

  • Sources of infection
  • Ways of infection with clonorhoz
  • Forms of existence
  • Symptoms of Clonorhoza
  • The consequences of parasitization in the body
  • Methods of diagnosis of clonorhode
  • Treatment of Clonorkhoza
  • Prevention of Clonorkhoza

  • Clonorhoz is widely distributed in China, Japan, on the Korean Peninsula. Russia meets in the Amur River Basin. Mature forms parasitize in humans and fish mammals.

    Sources of infection

    Intermediate owners in clonorch two: the first mollusk family «Bithyniiadae», And the second – Fish of the carp family, which are the source of the disease for a person.

    Ways of infection with clonorhoz

    Clonorhose Infection of man and animals occurs when eating raw, ice cream, low-salted and insufficiently thermally processed invasive (infected) fish and mollusks.

    Forms of existence

    Metaccary of the clone (Invasive stage of larvae), Finding into the intestinal tract of a person is freed from his shell and penetrates the gallbladder and the pancreas, where it lives. Parasite eggs with bile and pancreas in the intestine and stand out with feces. Parasite eggs in the water swallow fish and molluscs. Man eats infected fish, and the cycle of the spread of the cloneor continues. The term of life of the parasite is 25 years and more.

    Symptoms of Clonorhoza

    • In the acute stage, 2-4 weeks after the invasion (infection), fever occurs, rash appears, the level of eosinophils in the blood increases, which is determined by the toxic and allergizing effects of enzymes and productivity products of the larvae. Cough appears, chest pain, jaundice. The duration of the acute stage 1-6, more often 2-4 weeks.
    • The chronic stage is characterized by the lesion of biliary tract, while the tone of the gallbladder decreases, there is a spasm and swelling of its ducts, the arrival of bile in the intestine (cholestasis) and the work of the pancreas is disturbed. There are pains in the field of right hypochondrium in the epigastria and in the course of the intestine, nausea, bloating.

    The consequences of parasitization in the body

    The first object of settling is more often a liver. Clonorch, like all the losers, is embedded in the liver tissue, filtering blood, and feeds on it. At the same time, the general inxication of the body develops, the level of bilirubin in the blood is growing, the blood protein decreases, myocarditis, infiltrates in the lungs, is developing pneumonia.

    Methods of diagnosis of clonorhode

    The diagnosis of acute clone-farms is determined on the basis of a clinical picture, data of epidemiological history (for example, staying in the regions of the propagation of clone-farms), confirm with the help of a parasitological study on Helmint's eggs in feces, duodenal content (it is possible to detect 1-1.5 months after invasion).

    Treatment of Clonorkhoza

    The course of treatment takes place in three stages, as in Epistorhoz. Degelminthication is carried out by Prasikvantel.

    Prevention of Clonorkhoza

    Prevention is to neutralize fish carp rocks by carp, thermal processing (careful baking or roasting), preventing the discharge and washing of uncleanness and unreleased industrial fish waste into water bodies, the use of molluscit.

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