About 60% of the guys finish school with gastritis, about 30% - with ulcer of stomach or duodenal ulcene. That we are parents, we can take to keep the children health?

About 60% of the guys finish school with gastritis, about 30% - with ulcer of stomach or duodenal ulcene. That we are parents, we can take to keep the children health?
These questions give their answers to Ksenia Stepanov – head. Clinical department, senior researcher of the Research Institute of Regional Infectious Pathology of Rospotrebnadzor,.M.N.
Analysis of the organization of nutrition in Russian schools in 2005-2006 academic year showed that it remains extremely unsatisfactory. This was stated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor, the Chief Sanitary Physician of Russia Gennady Onishchenko.
«Only 63% of schoolchildren, and in grades 5-11 - 52.7%, get in schools. At the same time, only every fourth schoolchildren of the country gets hot food», - Notes Onishchenko. According to the doctor, lunch in rural schools costs an average of 10 to 15 rubles, in urban schools from 20 to 25 rubles. In this case, the amount of unsatisfactory products in places exceeds 8%.
The most common diseases of schoolchildren are gastritis, and associated anemia. About 60% of our schoolchildren come out of school with gastritis, about 30% - with ulcer of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Clinical picture – Reducing the appetite, heartburn, which appears on an empty stomach or after eating 15-20 minutes or 2 hours (depending on the localization of ulcers), a frequent belching or belching with the smell (renovation), nausea, in severe cases of vomiting, epigastrigation pain ( Nighting, stitching), feeling of gravity, discomfort, overflow in the stomach. The child is quickly saturated, and Mom believes that he has nothing to eat. It is also possible that the appearance of a liquid chair or constipation, the bloating, not digested food particles in the chair. Need to know what if «sick» stomach, then problems will be with pancreas and bubble. At the same time, pancreatites and cholecystitis arise, children are more often - dispensatism and dyskinesia of biliary tract. They are accompanied by pain in the right or left hypochondrium, more often are stuffing pain, up to sharp pains by type colic (while parents turn to surgeons). There are bitterness or dryness in the mouth, the level of bilirubin and liver and pancreas enzymes increases. The child becomes irritable, sleeps restlessly, nightmarish dreams can appear.
Anemia is dangerous in that with insufficient amounts of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in tissues and organs, there is an insufficient amount of oxygen, which means that the nutrition of the organs is disturbed, and this leads to a decrease in their function. Most often, children appear general weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness. The child remembers well, decreases performance.
Also, recently there has been a sharp increase in the level of acute intestinal infections among schoolchildren, especially such as Dieseneria and Salmonellosis. For these diseases, it is characterized by an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, liquid stools with pathological impurities, abdominal pain, usually diffuse, but can be localized in the left or right iliac regions.
We must not forget about parasitic diseases that manifest themselves gastritis, erosion of the gastrointestinal tract, dyskinesia of biliary tract and pancreatitis. These include, first of all, giardiasis and enterobiosis, in second place - opistorhoz, hymenolipedesis, ascaridosis, shaded, teniarinhoz and T.D. Each parasite tropen (t.E., Lives) to a specific department of the gastrointestinal tract and has its clinical manifestations, but any parasitosis will necessarily be accompanied by various allergic reactions and a variety of rashes.
In schools, only schoolchildren of junior classes receive in schools, and high school students receive only express breakfasts. There is a replacement of hot nutrition with buffet products and remains unsatisfactory assortment of school buffets, which, as a rule, uses most senior pupils. The number of students in high schools receiving hot food in schools (both preferential and cost) in many regions does not exceed 10-20%.
Organization of the schoolboy during the day
Schoolboy's power mode is directly connected with the schedule of his day. Most of the teenagers spend at school. In this regard, the alternation of mental loads and rest periods should be taken into account. During the period of significant mental loads, food must be fractional and easily dismantled. The dense part of the diet, satisfying lunch, supplying proteins and fats and requiring long digestion should be transferred for a period of more or less long holidays.
Typical modes of nutrition of schoolchildren when learning in the first and second shift.
First shift
7.30 - 8.00 Breakfast at home
10.00 - 11.00 Hot breakfast at school
12.00 - 13.00 lunch home or school
nineteen.00 - 19.30 Dinner House
Second shift
eight.00 - 8.30 Breakfast at home
12.30 - 13.00 lunch home (before leaving for school)
sixteen.00 - 16.30 Hot Food at School
nineteen.30 - 20.00 Dinner House
What should be the nutrition of a schoolchild? Primary requirements
Main medical and biological requirements:
- The school diet should consist of breakfast and lunch and provide 25% and 35% of the daily need, respectively, and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements Breakfast and lunch in the amount must provide 55-60% of the recommended daily physiological norms.
Rations should be distributed in their energy value, protein content, fats and t.NS. depending on age.
- Power regimen must be compliance - breakfast before leaving for school, a second breakfast at school (10-11 hours) required to replenish energy consumption and foodstuffs intensively spent in the learning process; Lunch (home or at school) and dinner (no later than 2 hours before sleep).
- School food must be gentle by both the preparation method (restriction of fried dishes) and in its chemical composition (limiting synthetic food additives, salts, spices, etc.).
Unfortunately, the fulfillment of all the requirements of the modern school does not have to wait. In addition, it is absolutely not possible to consider the individual features of every teenager. Therefore, the children and their parents should do in this direction.
Pay attention to how we break in the house. Often, children are badly breakfast before school or refuse to eat at all. This will definitely affect their health. On the other hand, in this difficult age, it is impossible to solve the problem, and it is not worth. How to get a full-fledged nutrition that he just needs? Adults should be obsessed for taste preferences of a teenager and try to offer a schoolboy for breakfast anything useful and tasty. Explain to him why it is so important to eat before school.
Food for breakfast should not be «Heavy», oversaturated fira. It can be fish, boiled egg or omelet, cutlet, cottage cheese, porridge. And necessarily - some vegetables. You can add a tea menu, cocoa with milk or juice.
Find time – Wrap the baby's second breakfast with you to school. You can make a boiled meat sandwich or cheese, suggest to take yogurt, bagels, pie, buns, cook cheesery, casseroles, pancakes with meat or potatoes and t.D. Autumn, especially good apples, pears, cucumber or carrots. A schoolboy can take juice, compote or tea.
It is very important to take into account that some products can quickly spoil at room temperature. This is especially true of meat products. Strong boiled sausage only hurt the stomach. This topic is especially relevant for the cold season, when heating includes heating, and the products deteriorate faster.
But «School sandwich» can not replace a full dinner. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child, especially if it remains after lessons on «Prothenka», what is very important and useful to eat «Hot». If the child is in classes to the hour or up to two, and then go home, adults must take care that they waited for the traditional «first, second and compote»!