Prevention of the disease Tennis elbow


  • Prevention measures
  • Workout
  • Technique strike
  • Massage
  • Sauna
  • Power training
  • Treatment of chronic infection foci
  • Vitamins

  • Prevention measures

    The most important items of prevention are:

    • Full warm-up;
    • optimal impact technique;
    • daily massage and self-massage;
    • sauna or steam bath;
    • power training;
    • Treatment of chronic infection foci;
    • Regular vitaminization.


    Prevention of the disease Tennis elbowThe most important element of prevention and treatment «Elbow tennis player» is a good warm-up.

    Preparation of tendons to shocks should be an integral element of training.

    Stretching the forearm and shoulder tendons, their preliminary massage give them the opportunity to work, adapt to the shock, vibratory load.

    Disregard for workout and preliminary massage is a very serious disadvantage of training both amateur and professional. Remember that thorough care for the elbow will pay off STORITEY.

    Technique strike

    The transition to the two-handed Beckhand significantly reduces the load on the beating hand - the muscles of the brush extensors are not overvrace. Also reduced vibration effect on the tendon. In the overwhelming majority of cases of lovers, the question of the patient elbow is solved. Professionals, due to a large number of shots in training and competitions, recovery can be delayed. Massage of the elbow joint - both preliminary (before training and competitions) and preventive (therapeutic), undoubtedly, must be an essential part of the training process.


    Prevention of the disease Tennis elbowPreliminary massage can be carried out as a massage therapist and the player himself. Conventional massage techniques are performed - stroking, rubbing, kneading. By time, the procedure takes from one minute to four or five. Massage, as a rule, is accompanied by rubbing warming oaths: «Finalgona», «Dolpika», «Slearman», «Cramer», «Algeria». If these ointments are not available, it makes sense to rub the ointment containing the bee poison - «Apizartron», or ointment with snake poison - «Viprosal».

    Rubbing ointments causes hyperemia - blood flow, optimizes the functional state of the ligament attachments. Strong blows no longer cause pain in the loss. If the pain occurs and increases with increasing the number of shocks, treatment should begin.

    Massage after the game is reducing. It restores the optimal state of the elbow, removes the exchange products, normalizes the rooting in muscle attachments. At the same time, massage should rub therapeutic ointments - «Dolgrit», «Chondroxide», «POLIE-T», «Tramel-S».


    The sauna and the steam bath are powerful healing procedures for various diseases of the tendons and their attachments (insertions). The impact of high temperature helps the formation of new capillaries, and the new capillaries intensify metabolic processes in a sore elbow. It should be noted that at the same time it is impossible to produce hardening procedures - cool the elbow cold water in the pool, under the shower or in the snow. Spasm of various vessels with such «Hardening» can still keep and prevent recovery.

    Power training

    Any tennis player, especially a professional, should work on improving the power qualities of various muscle groups. There are no exception and muscle-flexor and brush extensors. Reasonable gym training, exercises with dumbbells and a barbell lead to strengthening tendons and prevent overwork when playing tennis. The stock of power makes it possible not to play all the time at the limit, and this is very important in the prevention of the disease.

    Treatment of chronic infection foci

    An extremely important point is the treatment of chronic infection foci. Carious teeth, not cured skydly almonds, sinusitis, frontitis, bronchitis, prostatitis, urethritis, cholecystitis pathologically affect the immune system and make it produce specific immunoglobulins, damaging their own cartilage and tendons. Unfortunately, our organism is so arranged - the immune system of the cutter beats in its fabrics. To eliminate these phenomena and enjoy the game of tennis, it is necessary to eliminate chronic infection from the body.


    Vitamins are necessary for the regulation of almost all life processes in cellular and tissue levels. Optimal ligaments provide primarily vitamins C, B1, B6, B12. The saturation of these vitamins allows cells to function in a comfortable environment. Cells of collagen fibers, of which there are ligaments, need vitamins - first of all to resist wear during many thousands of blows on the ball produced by the tennisist handle. For complete vitaminization, it is better to take multivitamin complexes: «Center», «Vitrum», «Unicap».

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