Nanotechnology in the treatment of intervertebral hernia using tap


Nanotechnology in the treatment of intervertebral hernia using tapIntervertebral hernia (intervertebral disk hernia) — The disease of the spine, in which the disk is protruding into the clearance of the spinal channel. The consequence of this is squeezing the spinal cord or spinal roots. Hernia may occur in any of the spine sections: cervical, lumbar, breast. The disease is accompanied by pronounced pain syndrome, and may also entail a number of negative consequences: disruption of the operation of the internal organs, loss of sensitivity in various parts of the body, paresa, and in serious cases and paralysis.

There are many methods in the treatment of intervertebral hernia.

Radical surgical.

Surgical treatment is only about 10–12% of patients from the total number of suffering from this disease. Such operations are carried out according to strict testimony, and the period of rehabilitation after them takes a long time.

Nanotechnology in the treatment of intervertebral hernia using tapMinimally invasive interventions. Currently, in the world, techniques that do not require open radical intervention are actively developed. Let's call the mains. Laser Vaporization (Termocoagulation), Radio Frequency Ablation (Cold Plasma), Ultrasonic Destruction Gnigent Intervertebral Discs, Vertebroplasty (Sclerosing).

Our clinic has developed an original method of treating intervertebral hernia using tap (platelet autoplasm). This drug has good regenerating properties, it does not cause allergies, as it is a patient's own blood product. Simply put, when using this drug, the repair of intervertebral hernia begins, which is physiologically compared to other methods. This means that the structure of the surrounding healthy tissue is not disturbed.

For successful treatment requires the work of three main specialists: neurologist, orthopedic and massage. This technique is worked out and showed good results. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Cost of treatment, approximately 50t. rubles.

Surgeon Ltd «Comprehensive clinic» Gritsenko S.F.

Nanotechnology in the treatment of intervertebral hernia using tap

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