Diagnosis and treatment of lymphedems


  • Ways to diagnose lymphedemy
  • Options for treating lymphedemy
  • Physical exercises in the treatment of lymphedemy
  • Limphedhem Prevention

  • Ways to diagnose lymphedemy

    The diagnosis of lymphedem is carried out using instrumental research methods. Before conducting diagnostic research, the doctor usually conducts a survey of patient to the account of complaints, the nature of the course of the disease. Finds out a possible causal factor. Next, an inspection of the affected limb is carried out, the measurement of the circle is made.

    To confirm the diagnosis, special instrumental research methods are carried out:

    • Lymphoscintigraphy
    • magnetic resonance study
    • CT scan
    • Duplex ultrasound scanning
    • Lymphangiography

    Lymphoscintigraphy - a method in which a small amount of low dose of radioactive substance is introduced into lymphatic pathways. After that, the lymphatic vessels are scanned, and the nature of the disturbance of Lymph is detected.

    Magnetic resonance study - a study based on the combined application of magnetic and electron fields.

    Computed tomography - X-ray method of study with image processing on a computer that allows visualizing fabrics and organs in layers depending on the level of lesion.

    Duplex ultrasonic scanning - method of ultrasound examination, allowing to determine the flow rate of lymphs in vessels, the presence of an obstacle and t.D.

    Lymphangiography - method associated with the introduction of a special coloring agent into a lymphatic vessel and its visualization by radiography.

    Options for treating lymphedemy

    Unfortunately, specialists dealing with only the problem of lymphedem, no. Surgeons, oncologists, as well as physiotherapists can be treated with the treatment of this disease. You can cope with the lymphedende by appropriate care for the sore hand and following simple recommendations. For the treatment of moderate lymphedhem, the following recommendations must be followed:

    • It is necessary to thoroughly dry them and process the lostened limb
    • Before cooking, you need to wear protective gloves
    • Shave electric razor
    • Do not go barefoot
    • Do not cross legs when sit
    • don't wear a handbag

    In addition, at a high risk of lymphedem development, injections in the affected area and blood pressure measurement on the sore hand.

    Until now, doctors cannot find an accurate answer to the question about the treatment of chronic lymphidem. To date, there are several types of treatment of chronic lymphidem. One of them is the so-called manual lymphatic drainage (simply speaking, massage). The following method is special exercises that are performed with special purpose compression stockings (as in varicose sickness) or bandages, as well as pneumassage - device, using air, contributing to the outflow of lymph on lymphatic vessels.

    Unfortunately, the lymphidem is not treated with medicines. However, they are used to treat concomitant diseases.

    Surgical treatment also applies. It is the removal of excess skin tissue. This method is used with excessive dimensions of the affected limb, when it becomes difficult to move it.

    Physical exercises in the treatment of lymphedemy

    Diagnosis and treatment of lymphedemsPhysical exercises lead not only to the outflow of lymph, but also to the influx of blood to the soft tissues of the hand. This leads to a cluster of fluid. Therefore, the most efficient in this case is a combination of light exercise with the appropriate bandaging of the hands with special bandages.

    If the swelling of the hand or infection in its area is noted, then a good habit is the periodic leisure of the limb in a raised position. It is necessary to raise your hand so that the elbow and brush were higher than the shoulder level. Such a position facilitates the outflow of lymphs by hand towards the heart. If the patient is in a sitting position in the chair, leaning back, then you should not squeeze soft fabrics in the armpit area. And also try not to keep your hand in a raised position without support for a long time - this leads to muscle fatigue and feeling «Flood» arms.

    Physical exercises in the lymphidem helps to improve the outflow of lymphs, and, therefore, and reduce the manifestations of swelling of soft tissues. Lymphay lymphatic vessels are provided by both muscle cuts, they, as it were, squeeze the accumulated lymph of soft tissues into the bloodstream, where it goes on the vessels.

    Since the movements of the joints of the fingers and auscular joint are of great importance in the mechanism of the muscular pump of the lymphatic storage system, «Basic exercise» It looks like this: clinging your fingers into the fist, bend the creep joint and bring the fist to the shoulder, then open the palm, break your hand and relax it in reverse order. This is «Basic exercise» should always be included in the overall set of exercises and change accordingly (for example, after opening the palms to raise hands up or after opening the palms to pull the hands forward and t.D.).

    Other exercises are performed both in the position lying and in the sitting position (in the latter case - after holding the hold of the vertical position of the body), 10-15 times each with an increase in the exercise pace.

    In addition, it is very useful for the prevention and treatment of liquides. Pay attention to the fact that almost all exercises need to accompany the so-called respiratory gymnastics (deep breaths and exhalations), as it enhances the prisons of the chest, improving the outflow of lymphs on lymphatic vessels. It is important to remember that these exercises should not tire and do not lead to excessive blood flow.

    Limphedhem Prevention

    Prevention - the best way to avoid lymphidem. Easier to warn this disease than to treat. Therefore, it is very important to know the foreshadows of lymphedems and take action on time.

    The most important thing is that it is necessary to comply with skin care. The skin is a barrier between the external environment and the organism. Therefore, any damage - cuts, burns, bites, scratches - serve as entrance gates for infection. Currently, technologies and methods that make it possible to significantly reduce the risk of lymphidem development (for example, removal of signal lymph nodes instead of a complete excision of all regional lymph nodes. But if the operation on the mastectomy or the dissection of the axillary lymph nodes was carried out several years ago, when these methods were not yet applied, the risk of developing this disease is quite high.

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