About how to warn and cure Dupuitren's contracture, read this article.

Therefore, to cure any persistent contracture without clarifying the diagnosis is impossible! However, together with the treatment of the main ailment, which always selectively, there are general means to combat contractures.
Caused by the fact that all these violations have a common path of development. Soft tissue of the musculoskeletal system need constant motion and do not tolerate long inactivity. Each of them meets the characteristic breakdown. Capsule The joint is wrinkled and then thickens. Muscles are atrophy. Spikes arise between tendons and surrounding tissues. The most disadvantage of any contracture - the ankylosis of the joint, that is, the full loss of mobility.
If the injury (sublit, stretching, bruised) was a mesmer, the body will independently cope with damage. Pain will help exclude those movements that impede the correct healing of tissues. And gradually how functions will be returned to normal, pain constraints will start disconnected. As a result, the movement is broken for a while, the persistent contracture does not have time to grow.
Multiple microtraums cause a brush contracture called Dupyutren's disease. It may seem that if injuries «Microscopic», it means that the disease is easily treated, but this is not so! Of all the contractures, this is definitely the most dangerous.
Dipeuitren's disease is usually on the right hand in men older than 40 years old, many years busy manual labor (first of all these are drivers of heavy trucks, tractor drivers, combiners, turners, milloverings, locksmiths). Permanent injuries lead to persistent damage to brush tendons.
Fingers frozen in a bent position. And arbitrarily dispersed it is impossible.
For the prevention of Dupuytren's disease, it is recommended to use at work (especially with metal) mittens, and the maximum dense tissue, as far as the subtlety of your work allows. Even under the mittens Use for skin softening and protective cream that can be bought in each pharmacy. Without cream, cracks appear quickly, through which various damaging factors easily penetrate the tissue deep into. After working with materials, from which aggressive substances can remain on the skin, offering, all sorts of chips, be sure to rush hands with soap, and better - cleansing paste, which can be bought in auto parts stores. Then wipe your palms with a sponge or soft cloth. Long and intense bent position of the brush (the driver holds the steering wheel) increases the risk of this disease. During each hour of such work, at least 5-7 minutes, make gymnastics, bending and flexing brush.
Try to carefully defend your hands, do not forget about the exercises, and you can prevent this disease! A feature of the destructive process in tissues in the contracture of Dupyutrena is that it moves forward with extraordinary perseverance. And even when a person change the work and starts conservative treatment, which helps to cure all other contractures! More than 90% of cases, surgical operation is needed here. But she, due to the great complexity and the fragility of the tendon mechanism of the brush, only in rare cases will restore its movement completely.
In its own way dangerous and contractures arising from heavy «Somnate» injuries (such as fractures, dislocations). Here, since the recovery is delayed, we choose the position for the injured limb for a long time that the pain is preducing us. And this is most often incorrect and unnatural pose. Damaged joint quickly gets used to it. After some time, change the pose becomes very difficult. And after a six-year-in-chimes fixation of the joint in the wrong position, it is possible to eliminate the contracture only with the help of intensive and long-term conservative treatment or operation.
That is why after severe injury, even if there was no fracture, it is necessary to, as soon as possible, using a plaster bus or a dense bandage, fix the limb in the correct position. Although fixation and not the best way out, but such a problem is like «Development» Heavy sick joint - will cause even more destructive consequences...
Nevertheless, there are universal principles of combating the Tuga. Their basis is the use of two polar techniques: give the joint to the rest in the correct position, but at the same time as soon as possible to start doing exercises, that is, to start kinesitherapy. So called treatment through different types of articular movements.
Remember that the correct position (and not that the joint will choose himself), excluding swelling, ischemia, the tension of the articular capsule, can only be advised by a traumatologist. For example, for the shoulder joint - this shoulder lead from 45 degrees, bending for 40 degrees and turning the limb inside and 40 degrees. Even if you correctly calculate these angles, you still do not construct the fixing device, and most importantly, do not determine the period during which it needs to be applied. Therefore, never postpone the campaign after any strong injury or even, in your opinion, frivolous, but such, after which there is no way for some reason.
Let us now turn to the kinesitherapy. The lion's part of the patient appeals to the traumatologist about contractures constitute such cases. The curved joint is triturated with a hot ointment, adopt as an anesthetic alcohol and straws straighten the limb. The result can be multiple muscle breaks, tendons, ligaments and the need for operation! Even if you do not damage soft tissues, a contracture due to reflex muscle spasms may develop (muscle pseudo-pump). She is difficult to treat, often «remembered» centers of nervous regulation and returned in the most dangerous way, say, while swimming in cool water.
At the same time, the early appointment of physiologically reasonable and correct movements is the best method of prevention and treatment of contractures. Reduction of muscles and movement in the joints enhance the nutrition of tissues and metabolism, preventing the onset of tug-exciting.
Treatment with movements in contractures is carried out in the form of passive and active medical gymnastics. With the help of passive exercise, as well as massages are trying to stretch abbreviated muscles and near-block fabrics. In the case of, for example, you already familiar to us contracture Dupuitren make the massage of the surrounding muscles to the muscles of the forearm and rubbing movements. In the intervals between the massage are carried out using a healthy hand, passive development of bent fingers of the affected brush. They are smoothly exaggerated before the appearance of pain. In each of your exercises, a total duration of up to 20 minutes should be 5-6 massages and as many extensive charging.
In the case of any processing case, the case will go faster if you spend the exercises in a warm bath and besides after hot loosening of limb or mud appliqués. A lot of useful additives reinforcing therapeutic effects of such baths (aromatic oils and ecalyptus extracts, alfalfa, kidneys of birch, lingers, chaga, nettle, needles; chlorides and silver sulfates, potassium, magnesium, copper, sodium; salt of the Dead Sea).
But it does not hurt and go to physiotherapeutic procedures. Indeed, with running contractures, healing substances should penetrate the tissue deep into sufficient quantities. And you can achieve this, only applying electrophoresis or other method for «Popping» molecules inside fabrics. In extreme cases, the doctor uses injections, for example, in the resulting scars. In order to soften the edge-changed tissue, enzyme lidase. Showing the local application of dressings with another enzyme - Ronidase. They are imposed on the scars area for at least two weeks. Aloe extracts are used for injections, which contains powerful softening substances.
Active exercises for tug excideity should not only stretch abbreviated tissues, improve their metabolism, but also increase the power of stretched muscles, which counteract the contracture. So, under bending contractures «swing» Muscles-extensors and the opposite.
Especially useful exercises with resistance on simulators. With persistent and diligent application (at least 5 times a day, but each session is not longer than 15-20 minutes, the total duration of lessons is less than a month) enough of those rubber or spring expendillars or special balls for the brushes sold in sports stores. However, if you have the opportunity to work out in the physiotherapy office, do not miss it! Even outdated block devices have the advantage that the burden on the joint can be clearly dosed. So you can at each exercise to set a new task, slightly raising «Plank». Overcoming it, you will feel how we defeat the disease, and this will become a significant psychological help in your recovery.
Folk Medicine offers the following means of treating contractures:
Treat joints can be heated rubbing, which is prepared as follows. 250 ml of sunflower oil are mixed, 250 ml kerosene, as well as 5-10 (depending on the desired fortress) of red-burning peppers, grinding on a meat grinder. Insist in warm place for 9 days, every day shaking. Then turning out. Rubbed into a painful area with light stroking movements and wipe the sore sick.
300 g of chestnut sona fruits clean from peel, finely cut. Pour into the dark floor-liter bottle, pour over the neck vodka, close the plug. Insist 2 weeks in a dark warm place, every day shaking. Patients, tug-absorbing joints rub on the night every day.