Hemiatrophy - one of the causes of body asymmetry


  • Forms of hemiatrophy
  • Treatment of hemiatrophy

  • Gemiatrophy - one-sided decrease in the size of the limbs, body and (or). This disease occurs in various diseases of the nervous system and is often combined with hemigipephy. Congenital hemiatrophy may be hereditary or influenced by various adverse factors during pregnancy. In addition, hemiatrophy is often noted with one of the forms of cerebral paralysis, as well as under paralymps caused by inflammatory, vascular diseases of the nervous system, as well as injuries. At the same time, along with hemiatrophy, there is a growing growth of the affected limbs.

    Forms of hemiatrophy

    Hemiatrophy - one of the causes of body asymmetryProgressing hemiatrophy of the face (Romberg's disease) - rare disease, causes and mechanism of development of which are unknown. It is assumed that the cause is the defeat and violation of the work of some nerves. The disease usually begins at the age of 10-15 years. Atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue arises at the low segment of the face. The process slowly progresses, spreading the entire half of the face with the involvement of muscles and bones. Cheek and chin are sharply wade. Sometimes takes atrophy half of the language. There is no skin nutrition: the whims of it, hair loss, eyebrows and eyelashes on the side of atrophy, excessive sweating or its absence. In some cases, atrophy applies to the body, hands and feet.

    Cross hemiatrophy - a rare disease, manifested by atrophy of half of the person, and on the opposite side, the limbs and torso atrophy occurs. Unlike Romberg's disease, these processes occur simultaneously.

    Treatment of hemiatrophy

    Currently, doctors know the way to finally cope with the disease. Use drugs that improve metabolism (vitamin E, group vitamins B; ATP, Cocarboxylase), vasodilators, as well as massages and therapeutic physical education.

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