Soup yes porridge - our food, or gout on a diet


  • Diet when gougr
  • Recommended products and dishes
  • Purin content in 100 g of food
  • Exemplary menu for sick gout

  • Soup yes porridge & ndash; Our food, or gout on a diet

    Diet with under


    With the first fit or exacerbation of the gout, first of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate meat and fish broths from the diet, soups, fatty varieties of fish and meat, meat of young animals, internal organs of animals and birds, go mostly on liquid food (milk, lactic acid products, compotes, kisins , vegetable and fruit juices; especially shown citrus juices, vegetable soups, liquid porridges).

    Remember that you need to drink more liquid than usual (total fluid volume should be about 2 liters, if there are no contraindications from the cardiovascular system). Therapeutic and table water with an alkaline reaction is recommended: «Slavyanovskaya», «Smirnovskaya», «Novoterskaya», «Borjomi».

    The gentle diet is shown to the patient also because, as a result of intensive drug therapy, disorders of the intestine (dyspeptic phenomena) often occur.

    It should not be relaxed in the periods of attenuation of the disease: one who at least once experienced the attack of gout knows what his hellish pain is, and therefore it is better to just follow its nutrition - the gout, unfortunately, is chronic disease .

    Meat and fish dishes are desirable to use no more than two times a week, and only in boiled form. And animal proteins are best to fill out due to milk and dairy products of reduced fat.

    One way to combat the exacerbations of the gout is the so-called templeting of the organism due to the use of products that promote the change in the acid-alkaline balance towards alkalis. These may be citrus juices, which despite sour taste change the balance towards alkali; Alkaline Mineral Waters, Green and Herbal Tea, Various Mors, Vegetable and Fruit Juices, Kvass. The power mode should be fractional, 4-5 times a day, including in the intervals between meals, abundant drink.

    Recommended products and dishes

    Bread and flour products: Wheat and rye bread, Lavash, Pita, pasta from wheat flour solid varieties, biscuit. Products from a bone and puff pastry.

    Meat and Bird: Non-fat varieties, 1–2 times a week in boiled form. Boiling meat and bird leads to a transition to a broth up to 50% of purines contained in products *.

    Fish: Non-fat varieties, 1–2 times a week (pike perch, pike, sea bass, poltai).

    Dairy: Low fat milk, low fat dairy and cottage cheese, dishes from cottage cheese, low-fat varieties of cheese.

    Eggs: Two eggs per week in any culinary form.

    Fats: vegetable oils – Olive, corn, sunflower (0.5 tablespoons per day), a piece of butter (size not exceeding the forest nut; per day).

    Croes: buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal.

    Vegetables: In any culinary processing, except pea, beans, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower. Restricted consumption of saline vegetables. Marinades are excluded.

    Soups: Vegetable, dairy, fruit.

    Fruits: diverse but raspberry and figs.

    Patients with excess body need to remember the high calorie content of grapes and melon. Under gout it is not recommended to eat: liver, kidneys, young animal meat, meat delicacies, canned meat, oily, salty, smoked fish, canned fish, chicken, mushroom broths, legumes, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower, raspberry, figs, Chocolate, Cocoa, Strong Tea and Coffee. Soup yes porridge & ndash; Our food, or gout on a diet

    Purin content in 100 g of food

    High (150-1000 mg): Chickens, Veal, Liver, Kidney, Language, Meat Broths, Sardines, Anchovies, Springs, Smoked.

    Moderate (50-150 mg): meat, fish, brains, raw pork, mussels, crabs, beans, peas, soy, cauliflower, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms.

    Low (0-15 mg):
    milk, cheese, eggs, caviar fish, bread, cereals, nuts, honey, vegetables, fruit.

    Also, with overweight, it is useful to organize unloading days using contrast diet with low purines, for example, such as cottage cheese-kefir (400 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 500 g of low-fat kefir), dairy or kefir (1.2 l per day), vegetable (1.5 kg of vegetables in any set, excluding prohibited), fruit (1.5 kg of apples and oranges), if there are no contraindications.

    However, hunger treatment with such patients is contraindicated. Fasting for gout already in the first days leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood followed by the development of the bout.

    Below is an approximate one-day menu with a reduced energy value for a patient suffering from gout and having an excessive body weight.

    Exemplary menu for sick gout

    First breakfast: Casseled casserole, beet and apples salad with vegetable oil, milk tea.

    Lunch: Orange, banana.

    Dinner: Booshche Vegetarian with sour cream 10% fatness, bran bread (1 piece), potato zrazy, jelly fruit juice, green tea.

    Afternoon person: Glass 1% kefir, two loaf «Elizabeth» With fruit jam.

    Dinner: Pasta with grated cheese (reduced fat), Beijing cabbage salad with fresh cucumber and tomato, fastened with vegetable oil, lemon tea.

    The integrated use of dietary and drug therapy, therapeutic physical education and physiotherapy allows us to achieve the relief of the attack of the gout or weakening it, as well as reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease and improve the motor function of the joints.

    * Purina – Complex organic nitrogen-containing compounds of a cyclic structure, found in an animal organism as a product of metabolism, as well as in some plants.

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