In the salon with varicose?


Question number 1. Varicose – Contraindication to most aesthetic procedures for the body. It means that all women with such a problem for a beautician can not contact?

Here much depends on the severity of the disease. The issue of conducting any procedure should be solved individually. Just looking at the customer's feet, the cosmetologist can decide what kind of aesthetic correction is suitable for this particular case.In the salon with varicose veins?

Question # 2. Let's start hardware procedures for the correction of the figure. Which of them are preferable in varicose disease?

Primarily – Mostimulation, the so-called gymnastics for the lazy. Its essence is simple: electrodes are superimposed on the body, and under the influence of the current of a certain frequency of the muscles begin to shrink. For varicose veins, it is very good. After all, the walls of sick vessels weaken, stretch and poorly coped with blood pressure.

The only subtlety is that the electrodes cannot be placed on the area of ​​extended vessels. The beautician must choose a healthy skin area on which there are no light signs of varicose. Only here and you can put the electrode. It must be said that the minion can be carried out even with a prophylactic goal to prevent the development of the disease.

Question number 3. And what about the massage? After all, there is a whole set of its varieties.

With varicose disease, massage can be done, but only with the permission of the doctor. The exception is a vacuum massage for which extended veins are absolute contraindications. And it becomes clear after familiarizing the procedure. There is an installation with a pump that hesitates or sucks air into nozzles having a can.

These banks «Sprove» to the skin and massage begins. Due to the vacuum, microcirculation is improved, fatty fiber collapses and… Vascular permeability increases. Sometimes after massage there are not even point hemorrhages, but the most real bruises. This means that there is a violation of the integrity of the vessel. And the vessel is even healthy. What to say about varicose vein with its weak wall? It weakens even more, it becomes even more draxing and expanded.

Some cosmetologists believe that on varicose legs, a dynamic vacuum massage can be carried out. It lies in the fact that banks quickly water on the body surface. And with static vacuum massage, the nozzles remain in the same place within a few seconds. For vessels, such a kind of procedure, of course, worse – Fabrics «sucking out» Very strongly, the walls of the veins weakening fast. But for varicose veins, even the fleeting effect of the vacuum is dangerous, so with varicose disease dynamicsIn the salon with varicose veins?Sky massage is also contraindicated.

Question number 4. And what can be said about the popular Endertology today? This is also a variety of vacuum massage.

More precisely, it is a combination of mechanical and vacuum massage. It is carried out using a special device in which there is a vacuum chamber with cylindrical rollers. The device is turned on, and a negative pressure appears in the chamber. Simultaneously with this, both cylinders begin to rotate in such a way that the skin fold is going between them. It is treated with vacuum and «grinding» moving rollrs.

It is clear that endermology – This is not at all what you need people suffering from varicose disease. Its current worsens after several procedures. And the reason is still the same – Under the influence of vacuum, the tone of the venous wall is sharply reduced. It requires one refinement: if the beautician drives the camera not on the feet, then everything is in order. You can process your belly, buttocks, lumbar region, but not only hips and legs with knots of protruding veins.

Question number 5. Now one of the most sought-after salon procedures has become a press therapy. Is it possible to do it in varicose?

This is one of the most gentle procedures from edema. Special multi-chamber boots are put on their feet, and the air begins to be nerd. Fabric pressure spreads by waves – from the ankles to the buttocks. It provides a wonderful and very careful lymphatic effect. With it, not only eliminate swelling, but also decreases cellulite phenomena.

The procedure is so accurate that it can be carried out in varicose veins. Rather, at the first stage of the disease. In this case, the pressure is slightly lower what it turns out to feet healthy people. Nevertheless, such a procedure gives very good results – stimulates blood circulation, slightly increases veins. The third stage serves as unconditional contraindication to the procedure. Well, the second stage requires an individual approach, that is, the procedure can only be visited after the resolution of the phlebologist.

I also want to say about the preventive action of the press therapy. She prevents vascular disease perfectly. Therefore, this procedure – howIn the salon with varicose veins? and myostimulation – Can be carried out by those who have increased the risk of developing varicose disease.

Question number 6. I heard that all sorts of wraps are strictly contraindicated with varicose veins - algae and mud. Is it really?

This statement is fairly partially. Hot wraps in varicose disease is really absolutely contraindicated. They increase the risk of thrombophlebitis – The appearance of thromboms in the lumen of the veins. But the cold wraps with menthol will not bring any harm to. Moreover, they will strengthen the tone of the vascular wall and reduce the severity of varicose disease.

Question number 7. Since we touched the topic of thermal procedures – What can be said about paraffin therapy?

Today it is one of the most sought-after salon services. But those who suffer from varicose disease, it is impossible to carry out paraffin therapy. After all, paraffin warms up to approximately 55c. Then the viscous mass is applied to the body, and in such «Greenhouse conditions» Leather temperature rises by 1.5-2.

This causes irreparable harm varicosely expanded veins. Their walls are becoming even more insolvent, in addition, the development of thrombophlebitis is provoked. At the same time, the process is irreversible, and even several sessions of paraffin therapy of the legs can lead to serious complications.
The same can be said about the thermotherapy. Now it is one of the most popular types of cellulite and obesity treatment. Special bandages are put on the body, which generate infrared radiation of a certain wave. After a few minutes, the fabric is heated for several degrees. What again is fraught with a deterioration in the course of varicose disease.

Question number 8. What anti-cellulite programs are still allowed to women with varicose disease?

In the salon with varicose veins?

Lipolipolysis remains, mesotherapy and ozone therapy. The first of the following procedures is that electrodes are superimposed on problem areas and the current destructive cells are allowed. About mesotherapy not worth telling – about her and so everyone knows.

And ozone therapy – This is a type of mesotherapy, only in this case, non-biological cocktails are introduced under the skin, but ozone-oxygen mixes. They also cope with «Orange peel». And at the same time neutral with respect to varicose veins.

Although refinement is required: neither electrolypolysis, nor ozone therapy, no mesotherapy is dangerous at the first stage of the disease. The second stage requires prior consultation of fluballog. But here is very high, the likelihood that the doctor will easily resolve all these procedures. Difficulties arise at the third stage when the disease is in the started state. In this case, it is necessary to think not about cosmetic manipulations, but about treatment.

Therefore, the phlebologist is likely to ban hardware procedures. Yes, and a sensible cosmetologist will not take working with legs, which are clearly visible complications of varicose disease.

Question number 9. In conclusion, I want to ask about the solarium. Can it visit people with varicose disease? Does them have a special lighting mode? Do they need to use special protective creams?

All clients of the Solarium should be used with the ultraviolet filter. Which is a varicose disease, then a differentiated approach is applied here again. People with the first and second stages of the disease may well afford a little sunbathe. But this should not go beyond reasonable. It is necessary that the total duration of stay in the solarium amounted to no more than 20–30 minutes a week, and sessions should be at least two. Then the varicose disease is contraindicated to the solarium will not be.

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