Application Sinaphort

During the cold periods of the year, such unpleasant diseases, such as sinters, etmoit, frontititis and other pathologies of the nasal cavity and sinuses located around. The constant allocations from the nasal moves are tormented, it becomes hard to breathe, sometimes discomfort, pain, worsen general well-being. In such cases, an effective preparation of Sinuforth can help.

Composition and general information about the drug

sinusitis, medicine, ENT, runny nose, ORVI, cold, rhinitis, sionforth

A pharmaceutical company engaged in the production of this vegetation drug is located in Spain. The representative of this company in Russia is the dealer «INVAR».

In the package you will find two bottles. In one is 50 mg of lyophilisate (powder), which is used to prepare a solution for further intranasal administration. The lyophilisate is made of juice and extract obtained from fresh European cyclamene tubers. As a solvent, water for injections is attached, its volume is 5 ml which is measured in the second bottle. Introduction to the nose medicine is carried out using the available plastic spray nozzle. Identical in the composition of drugs today in the pharmaceutical industry. Use juice, squeezed from the NEWS Cyclamen Nursing House for Treatment. And for what reasons. Saponins that are part of the cyclamen juice - highly active substances, in overdose can be culprits of heavy reactions from the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. At home will not work to control the amount of saponins, it is possible only in production. In addition, the bottle is equipped with a special dosing device. In drops of sionforth is not released. The dispenser helps to get to get there, where the solution in the drops can not get, and the distribution goes very uniformly through all mucosa tissue.

When prescribed drug?

sinusitis, medicine, ENT, runny nose, ORVI, cold, rhinitis, sionforth

In recent years, the number of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis has doubled - Lor Doctors say so. Approximately 70% of sick ARVI Soon detected hymorit or other inflammations of the incomplete cavities.

These statisticians report that the sinusites are now detected in 15% of the entire population of the planet. It is difficult to treat the sinusitis of any forms, because the purulent mucus accumulating in the nasal sinuses and adjacent cavities is gradually compacted, it becomes thick, the outflow is hampered. In this case, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the exchange of air flow is difficult, which is very favorable for further reproduction of bacteria. As a result, the mucous, lining nasal moves, the incomplete sinuses and the basics (ducts), swell even more. Spray Sinufort has only local exposure, due to the saponins contained in the cyclamen, penetrating inside the underlined inflamed cavities, directly affects sensitive receptors. The excitation of the neurons of a trigeminal nerve occurs, which leads to a strengthening of several times the secretion and outflow of mucus from the incomplete sinuses. Cyclame components affect the mucus, drench the pussy. Gradually and the mucosa is eliminated. The nose is quick and effectively cleaned from the accumulated purulent exudate. Sometimes a doctor with a hymorite and other inflammations to Sinufort add more than several drugs of local or even general antibacterial therapy. Then an increase in efficiency is achieved, accelerating recovery and preventing recurrence in the future.

How to use medicine?

sinusitis, medicine, ENT, runny nose, ORVI, cold, rhinitis, sionforth

Our site immediately warns readers that only adults or children, whose age over 12 years old can use this drug. To begin with, the medicine must be prepared as follows. Unscrew the cap cap from the bottle in which you see powder. Recover the rubber plug. Open the top of the bottle (exciting it), where the solvent is. Pour the solvent into the bottle with lyophilisate (powder). Screw the dispenser to the bottle. Bear this bottle until the powder in it is completely dissolved. Before injection, you must remove the cap from the dosing device that performs the protective function. Make two or three test pressing in the air in such a way that nothing fell on you. When the patient presses on the bottle, two or three drops of drugs are distinguished (0.13 ml). This is the required one-time healing dose. It should be injected into each nasal move once a day. During the procedure, you do not need to throw the head, let it remain in a vertical position. At the moment of injection, it is necessary to stay inhale for five seconds. After a few minutes from the nasal moves, the expiration of mucus and pus. It can continue from one to two hours. Therefore, periodically checkout so that the nose is quickly cleaned and laid normally. Depending on the diagnosis and general well-being, the drug can be appointed for use not daily, but every other day. The course of treatment lasts from 6 to 16 days. Patients note that the disease begins to retreat in a few days of use of Sinufort.

Is there any contraindications and side effects?

sinusitis, medicine, ENT, runny nose, ORVI, cold, rhinitis, sionforth

The manufacturer of the drug prevents that it is impossible to use Sinufort in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding baby;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • with individual intolerance to the medicine;
  • with allergic rhinosinusopathy;
  • With an increased allergenophone, when there is a manifestation of the characteristic reactions of the nose mucosa, ravis on the face, its ethnicity and other similar phenomena;
  • with high arterial pressure, noted at the second and third stage Hypertension;
  • with cystic polypose Sinusite.

Sometimes with improper use of Sinufort, ignoring the recommendations of the instructions, adverse reactions occur:

  • manifestations Allergies - burning in the nasopharynk, itching, rash, very rarely - Svet Qincke;
  • Pain over the nose and eyebrows (in the first days of use);
  • staining of the slope in the pinkish color;
  • tear;
  • raising blood pressure (extremely rare);
  • Burn of the mucous eye and the development of conjunctivitis (this is if the medicine fell into the eye with an inacker handling of the bottle).

Store an unprinted bottle with lyophilisate can be 3 years at room temperature. But as soon as you made a solution from it, it is necessary to keep it on the door in the refrigerator. Take it about an hour before the procedure so that he gets a little bit in the room. Use such a solution for 16 days.

The drug shows good efficiency, he saved many people from hymorite and other complications Rudeness. Patients are grateful to say that Sinufort helped them avoid the operation, the so-called puncture, which is made when accumulated in the hymorosphea sinuses of mucus with. But the price of the drug is high, in different areas it ranges from 1400 to 1900 rubles. Therefore, before purchasing it, you will certainly consult a doctor and carefully read his instructions in a pharmacy.

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