Medicinal herbs for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis


Treatment with folk remedies

But whatever the latest therapeutic drugs and apparatus for the treatment of urolithiasis, herbalism was and will remain forever­Coal Stone Medicine Any Epoch. Just be sure to consult with the attending physician to compile the right collection.

In Russia, the sincerversion was taken out of stones «Petrosillery grass» - Nasty grass Parsley Garden: «Who is one of the water accepts 3 or 4 weeks of the morning and the evening, 6 or 9 spools, and the stone from the bubble will be fed off, and the light skipping is created, and the hepatic missile displays, and brush the sweetness».

One spool - 4.26 grams. It is easy to calculate how much the imagines should be taken to take - this is approximately the brandy or wine glasses. It does not indicate here, in what proportions need to insist parsley. In a more modern folk recipe, we recommend 4 teaspoons of the roots of the roots of pouring 100 ml of boiling water, to insist all night (8-10 hours) and drink on the tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals. The tablespoon accommodates 25 g, that is, it corresponds to 6 spools. It remains to add that if possible, it is advisable to use fresh root. In winter, of course, he will go and dried.

«Most people who hit the kidney stones, fat, whereas people suffering from stones in a bubble, in most cases skinny, -­Til in his time Avicenna. - Old people in the kidneys are striking more often than stones in the bubble, and in children and those who are close to them in age, the case is the opposite... In children, the stones are most often formed due to their voraciousness and because they move on a full stomach and drink milk, as well as due to the narrow of the channels in the bladder, and the old people are due to weak digestion. Hippocrates, in addition, believes that stones in old people are incurable... Know that girls and women are rarely there are stones in the bladder... Know also that kidney stones and in the bladder - one of the diseases transmitted by inheritance».

Medicinal herbs for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasisAvicenna has a lot of useful recommendations that can be used today. No doubt that «both ripe and unhealthy melons drive urine and help from stones in the kidneys and in the bladder, if these stones are small; they are especially useful from kidney stones», But at the same time remember to remember: «Melon should be eaten after another food, for if it does not follow something else, it causes nausea and vomiting».

At sorrel «Pucked roots if they drink them in wine, crumpled kidney stones». Permissible to use both home and other villas sorrel. Chernushka sowing can be applied from garden plants: «It gives to drink with honey and hot water from stones in the bladder and in the kidneys, and she takes them out». And one more curious means: «Cabbage root ash crushes kidney stones».

From plants encountered in the middle strip of Russia, the blast furnace is applied: «He drives monthly and urine and crushes stones in the kidneys, if it eat raw or boiled, and also helps from ulcers in the guts». Plant is an essential suite, with a pleasant smell. Grows on the swamps, in standing waters off the coast. Roots poisonous.

It is appropriate to remember here and the freesh of the plantain, which has the ability to destroy the kidney stones.

Another effective recipe: For the treatment of the use of Rogovnik's roots, Danzchnik - Some leaves, Speech, Toloknyanka.

Rosehip roots dig in September, when the crimson leaf will start flying away from the bush. Big bushes do not touch, look for young single siblings within a radius of two or three meters. From them in different directions and certainly a large bush stretch under the ground. Long burglar cords. A lot of effort has to spend, feeding and pulling them upstairs. At the break, they are gently pose, sourcing a pleasant smell.

The best roots of Ryshovnik consider those taken on the stony slopes of the hills and mountains. In the raw nizin or in the floodplain of the river, in a dense umbilion, where there is always a complete rose hips, you can only take his flowers and berries. If someone disagrees, let the rose rose among the stones behave: making himself underground and meeting sandstone or limestone on the way, he does not turn aside, where the soil is softer, and there is a straight straight, crumb Breed in Truhu. Does he crap the same stones in human organs in the same way?

The day requires 6 tablespoons of crushed roots, in three glasses of water they need to boil 15 minutes. Drink immediately on a glass 3 times a day after meals.

Followed by twenty minutes, drinks also 3 times a day of half a cup of broth bruscany. It requires 3 tablespoons on 3 glasses of water, soar on fire falls for a long time, as long as two thirds of the original volume will remain.

Before the food is accepted by the infusion of grass Avdha: 1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water, hold under the lid 1 hour, drink on the third piece of glass.

Then, with an interval of 5 - 10 minutes, too, before eating, you need to drink a decoction of the leaf of the taste. He is prepared ahead of time, overnight. One tablespoon is poured with a full glass of steep boiling water, boils exactly a minute, removed from the fire and leave to appease until the morning. Drink half a cup in the morning and in the evening - 2 times a day. The best leaves of the Dornishnik - taken closer to mid-August.

The combination of herbs can be the most different. It is believed that Site and alone crumble stones in the sand. It is very good not only from stones, but also with jade, pyelonephritis, cystitis, papillomatosis of the bladder, however, a diuretic action is weak. Therefore, more success can be achieved by connecting such a common plant to it - goose, grass and roots. Broth on milk acts significantly energetic water beam. A mixture of grass and roots taken on 1 tablespoon, boiled in two cups of milk for 5 minutes, allow to cool to room temperature and drink throughout the day before eating on a decreasing dosage: in the morning about 150 ml, at lunch - 120 - 120, half a day - 120 70-80 - Up to half of the glass, the residue before dinner.

Medicinal herbs for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasisIn one bundle with a deer and palm, it is recommended to prescribe a powder made of dry leaves of the Buddra on a quarter of a teaspoon for reception or aquatic infusion of two teaspoons of grass on a glass of boiling water - a daily dose.

Dissolve kidney stones and cornframes: 2 teaspoons of 200 ml of boiling water, drink on a small throat every 3 hours. However, independent use is very rarely effective. There may be a blizzard and decoction of rough stems of rebel, cleaned from leaves, - 5 tablespoons on 0.5 liters of water, boil 15 minutes. Take 150 ml 3 times a day.

Miscellaneous herbs have to connect because there are also stones on chemical composition - oxalate, phosphate, urates and mixed. There is no single universal means against them, every time the approach to the patient should be individual. Plants also show themselves differently. For example, dried rowan berries are more shown in kidney stones, and flowers for urolithiasis.

The people drink from the stones of the infusion of flowers of viburnum, brewing two teaspoons in a glass of boiling water. Icestari use the root of the burdock: 2 tablespoons are boosted half an hour of 6.5 liters of water, using half a cup of 3-4 times a day. There is a firm opinion that burdock crushes stones.

The yield of stones and sand is often accompanied by strong pain. So you need to take into account not only «Comedrobile» Properties of the plant, but also the ability to thicken the pain. In the medical complex it is advisable to include water pepper, divering painful sensations. The dried and crushed grass are laying 2 tablespoons on a glass of boiling water, make infusion into three parts and drink in half an hour before meals.

Softens the discharge of stones of the infusion of flowers or decoction of the roots of Altea. Flowers require 10-12 pieces on a glass of boiling water, and the roots are boiled on a weak heat for 15 minutes at the rate of 4 tablespoons on 0.5 liters of water. I accept g hotty for half a cup 3-4 times after meals.

In case of painful disintegration of the stones, the chernobyl grass baths are very useful: three full handful of herbs together with the tops boil in three liters of water for 5 minutes, insist in heat for 4 hours, then add to the healing bath. It is combined with the reception inside therapeutic herbal infusions.

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