
  • Causes of numbness fingers
  • Successful outcome of treatment in your hands
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of rain disease

  • Causes of numbness fingers

    Violation of blood circulation of the vessels of the hands and blood vessels is manifested in small arteries of brushes and stop. The disease can progress. It all starts with a sudden numbness of fingers, pain appear, usually under the influence of cold, or as a result of strong unrest. White fingers are white, after a sharp or burning pain appears. First, in order to get rid of pain you need to massage your fingers within 2-3 minutes. Over time, pain appear without visible reasons, their duration increases to 1,5-2 hours, edema, skin sinusiness occurs. Later on the affected areas of the skin, ulcers appear, then and deep lesions of the tissue, up to their death. 2-5 fingers of hands and feet brushes are affected. This disease was described by the French Medica Reyny and in his honor received the name Raino disease.

    Successful outcome of treatment in your hands

    TREATMENT TREATMENT RIANO FOLLOWThe cause of this disease is associated with a violation of blood flow to the relevant authorities. Today, medicine is actively treating these processes and drugs and surgically. But the patient himself should also help its body and for prevention, and to maximize the facilitation of the course of the disease.

    First of all, it is necessary to stop smoking, Nicotine narrows the vessels, keeps them in tension. In addition, people with Reino disease should avoid hypothermia of hands, legs, faces, as well as vibrations, even in domestic conditions. Its sources can be, for example, vacuum cleaners, coffee grinders, electric copies, and so on.

    In case of Ryno, it is important that the body does not have a shortage of vitamin C. Its a lot in rosehip, black currant, citrus. Vitamin PP is also needed. Its organism gets from rabbit meat, yeast, buckwheat cereals, squid, cod, milk.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of rain disease

    TREATMENT TREATMENT RIANO FOLLOWGood help with rayo fir-firing baths. You need to take 5-6 drops of pharmacy fir oil on the bath, 37 degree temperatures. Bath duration - 15 minutes. At the same time, the phytotherapists recommend taking 1-2 drops of oil in the mornings on a small piece of bread. It must be remembered that the oil destroys the enamel of the teeth very much, so they need to try to swallow a piece. In addition, it can be taken only if you have no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis or inflammation of the pancreas.

    With any diseases of the vessels, including Raino's disease, you can use the following recipe: Fresh bows juice mix with an equal number of honey. Mixture take 3 weeks 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in one hour before meals or while eating. This tool can be drunk until 2 months, then a break is needed.

    There is an alternative recipe: needles of young needles (spruce, pine, fir, juniper), crush, add 5 tablespoons of honey, 2-3 tablespoons of rose hips, 3 tablespoons onion husks, pour a mixture with 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, Then shift to the thermos, in the morning strain and drink 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day. Attention! This recipe is contraindicated to people with diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

    Folk remedies are good, but only as an addition to the main treatment. It is important not to forget to take medicines prescribed by the doctor. Only then can you defeat the disease.

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