom of the abdomen. The pain has a permanent character
    And rarely happens strong in young children. Vomiting joins pain
    (as a rule, after the appearance of pain), the rapid pulse, sometimes moderate
    temperature increase. Unexpected cessation of pain should not
    calm parents, as it may be connected with the run -
    breaking the wall of the inflamed.

    Help: urgently cause urgent help.

    Acute pancreatitis

    resemble acute appendicitis, but pain can be strong. In typical
    Case Baby complains of permanent pain in the opposite region,
    which, unlike acute appendicitis, gives in shoulders, blades and
    It has a fit. Pain is accompanied by nausea and vomit.
    The child usually lies with a side. Belly will go and tense.
    Join the joy of jaundice. In severe cases there may be shock. Often
    Acute pancreatitis develops as a complication of a pig. In this case
    The disease occurs on the third or fourth day after the swollen of the parole
    salivary glands.

    Help: urgently cause urgent help.

    Acute gastritis

    For this disease
    Characteristic pain and sensation of gravity in the abdomen of the abdomen («under
    Spoon») after meal. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting,
    Loss of appetite and belching.

    Help: With the sudden development of these symptoms, you need to call a doctor.

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