Hypospadia in women


  • Hypospadia manifestations in women
  • Hypospadia treatment in women

  • The hypospadia is a state in which the outer hole of the urethra is shifted by the normal location, towards the vagina, and is represented as splitting the rear wall of the urethra.

    Hypospadia manifestations in women

    Hypospadia in womenThe outer opening of the urethra in hypospadias, in contrast to the normal, has the form of a large stretched oval hole, turning gradually in the marginal wall groove. However, the work of the bladder even at high degrees of hypospadia is violated only in exceptional cases; Relative or complete urinary incontinence is observed in some patients only when splitting captures the entire urethra.

    The heavy form of hypospadias is very rare, while it is usually observed, in addition, various anomalies and from the sexual sphere (double uterus, underdevelopment of the vagina and an abnormally developed crotch); In this case, the hole of the urethra is located deeper than usually, and flows into the lower vagina department.

    Hypospadia treatment in women

    With a non-heavy degree of hypospadia of treatment, it is usually not required, since the normal act of urination is carried out. In the same cases in which there is relative urinary incontinence, an operation on the urethra canal, at which the channel and muscles are restored, its compressive. This allows you to get rid of urinary incontinence.

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