Cystitis - a disease that can not be treated independently


  • The first symptoms of cystitis
  • The main causes of cystitis
  • Treatment cystitis
  • Prevention of cystitis

  • The first symptoms of cystitis

    The disease is manifested by frequent and painful urination. Sometimes patients have to urinate every 15-20 minutes. During urination, and sometimes outside it, pains in the gossip area are noted. To start urination, it is necessary to make certain efforts, and at the end there can be several blood drops. Urine can become muddy. In severe cases, the temperature rises, nausea appears, vomiting, urine becomes opaque, with a dairy tint.

    The main causes of cystitis

    Cystitis & ndash; disease that can not be treated independently

    If a person once cystitis got sick, he can easily get sick re. And all because the causes that are caused by this disease are quite banal. For example, remember how often women are cautioned by their close people – «do not sit on cold» (on stone, gland and t.D.). This warning is quite justified. It is the supercooling of the area of ​​the pelvis can provoke cystitis. And sit in a cold place for this enough and twenty minutes.

    Also contributes to this disease and sitting work. If you sit daily for the workplace, without getting up, more than 6 hours – You can already assign yourself to the risk group.

    Cystitis lies and those ladies who love sharp food, pushing.

    Also this is a disease of those who are depleting related to their health - often do not happen from various diseases. Those who have surpassed urological, gynecological or venereal disease. Who does not comply with hygiene rules, including sexual hygiene.

    Also in a risk group we can safely attribute the holders of carious teeth and various chronic diseases.

    Treatment cystitis

    The most difficult cystitis cure. The fact is that a patient with complaints about symptoms of cystitis comes too late. More often the patient declares the following: «I have already sick recently, I saw Furadonin, 5-Nok. And now again began to take these tablets, and they do not help». Dr. Rasset. The treatment will now be much more complicated - the susceptibility of the pathogens of cystitis decreased.

    Invalid the opinion of those who think that at the first symptoms of cystitis, you can do folk methods of treatment. Treatment of various braverapers, baths only lengthens the treatment time. Engaged in self-medication, the patient does not get rid of cystitis, but only gives him to leak, but only hidden.

    If you are bothering symptoms of cystitis – Contact urologist. In addition to conventional clinical analyzes, you will probably have to pass cystoscopy. This procedure is unpleasant, but practically painless. A cystoscope is introduced into the bladder - a special optical device that allows you to study the condition of the bladder from the inside. Be prepared for what you have to comply with bed. You will have to drink a lot of liquid and observe a strict diet. From the menu must be excluded, spicy, pickled products. Medicase treatment appoints a doctor only after survey.

    Prevention of cystitis

    Prevention lies in compliance with the elementary rules:

    • Do not overcohe away.
    • If you eaten a lot of acute or salty, it is powered by plenty of water.
    • Observe personal hygiene rules.
    • If sitting work, - interrupted every one and a half hours. Just stand up or walk.

    And most importantly, do not postpone the visit to the doctor if you suspect cystitis.

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