Causes of blood appearance in urine


  • The causes of the occurrence of hematuria
  • Blood in the urine for diseases of the urogenital system
  • Hematuria, not related to diseases of the genitour

  • The causes of the occurrence of hematuria

    The intensity is distinguished by macrohematuria (urine the color of meat lesions, less often dark brown or black) and microhematuria, in which the urine color almost does not change or does not change at all, there is blood (red blood cells) in the urine, but it is found only under the microscope. Hematuria can be a rack or appear from time to time itself or in combination with protein in the urine, pain and nonsense. At the location of the source of bleeding can be kidney or from urinary tract.

    After excessive physical exertion, the appearance of blood in the urine can be observed in quite healthy people in the form of microhematuria. After the rest and normalization of the labor regime, it passes and does not require much treatment.

    Blood in the urine for diseases of the urogenital system

    Causes of blood appearance in urineAs a rule, blood in the urine appears when the stone begins to move and moves from pelvis or cupid cups in the ureters and then in the bladder. Maybe both in the form of minor hematuria and in the form of macrohematuria. Blood in the urine is almost always accompanied by pain. Erythrocytes in the urine fresh, bleeding source - minor injuries of kidney pelvis and ureter. They are always accompanied by painful sensations, especially when the stone is small and with a rough surface, but movable. It is more often injured by the soft cloth of the ureter than big stones. With the fatherlessness of the stone hematuria stops. Special treatment in this case is not required.

    In case of infection of the urogenital system, for example, when pyelonephritis, the source of bleeding becomes the capillaries of the inflamed and edema walls of the renal lychanok and the mouth of the ureters. Bleeding can be in the form of macrohematuria or microhematuria. At the same time, microbes that caused inflammation are found in the urine. The liquidation of inflammation ceases and the release of blood with urine. Antibiotics are applied in the treatment, but a preliminary analysis of the microbial flora is needed to sensitivity to them.

    Tumors of kidneys and urinary tract. Hematuria is observed when the tumor squeezes the nearby soft tissues, blood vessels, urinary paths, and when weeping the tumor. Manifests in the form of macrohematuria. It is difficult to conservative treatment. As a rule, together with the tumor, the kidney itself is removed.

    Blood when glomerulonephritis in the urine is often an early sign of the beginning of this disease, as a rule, happens in the form of macrohematura. Erythrocytes in the urine of non-freight, from long contact with urine they are leached and deformed. Hematuria during glomerulonephritis is always accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine. Hematuria decreases with a decrease in the inflammatory process.

    Hematuria, not related to diseases of the genitour

    May be observed in blood diseases, with liver failure. In the color of blood urine is painted when taking some drugs: amidopyrin, phenylsalicylate, rifampicin, in certain diseases: hemophilia, verlgood disease, thrombocytopenia.

    The source of bleeding can be various departments of the urethra. To determine it, you can spend the so-called three-fold sample. The patient is offered alternately overlook three vessels. Unless the first portion of urine is painted with blood, and the rest of the portions of normal color, the cause in damage to the urethra.

    If there is no blood urine in the first portion, and the subsequent two portions are painted with blood, the source of bleeding can be damaged of the bladder neck, the rear ventral or prostate gland. If in all portions urine painted with blood, then kidney tumors, bladder, prostate cancer, hemorrhagic cystitis can probably cause reasons.

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