

  • The concept of meteo-dependence
  • Manifestation of meteo-dependence

  • Weather, with pecarizes inherent in her, always affected man. No matter how hard the modern person tried to alternate and be completely independent of various natural conditions, his body is sensitive to the wind, the heat, cold and t.D. How serious can this dependence?

    The concept of meteo-dependence

    Meteo-dependence is characteristic of very many. Minor severity of the symptoms of ailments arising under the influence of environmental factors, distinguishes the meteorosensitivity from a heavier manifestation of the body's disadaptation - meteo-dependence.

    Unfortunately, in some cases, the reaction of the human body to change the weather conditions can be very pronounced, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the well-being and mood swings. In such cases, we are talking about meteo-dependence, or meteopathy. According to the results of various scientific research, meteopathy suffers from 8 to 35% of the population (the figures are so different due to the fact that the one-bye, which separates the normal reaction of the body from pathological, is very difficult to spend, and so far it is not defined ).

    Meteo-dependence is an excessive sensitivity in response to a change in weather, causing a sharp deterioration in state of health and aggravation of other diseases. This is one of the disorders of the adaptation of the human body to the conditions of the external environment.

    Manifestation of meteo-dependence

    MeetabilityMost often dependent on the change of weather, people feel headaches, sleep disorders or, on the contrary, drowsiness, weakness, fast fatigue, mood changes. In patients with cardiovascular diseases, attacks of pain in the heart may be more «Racing» Arterial pressure. Many chronic diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract, joints are exacerbated. Married injuries may be disturbed.

    Non-go now really really «in fashion». Talk about the weather for many centuries - one of the most popular. Life in the conditions of a large city is so distorted and enhances many natural and weather phenomena that symptoms of meteo-dependence are dried several times. Casual illumination significantly worsens over cities, reduces the amount of ultraviolet. Active evaporation of water in a stone bag of urban jungle and, accordingly, high humidity, a large amount of harmful impurities, exhaust gases in the atmosphere significantly worsen the well-being of citizens. Sensitivity to weather is associated with floor, age, hereditary predisposition, general health status. Meteo-dependence is most susceptible to women, emotionally impressionable nature, people of middle and older and very small children, patients suffering from various chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, digestive system. Changes in hormonal background, for example, during pregnancy, the change of time zones and climatic zones also weakens our weather vapor resistance.

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