Basic treatment of intestinal colic


  • Non-drug treatments
  • Medical therapy with functional intestinal colic
  • Treatment colic with lactase deficiency
  • Treatment colic in food allergies

  • Non-drug treatments

    Basic treatment of intestinal colicTreatment of a child suffering from intestinal colic, it is necessary to start with non-drug events, which include simple means. During and after feeding, you need to keep a child in a vertical or half-propical position to eliminate aerophagia (random air intake during feeding). When feeding from the bottle, you need to make sure that the child tested the nipple tightly, it is convenient for it, and the diameter of the hole is not too large. With the appearance of the first signs, colic must be put on the stomach of the child a heated flannel diaper or a warm heating pad, you can make a warm bath, simple or with chamismolytic effects (chamomile, sage, oregano). Placeing a baby to sleep, useful to include quiet calm music. With natural feeding, it is necessary to limit in the daily diet of the mother or completely eliminate dairy and gas-forming products - cabbage, especially sauer, onions, tomatoes, sauer vegetables, fruits (pears, watermelons), mushrooms, black bread, kvass. If the child is on artificial feeding, you should check whether the mixture is preparing correctly. In artificial feeding, it is recommended to choose mixtures that do not contain iron, and in the daily diet of the child turn on about 1/3 of the total power of the dairy mixtures.

    Medical therapy with functional intestinal colic

    Medicase therapy with functional intestinal colic is based on the use of ESPMIZAN emulsion. Espeamizan is a non-receptible drug. It is not absorbed in the intestine, due to which there is no effect on the intestinal mucosa, nor on the body of the child as a whole. Its action lies in the fact that it destroying the shell of gas bubbles formed in the intestine, warns the stretching of the intestinal wall and warns the development of pain syndrome. On the other hand, it facilitates the separation of gases, reduces their accumulation and all manifestations of meteorism (increased gas formation).

    Dose Emulsion Emulsion is 1 dimensional spoon 3-5 times a day depending on the severity of intestinal colic. Emulsion Espumizan can be added to baby food or drink. The effect of the drug is noted with functional intestinal colic usually immediately.

    I would like to draw attention to the fact that the lack of effect on the treatment of EMPMIZAN emulsion or similar drugs for 3 days indicates the presence of a disease in which the intestinal colic is only one of its manifestations. This is an additional reason for the child survey, because the main emphasis in the treatment of secondary intestinal colic makes the power correction and therapy of those deviations that underlie the formation and maintenance of intestinal colic.

    Treatment colic with lactase deficiency

    During lactase insufficiency, healing nutrition, replacement enzyme photography, espuming emulsion. Pronounced lactase insufficiency requires nutritional assignment with lactose limit or completely devoid of it. Children with an erased form of lactase insufficiency, which are in artificial feeding, as well as children on breastfeeding, it is recommended to combine the use of low-column mixtures or breastfeeding with the appointment of the lactase enzyme, which is represented in the form of drugs and food enzymatic additives - lactases, Solesushen lactases, Tilactase, lactaida and others. Assign pancreatic enzyme preparations. Only with the ineffectiveness of this therapy, it is necessary to switch to alactotic mixtures also in combination with enzymatic drugs. The effect of therapy appears in the first week of treatment and reaches a complete disappearance of colic to the 3-4th weeks. During this time, the child gets an EMSEMISM emulsion.

    It should be emphasized that in the intolerance of lactose in children, intestinal biocenosis is always impeired. But these violations are not defining in the pathogenesis of intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, all attempts to limit the treatment of such patients only to the appointment of probiotics not only does not lead to success, but also aggravates the state of children, since it does not eliminate the main cause of the disease.

    Treatment colic in food allergies

    In the treatment of food allergies, the appointment of the following therapy is shown:

    • Medical nutrition
    • Emulsion Espumizana
    • According to the indications - carrying out enzyme therapy and correction of intestinal dysbiocenosis

    In the intolerance to the proteins of cow milk with weakly pronounced sensitization, it is possible in the first phases of treatment to increase the share of ferocular products in the daily diet to ½ or even ? volume, and also try to replace cow milk in nutrition child on other animal milk (goat, mare, camel). In the absence of a positive result from the use of fermented milk products, as well as with pronounced sensitization to proteins of cow milk (high antibody titers), it is necessary to completely exclude milk and dairy-based products from the patient's nutrition. In this case, the healing nutrition is shown on a soy-based basis and based on hydrolyzate of cow milk.

    Allergy to soy proteins and polyvalent food allergies are an absolute contraindication to the purpose of the mixtures on a soy-based basis, which was mentioned above. With a combined intolerance to the proteins of cow milk and soybeans, the use of healing mixtures based on hydrolyzate proteins of cow milk proteins.

    The right choice of therapeutic nutrition gives a fairly fast result. A child after 1.5-2 weeks begins to improve well-being and condition, the manifestations of meteorism and intestinal colic decrease. But if during this period, the emulsion of Espumizan is prescribed, then the manifestations of intestinal colic disappear by the end of the first week of treatment.

    In the intestinal colic accompanying inflammatory processes in the intestine, caused by the conditionally pathogenic microflora, the main importance is given to the normalization of microbial relationships in the child's intestine. For this purpose, healing nutrition is used, enterosorbents, prebiotics (preparations that contribute to the restoration of normal bowelosis biotic) are prescribed, probiotics (drugs containing indigenous intestinal microflora) and to relieve the main symptoms of intestinal colic - EMSEMISOAN Emulsion. Preparations with antibacterial action, including antibiotics, are used only if there is an acute intestinal infection.

    Thus, the intestinal colic seems to be a multilateral problem that occurs in a significant number of infants. It occurs almost in any period of life of the infant. If it occurs at the age of 3-4 weeks, then most likely wears a functional character. If it occurs after 4 months of life or up to 3 weeks, then in most cases wears secondary character and is only a symptom of the main disease. That is why the intestinal colic, despite its, it would seem simplicity, is the state of infants, requiring an individual approach in each individual case, attentive, detailed diagnosis and treatment.

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