Covering correction


  • Forms of Cooperosis
  • Treatment
  • Basic methods for the treatment of cooperosis and teleangioctasis
  • Fastening the effect of treatment

  • Forms of Cooperosis

    Timely intervention and correctly chosen procedures are capable not only to significantly reduce the existing defects, but also prevent further development of Cooperosis.

    Covering correctionTreatment of the disease depends on its stage, type and sizes of the vascular mesh. Cooperoz is different by origin (arterial, capillary and venous) and on the manifestations of vascular drawing (linear, tree, spoamy and point).

    Sometimes the process is so pronounced that it is necessary to deal with him not one year. The earlier the process of treatment begins, the better the results will be.

    It used to be thought that Cooperoz – incurable disease. Moreover, it was believed that it is impossible to adjust at home.

    Now there are enough strong cosmetic drugs that help reduce and / or cope with Cooperose even at home.

    If the problem is still significantly expressed, and cosmetic drugs for home care are ineffective, it is worth contacting the cosmetologist dermatologist.


    The doctor appoints a comprehensive treatment:

    • It turns out the problem of Cooperoz. If the reason is known, it is better to eliminate it or, at least, minimize its influence. For women, consultation of the gynecologist and endocrinologist is important.
    • Power Correction.
    • Reception of preparations that strengthen vessels.
    • Vitamins P (flavonoids are prescribed, the resistance of the vessels increases, reduce the permeability and loss of capillaries), C (strengthens the walls of the vessels, has a vasoconducting and anti-ethnic effect) and to (reduces the permeability of the vascular wall).
    • Prescribed drugs and nutritional supplements with plant extracts, strengthening and restoring vessels (grape seed oil, horse chestnut extract, arnica, hawthorn, rosehip and t.D.).

    Basic methods for the treatment of cooperosis and teleangioctasis

    If the vascular mesh is located on the legs, you should take advice from the Vascular Surgeon (Flaball). The specialist will help to eliminate the disease of the veins and will help to decide on treatment.


    Covering correctionVessel sclerosation – for «Savior» Extended Vevel (with a diameter of 2 mm). Special sclerosing substance is introduced into the vessels.

    Microsclerotherapy – Introduction to subcutaneous wreaths with thin needles of a special solution – sclerosant, thanks to what wreaths «Spipes». Within 5-7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to wear elastic tights or socks (compression bandage). After sclerotherapy, hematomas (bruises), scars.

    Photocoagulation (phototherapy) – Treatment (cavity) light - the most efficient safe method for removing vessels on face and body. With a bright flash of pulse light, extended vessels are damaged. This method is the most harmless - after it does not form scars and crusts. Sometimes the resulting redness passes independently for several hours.

    This type of treatment has proven itself in the elimination of vascular moles and neoplasms (hemangiom, «Wine spots», vascular neous and t.D.).

    Radio wave coagulation - Cutting vessels using radio waves. Recommended to eliminate pronounced vessels. Auxiliary method for removal of teleangioctasis.

    Ozone therapy – It is used to eliminate small vessels on the legs that cannot be removed using the sclerosation procedure (with a diameter of less than 2mm). After ozone therapy there is no scarring and pigmentation.

    Laser therapy - Cupperosis correction with different types of laser (pulse, permanent action, on dye and t.D.) depending on the type of cooperosis. This method has a number of shortcomings. After treatment, skin burns, scars, hematomas and neovascularization process can occur – Education of the new vessel of the starry mesh.

    Electro-generation - TELEANGIOTASTASIS OF TELEANGIOTASTASIS OF TELEANGIOETASI. However, after such a session, point scars and pigment stains can be formed.

    Fastening the effect of treatment

    Secure the treatment and prevent the appearance of new vascular stars and meshes will help the following procedures:

    • Microcurrent therapy - improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, reduces tissue puffiness.
    • Mesotherapy – Introduction to the skin of drugs that strengthen vessels and improve the overall skin condition.
    • Lymphodenge massage – Eliminates the swelling of the skin, contributes to the speedy removal of toxins and skin slags.

    Essential oils of rosemary, thyme, Majorana, Oregano, Sage, Melissa possess opposite effect. It should be applied after consulting the cosmetologist, adding to nutrients (olive, grape bones, avocado, macadamia and t.D.).

    Cosmetic procedures are aimed at strengthening the epidermis and blood vessels, restoration of normal microcirculation.

    For this purpose, all sorts of nutritious, moisturizing and antique procedures useful.

    Classic massage contraindicated!!!

    In the salons, a mask with a complex of vitamins (C, P and K), therapeutic additives (Rutin, Escin, Arnica extract, Konsky Chestnut, Gamamemelis and T.D.), nutrient and moisturizing additives (peanut, soy and sea buckthorn oil, avocado oil, jojoba, grape seed oil; glycine, fructose and t.D.).

    At home it is also recommended to use antique creams with antique effect.

    It should be remembered that Cooperosis requires long-term treatment, and after the correction – Supporting procedures.

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