Protect yourself from the attacks of the Raino syndrome


  • Precautions for Reino Syndrome
  • Prevention of hypothermia during Reyno syndrome
  • Skin Care with Reyno Syndrome
  • Behavior during the attack of the Raino syndrome

  • Reino syndrome call periodically arising changes in the color of the skin of the fingers of brushes and a stop in the cold or by excitement. Some people also have lips, nose and ears. Similar changes in the color of the skin, associated with a decrease in blood flow, can occur in healthy people during frostbite, however, in persons with Reino syndrome, they are already observed with a minor cooling of the body, in the air-conditioned room, when contacting cold dishes and T.NS. Color changes can be saved for some time after heating the body.

    If the Reynox syndrome is not associated with any other severe disease, it is called primary (or Reino disease). Approximately 10% of healthy people have this form of Raino syndrome. In cases where the Rhine syndrome occurs, as a manifestation of other diseases is used by the term secondary Riino syndrome. The latter is characteristic of diseases occurring with damage to the walls of blood vessels or an increase in blood viscosity, including rheumatic diseases, such as systemic sclerodermia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

    Precautions for Reino Syndrome

    The less often you will have the attacks of Reynos syndrome, the less risk of developing its complications. It is important to constantly maintain contact with your doctor, in any case will be able to give you advice. Here are the basic precautions in Reina syndrome:

    • Do not smoke; Long smoking leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, in addition, drugs used to treat Riino syndrome, more efficient in non-smoking
    • Discuss with your doctor the possibility of aerobics
    • Avoid emotional stress; Find out a doctor about relaxation (relaxing) procedures and other methods that take stress
    • When appropriate any new drugs about other diseases, always warn your doctors that you have Reino syndrome, as some drugs can cause vessels and worsen the Raino syndrome

    Prevention of hypothermia during Reyno syndrome

    In order not to emerge the attacks of Reynos syndrome, you should avoid cooling the body:

    • Warm dress in cold weather and in transition seasons Spring-autumn
    • Wear a hat in cold weather, since your body loses heat through the scalp
    • Close your ears and part of the face with a scarf
    • Wear loose shoes that does not break blood circulation in the footsteps
    • Warm Warm Socks and / or Use Thick Insoles
    • Wear mittens, they are warmer than gloves
    • Always have a sweater or jacket with you, even in the summer; They may need you in cold, air-conditioned rooms
    • Use flannel bedding or blanket lining; Use a special electric blanket for warming bed; If your hands and legs freeze during sleep, wear socks and mittens before lie down in bed
    • Watch out for maintaining a sufficiently high temperature in the apartment
    • Turn on the warm shower or fill the bath before you start to wash so as not to touch with cold water; Always close the bathroom door to save high temperatures inside
    • Contact friends or relatives for help, for example, ask someone to start a car on a cold day
    • Avoid domestic affairs related to immersion of hands in cold water
    • Wear mittens or gloves before getting food from the refrigerator
    • Use special containers, gloves or pupils to keep dishes with cold drinks or food
    • Wash and clean vegetables in warm water

    Skin Care with Reyno Syndrome

    Protect yourself from the attacks of the Raino syndromeBad blood flow can lead to dry skin. It can also cause cracks, burstles, painful ulcers that heal longer than usual. Here are some recommendations that will help you protect your skin:

    • Use the creams with Lanolin every day for brushes and stops in order to prevent skin cracks
    • Wash your hands soft, containing a cream with soap, carefully clean the skin between your fingers, not traumating it
    • Every day, carefully check the skin of the brushes and stop for the appearance of an ulcer; If you notice an ulcer, do not lubricate it with ointment, keep the surface clean (you can use a solution of furaticillin and bandage a finger); immediately consult a doctor
    • Protect your nails: use special lotions to mitigate the cuticle, do not cut the skin cuticle and do not use sharp tools to move it; You can safely remove the cuticle with a special cotton waller dipped in the cuticle removal fluid
    • Cutting off the nails, do not leave sharp uneven angles traumating the skin
    • Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes
    • Be careful when performing a pressure on your fingers, such as printing on a computer, playing guitar or piano, such a type of pressure can lead to a narrowing of your vessels, which provokes the episodes of Reynos syndrome
    • Wear clothes from natural fibers, such as wool or cotton

    Behavior during the attack of the Raino syndrome

    During the attack, do not worry, if possible, go to the warm room or hide your hands under warm clothes. Then do the following:

    • Distribute your brushes and feet, be sure to drive the bloodstream faster
    • Keep your hands under warm - not hot - water until they take normal color; Do not use hot water bottle or heating boot, which can cause skin damage
    • At the very beginning of an attack, when you just felt that the hands begin to freeze, lift them above your head and shake slightly

    Unfortunately, Reino syndrome is a chronic disease and cannot be pulled completely, but under the influence of treatment, the frequency and severity of its manifestations are significantly reduced.

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