Treatment cystitis


  • Symptoms of cystitis
  • Causes of cystitis
  • Diagnosis of cystitis
  • Treatment cystitis

  • Symptoms of cystitis

    Cystitis begins with sharp pain in the bottom of the abdomen, a little higher than the pubic bone. Impressions are rapidly at urination, during urination the patient is experiencing severe pain and burning. Night urine studies. Changes and urine: it becomes muddy, sometimes with streaks of blood.

    For the treatment of cystitis, it is not enough to take some antibiotic to take away the disease. Cystitis will be depressed by an antibiotic for a while, but when its action is over, the infection will again begin multiply and symptoms of cystitis will return.

    Causes of cystitis

    Treatment cystitis

    In women cystitis occurs when infection from the vagina in the urethra. In men cystitis is caused by an infection propagating from the prostate gland. Most often, cystitis appearance cause staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand. Cystitis can be a manifestation of gonorrhea or chlamydia, so for accurate diagnosis will have to take analysis to these diseases. Prostatitis can also be the cause of cystitis.

    Infection enters the urethra, and then in the bladder. The inflammation of the bladder walls is developing. If cystitis is not treated, the infection can penetrate the ureters and above — in kidneys.

    Young girls cystitis often appear immediately after the start of sex life. After defloration, the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, the bacteria from there fall into the urethra and the bladder — This causes inflammation.

    Not until the end, cured cystitis goes into a chronic form, when the walls of the bladder are deeply amazed, but the exacerbations of cystitis occur only after the decrease in immunity (supercooling, alcohol)

    Diagnosis of cystitis

    To form a diagnosis, the patient's urine is investigated under a microscope and analyzes the number of leukocytes — than them are more, the stronger the inflammatory process. Further, to clarify the causative agent of the disease, sowing urine sick in a favorable for the development of bacteria Wednesday. Depending on what type of bacteria «increased» On the crop, pick up medicine.

    If these sowing and microscopic research is not enough, the patient is carried out cystoscopy. The presence of blood in the urine is an absolute indication for cystoscopy. After all, blood can testify not only about cystitis, but also about more dangerous diseases. For the patient's cystoscopy laid on the back, and the feet are fixed on special supports.

    Then in the urethra is introduced anesthetic (lidocaine, ultrakin). When anesthetic works, a cystoscope is introduced into the urethra — Thin tube with optical device at the end. Promoting a cystoscope according to the urethra, the doctor inspects the walls of the canal (is there inflammation). In the urinary bubble, the cystoscope allows you to see the inflammatory process, and at the same time to identify the presence / absence of stones, tumors. The complication of cystoscopy is bleeding caused by irritation of the walls of the urethra cystoscope.

    In addition to cystoscopy to diagnose cystitis, ultrasound, x-ray or nuclear magnetic-resonant tomography pelvis are used. But these studies are carried out much less.

    Treatment cystitis

    For the successful treatment of cystitis, the patient is not necessary to hospitalize. Disciplined man, sick cystitis, will spend several days at home, in bed, taking abundant drink (2-2.5 liters of fluid per day) and observing a diet – no sharp, salt, acidic, spicy products, only cereal, soups, milk. During the treatment of cystitis, it is better to abandon sexual proximity to not exacerbate the course of the disease. If you follow this mode and doctor's recommendations — cystitis can be cured, so he will never recall himself.

    In women, the treatment of cystitis should be combined with the treatment of vaginal diseases and the restoration of its normal microflora. Traditional preparations for the treatment of cystitis – Furagin, Biseptol – their effectiveness is confirmed by years. However, microorganisms have property to adapt to constantly used drugs and medicines cease to act.

    In this case, the patient is looking for replacing them. A new drug for the treatment of cystitis is a canofron. In his composition, the grass of the gold masculine, the roots of the dosage, rosemary leaves. These vegetable ingredients provide anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect.

    To accelerate the regeneration of bladder tissues, methyluracil is used. Nitroxoline, 5-NOCs are used to suppress the activity of microbes. If the sowing was allocated the causative agent of infection, prescribed the drug to which the causative agent has high sensitivity, that is, such a medicine that will effectively act.

    Most often prescribed antibiotics of penicillin row (Penicillin, ampicillin). After antibiotic therapy, you should take care of the restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina — This is the guarantee of the health of the bladder. To populate the vagina use dumping with bifidumbacterin.

    Men use the same drugs (Penicillin, ampicillin, 5-nok, nitropcoline). The course of antibiotics in men lasts 7-10 days, in women, such a course is usually shorter than 3-5 days.

    And do not forget that for the prevention of cystitis, it is necessary to carefully comply with the hygiene of the genital organs, to have a permanent sexual partner and try not to translate.

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