Brain cyst develops as a result of any violations in the human body. What diseases are preceded by the appearance of a brain cyst? What are the symptoms of this ailment? Answers know the author of this article.
There are two main types of cyst: arachnoidal and cerebral.
Arazhnoidal cyst is a bubble of fluid that accumulated between the mercated layers of brain shells. Such cysts remain after inflammation of brain shells, hemorrhage or injury. Name «Arachnoidal» It happened from the name of the cinema shell of the brain (ARACHNA - Spider). If the fluid pressure in the cyst is higher than the overall intracranial pressure - it can surpassed the bark of the brain and cause unpleasant symptoms.
Cerebral or inlet cyst (corn body, subcortical nuclei, hemispheres, cerebellum, brain trunk, etc.) - this is a cluster of fluid on the site of the deceased area of the brain. Thus, the fluid replaces the lost volume of the brainstant.
The cause of death should be clarified, and prevent further brain destruction. Frequent causes of the appearance of a cyst is the insufficiency of cerebral circulation, stroke, injury, inflammation (encephalitis), operation in the skull cavity.
Arachnoid cyst is always located on the brain surface, in the shell area. Cerebral intracerebral cyst - thicker brain substance.
Cerebral cyst is not a cancer. The size of cysts is easy to control using magnetic resonance and X-ray computed tomography. If the sizes of cysts over time have become more - it means that any damaging factor continues to operate on the brain. In this case, we are looking for and treat the reasons for the appearance of a cyst.
The main reasons for the growth of arachnoid cysts:
- In the cyst grows fluid pressure;
- The inflammation of the brain shells continues (arachnoiditis, the effect of infection);
- Concussion of the brain in a patient with a previously formed cyan.
The main reasons for the growth of intracerebral cysts (and / or the emergence of new cysts):
- The violation of the cerebral circulation continues, new foci of microinsults appear;
- The infectious or autoimmune process of the destruction of the brain substance (scarm sclerosis, scattered encephalomyelitis, neuroinfection) continues.
Causes of the appearance or growth of cyst usually manages to establish according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging, blood tests and research of blood flow by brain vessels. Treatment is based on research results.

One or more of the listed symptoms is possible:
- headache;
- feeling of cutting or pressure in the head;
- feeling of pulsation in the head;
- noise in the ear with a stored hearing;
- hearing impairment (neurosensory hearing loss);
- visual disorders (bias, stains before eyes and t.NS.);
- symptomatic epilepsy;
- paresis (partial paralysis) hands or / or legs, permanent or transient;
- Episodes of loss of consciousness;
- malfunction;
- numbness of any part of the body, permanent or transient.
If the cyst of the brain is a consequence of the long-suffering disease, there is a complete absence of any symptoms.