Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis is considered an ailmentary incurable. But this statement has at least one exclusion in the face of Astrophysics Stephen Hawking. The author of this article tells about the girl named Minna, who is also not going to surrender to the mercy of a terrible disease. And maybe the second exception to the rule.
Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis or disease Charcot - the incurable illness of the nervous system, the exact reasons for which are still not installed.
In the lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, motor neurons are affected, muscles are attracted and paralysis of extremities. The result of this disease is the death of a patient as a result of the refusal of respiratory muscles.
This diagnosis that will choose any of the gauge, Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen heard from doctors in 2005. Doctors did not forget to be mentioned that more than half of the sick bass dies in the first three years of illness, 80 percent - for 5 years, and only one of ten can live 10 years or longer. But, leaving the hospital on a wheelchair, Minna firmly told him: «Dying not in my plans soon».
Minna was strongly dismissed with a seating lifestyle and after a year in his questionnaire in the column «Personal Interests» She wrote to everyone's surprise: rowing, racing and basketball on strollers, hockey on sled. But it was not so simple to her: immediately after the hospital, she, first of all, refused antibiotics, forcing his body to independently confront the disease, then started daily training, and although at the beginning there was a few minutes of classes with light dumbbells, Minna constantly increased the burden and Duration of occupations.
Minna compares its lives with a glass of water, at the bottom of which there is a small hole. Her disease is a weak water flowing, and so that the glass does not remain empty, it needs to fill it as soon as possible. Sport and became the means that helps to fill it «Cup». «I have never seen anyone with a similar diagnosis, who would work with such an excitement in training, - tells her coach. - If I say Minne to make an exercise 5 times, then you can be sure that it will do 15».
Another Hobby Minna - Conducting runs on the strollers in order to collect donations to various good deeds: Construction of a children's park in her native city, means for patients with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, money for children's camps.

April 19, 2008 Minna makes a protracted jump accompanied by two instructors. Not tandem, but accompanied! Instructors were only insured during the free fall and helped to reveal the dome so that Minna did not lose their equilibrium. Mint landed on his own place that is below the back. After some time, Minna makes his second protracted jump, but already accompanied by one instructor, Anguus. And again «soft» landing, and even the fact that landing ended in a puddle, could not spoil the impressions of independent flight.
Unfortunately, Minne never managed to convince his instructor that she could uncover parachute. There was no guarantee that it would do it at the right height and at the same time will retain equilibrium and resistance in the air. When Angus told her about it, it was painful to watch, nevertheless, the instructor suggested jumping again in tandem. She did not want anything at that moment, but she could not hurt Angus to offend. Jumping out of the plane, Minna was surprised to see that they were joined by another comrade, the one more and more.... Soon they flew in the eight in a free fall, holding hands and forming a circle. Friends could not help but support Minnu at the moment when one of her most cherished desires became impracticable. The fun, which started in the air, was smoothly moved to the local bar, where everyone lifted the glasses exclusively for the vital energy and the hardness of the spirit of Minna.
Minna did not quit a parachute sport and continued to jump in Tandem with Angus. She also continued to actively engage in public activities and other sports, among which appeared and such an exotic, like Kaitving (flights on the air snake in the form of a wing). Unfortunately, in September, her health worsened: problems with swallowing food, and had to put a nutrient tube. But Minna does not despair and believes that everything will end safely, and she will jump again with a parachute with Angus.
According to Wikipedia, Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking is the only known patient, with a uniquely diagnosed lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, which has stabilized a state over time. I want to believe that soon in this article Wikipedia next to the name Stephen Hawking will be the name of Minna Mettinen-Kekalainen. «BLUE SKIES TO YOU, MINNA!», - This is how it is decided to desire good luck among English-speaking parachutes.