From this article you will learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and principles of the treatment of the injured bladder.

The bladder is located in a basin that protects the injury organ. Urinary bladder damage can be obtained during fractures of the pelvic bones as a result of a car accident, falling, impact or household injury.
With a fracture of bones, the bladder pelvis is damaged by bone fragments or from tensioning bundles fixing the bladder to the pelvis walls. Damage, as a rule, causes an injury or breaking the bladder.
Often damage to the bladder are combined with injuries of the urethra.
Urinary bubble damage in aggregate with pelvis fractures cause internal bleeding.
The main signs of closed injury of the bladder are:
- The pain at the bottom of the abdomen, propagating throughout the abdomen or in the crotch;
- inability to empty the bladder;
- bleeding;
- blood in the urine;
- Owl of belly.
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor uses the following survey methods:
- bladder catheterization;
- Excretory Urography.
At the time of injury, the victim can develop pain shock. Therefore, the doctor's treatment begins with anti-shifting events. Further treatment - only operational. Only with light minor damage, surgical intervention does not apply, and antibacterial therapy is carried out, and as necessary, the doctor installs the catheter.
Open injuries of the bladder
Overwhelmed bladder damage occurs due to gunshot, brushed or cut wounds. Usually such damage is accompanied by injuries of neighboring organs.
Symptoms of open injuries are largely similar to the symptoms of closed damage. Open injuries are more dangerous and proceeding more difficult in connection with damage to neighboring organs and infections.
With an open injury, the victim immediately arises the following signs of damage:
- shock;
- lower abdominal pain;
- blood in the urine;
- frequent urge on urination;
- Wound.
The victim is needed urgent medical care. Operational treatment will be to remove urine from the bubble, the imposition of absorbable seams. If medical care has been rendered, open injury can lead to serious complications and even to the death of the victim.