Causes of hypospadias and problems


  • Causes of hypospadia
  • Problems for hyporadia

  • Hypospadhery is called congenital abnormal development of the urethra (urethra), which manifests itself in the abnormal arrangement of its outer opening, when it is not on the top of the head of the penis, but along its bottom surface. In addition to the anomalously low location of the outer hole of the urethra, in hypontalia there is an abnormal development of the skin of the extreme flesh, which is more concentrated on the back of the penis, forming the so-called «Hood», While on the bottom surface of the penis often there is a deficit of the skin and the so-called it «split». In case of hypospady, the sexual member is in most cases bent downwards, which is especially noticeable during the erection. In some cases, this is due to the deficiency of the skin, which pulls the penis down.

    Causes of hypospadia

    Causes of hypospadias and problemsHypospadia occurs from 0.3% to 4.5% of newborn boys. This vice for the development of a penis is one of the most common congenital abnormalities in men. In recent years, in most developed countries in the world, an increase in the frequency of occurrence of hypospadiums is noted, which is associated with an increase in the number of pregnancies after artificial fertilization (ECO), which will be part of the hormone reception in the threat of miscarriage and premature genera, the effects of adverse environmental factors and T.D.

    To the above reasons of hypospadium, you can add disorders of male germ hormones in the body of the fetus, as well as heredity. Twins hypospadia observed more often by 50%. Approximately 7% of newborns with hypospadhea have close relatives (father, older brother) with the same ailment. The probability of birth of a boy with hypospadhery accurately predict almost impossible. If possible, it makes sense to avoid exposure to famous risk factors for the development of the disease.

    Problems for hyporadia

    An abnormally located outer opening of the urethra can cause difficulties in urination, first of all, in the form of a violation of the shape and direction of urine jet, as well as its spraying. Often a man with hypospades are forced to urinate sitting. Hypospadia's ejaculation may not lead to sperm in the back of the vagina, which may make the offensive of pregnancy. Frequently taking place at hypospadia, the curvature of the penis can make it difficult to introduce it to the vagina and conducting sexual intercourse, as well as make it painful for partners. Finally, the appearance of the penis in the hypospadia does not correspond to the generally accepted aesthetic standards.

    The farther from the normal place on the top of the penis head is the outer hole of the urethra, the more pronounced problems described above may be. In nature, there are no methods for the treatment of hypospadium and the reconstruction of normal urethra, except surgical. However, before planning an operation, the doctor must carry out a thorough diagnostic study.

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