Vitamins for the heart

In modern conditions, the strained life rhythm became the norm of life. Feeling periodically malaise and weakness, some people miss the fact that these sensations can be associated with the heart. The fact is that under the influence of nervous loads, this vital body can wear faster than it time to recover.

You can replenish your strength and strengthen the heart muscle using a balanced nutrition, as well as the reception of the vitamins necessary for normal operation.

Features of the functioning of the heart

Heart disease, vitamins, vitamins in products, heart

The well-being of any person is largely determined by the quality of the functioning of the heart muscle, ensuring the work of the heart as a pump that pumped blood in the body. Before the appearance of pain, many people do not think that it needs support.

In the presence of pain perceived in the heart, you have to contact the help of drugs. It is important to note that many pharmaceutical preparations are acting on the heart muscle like a whip, «spit» it is forced to work in reinforced mode. Additional overloads can be avoided - for this it is necessary to strive to preserve the health of the heart as the main important organ. Doctors recommend paying close attention to their food. It is very important to ensure that it includes trace elements and vitamins for the heart necessary to strengthen its condition and stable operation in normal rhythm. The disadvantage of these substances can not affect its work, causing various pathology of the cardiovascular system. Thus, in the presence of these diseases, as well as for their prevention, it is necessary to use vitamin complexes for the heart and products with a high content of vitamins.

Who needs vitamins for the heart

Heart disease, vitamins, vitamins in products, heart

Strengthen the health of the cardiovascular system, providing her optimal conditions for full functioning, as follows:

  • Having arranged the right power supply with a balanced diet, which includes the vitamins and minerals necessary for the heart muscle;
  • Additionally by using vitamin complexes to improve the work of the heart;
  • Normalize motor activity and competently dosing physical exertion necessary to strengthen the strength and endurance of the heart.

To avoid the development of cardiovascular diseases, it is required to maintain high-quality carbohydrate and salt metabolism in the body, as well as optimal capillary blood circulation. In most cases, this is actually achieving with the help of regular and proper nutrition, in which all the necessary vitamins are present. It is often not easy to organize it - according to statistics, in modern conditions, one person from twenty. In such a situation, you can use specially balanced vitamin complexes.

What vitamins are needed for the heart

Heart disease, vitamins, vitamins in products, heart

It is worth noting that due to the features of the structure of the heart muscle, its cells and recovery occurs significantly slower compared to other systems of the body. At the same time, most of the well-known vitamins contribute to the normalization of vital processes in the body.

To improve heart health and normalization of cardiac activity, the following vitamins are most useful:

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) that promotes the enhancement of the elasticity of the fibers of the heart muscle. Thanks to this effect, it is strengthened and works more evenly, the heart rhythm stabilizes. As a source of thiamine, various cereal cultures are opposed, as well as coffee beans. In addition, thiamine contains the following pharmaceutical preparations - passilates, as well as caocarboxylase and thiamine chloride (in the form of ampoules for injections);
  • Rutin (vitamin P) - is useful to reduce permeability and fragility of vessels, as well as to restore their necessary elasticity, effectively prevents the occurrence of capillary bleeding. As a source of routine, you can take a decoction or infusion of rosehip, to eat plums, spinach. A large amount of this vitamin is contained in an apple leather and buckwheat
  • Ascorbic acid acts reinforcing on the heart muscle, minimizing the accumulation cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. Powerful source of vitamin C are many vegetables, acidic fruits and berries, especially citrus, sea buckthorn, rosehip, white cabbage, and green onions. In addition, a pharmacy can be purchased a variety of drag and ascorbic acid tablets or an ampoule for injection;
  • tocopherol, or vitamin E, is widely known as vitamin youth, as it suppresses the oxidation of lipids in the formation of free radicals. Vitamin E can be purchased as a liquid (oil solution) or capsules. As a natural source of tocopherol in the diet, eggs, various vegetable oils, liver, cereals, various types of nuts, egg yolks can be played in the diet;
  • Pyridoxin (vitamin B6) - improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, normalizes fat metabolism in the body and contributes to the decay of cholesterol. Food products rich in pyridoxine can be attributed red meat and fish, as well as rice, various types of leguminous crops and dairy products. Preparations containing pyridoxine - Milgamma (includes a complex of vitamins of group B), pyridoxine hydrochloride (as a solution for injection). It is worth considering that with the help of regular reception of the group B vitamins, you can significantly improve the cardiovascular system as a whole;
  • Vitamin F, which is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and their further deposit on the walls of the vessels. For replenishment in the body of the PNCH, it is useful to eat seafood, as well as vegetable oils. In the pharmacy you can buy vitamin F99;
  • Vitamin (Coenzyme) Q10 - is useful for energy support for cardiac activity, normalizes pressure, prevents the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia and the emergence of hypoxic damage due to circulatory disorders. This substance produces liver from various incoming products in the body. In addition, in the pharmacy you can purchase vitamin complex Vitrum White Coenzyme Q10.

Thus, the regular taking of the above vitamins (in the diet and in the form of vitamin additives) will contribute to the preservation of heart health for many years, while improving well-being and providing forces, so necessary for an active lifestyle.

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