Treatment of Epipudilit Locks

It happens that even the elementary simplest movements of the hand cause painful pain in the area of ​​the elbow joint. With such pains, the doctor may diagnose the epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Who most often develops this ailment? How to overcome it? Why he arises? How to prevent such pathology? Tell about everything in the proposed article.

Overview of Epipudilite

elbow, elbow joint, orthopedics, joints, epicondylitis

This chronic disease is characterized by the emergence of degenerative changes, stretching and inflammatory processes in the muscles and tendons of the forearm in those places where they are attached to a small bone protrusion (clovers) of shoulder bone. Most often, in this case, the tendons involved in the extension of brushes and fingers suffer; The muscle that keeps (stabilizes) the wrist when the elbow is straightened (this is a short radiation extension); Interfalane and cranky joints, as well as fabric adjacent to them (Lamid bone crossings, periosteum). It is usually amazed «Lead» Hand, if the man is right, then the pain appears in the right elbow. If a person has more functions assigned to the left hand, the disease develops in the left elbow. If a person suffers pain, does not go to the doctor, then the disease progresses for a long time. It is quite common among those people who are subject to excessive loads in sports. Athletes have even such a second name - «Tennis player elbow».

Why epicondylitis arises?

The main causes of the emergence and development of epicondylitis are as follows:

  1. Chronic tissue voltage with prolonged rotations of the forearm with simultaneous frequent rebound bending and elbow extension. Such movements often perform tennis players. Especially high risk of this pathology, if the racket is incorrectly selected, and there are errors in the technique of impact.
  2. elbow, elbow joint, orthopedics, joints, epicondylitis

    Do not tolerate pain, mistakenly believing that everything will pass. Only a doctor may immediately appoint treatment after diagnostics, to prevent the epipudilitis into a chronic form. The goal of therapeutic measures is to save the patient from pain, to pacify the inflammatory process, restore the disturbed blood circulation in the limb, to return the opportunity to perform in full movement associated with the elbow joint.

    The doctor will advise at first (10 days) to exclude those movements that probably provoked the development of the disease, the execution of which causes pain. But so that muscle atrophy does not happen, the hand should still move.

    Day It is recommended to perform movements in elbow, orthopedic clamps, special bandage. In the evening, these helpers are removed. All this contributes to the healing of the damaged fabrics.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (used inside or external) are able to reduce pain and inflammation. Usually doctors write out external (rubbing course - at least 14 days): long cream, ointment Orthofen, Nay gel, ointment Aertal, ointment Butadion, gel bischofit. Tableled forms: Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil, Nurofen, Ketorol.

    It is useful to apply compresses with camphor oil (for two hours), with medical brya (overnight) or with blue clay (no more than two hours).

    elbow, elbow joint, orthopedics, joints, epicondylitis

    If the patient complains that the pain is unbearable, then the doctor can make an intramuscular injection with a corticosteroid in the most painful region (for example, with «Kenalogo-40»).

    Modern method of treating this pathology - plasma injections enriched with platelets (growth factors). Injections are painful, but they are effective, as significantly reduce inflammation, relieve pain, stimulate healing of injured tissues, strengthen muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments, bones.

    After the downturn of the inflammatory process, the doctor may recommend the following physiotics:

    Favor can bring massage, needleflexotherapy, acupuncture, pharmacopuncture.

    Extremely effective with a given disease of homeopathy, apitherapy (Pieus, treatment with propolis).

    When the pain calm, the doctor will select and prescribe a complex of simple exercises that will contribute to the restoration of muscles and tendons located near the elbow joint, return the activity of the hand, strengthen the muscular strength.

    In some people, recovery comes in a few weeks, others are delayed for months. Conservative treatment helps approximately 95% of patients. If no improvement does not occur within 6 months, the doctors resort to surgery. Those parts of the tissues are removed through the incision or punctures, which are inflamed and changed, and then separated muscles are attached to the bone. When complications appear after such interventions, it is sometimes not possible to fully restore the patient's function.

    Nutrition Recommendations

    elbow, elbow joint, orthopedics, joints, epicondylitis

    Food can also contribute to the recovery of the patient. People suffering from Epipudilite of the elbow joint, our site recommends having the following products on the dinner table:

    • Salads with the addition of fresh celery;
    • salmon dishes, humpbacks, mackerel;
    • Chicken meat, turkey;
    • dishes from pearl and bark;
    • Cheese, cottage cheese, eggs;
    • Fresh pineapple;
    • broccoli, pumpkin, spinach;
    • Green tea, dried fruit compote.

    How to prevent the disease?

    As they say, a pound of warning is more important to treat. In order not to suffer from pain in the elbow joint, as possible, follow the following accomplishments:

  1. Be careful and careful when you carry gravity, engage in hard physical labor. Do not overvolt the hand when working with tools.
  2. Special elbows will help in some cases protect elbows.
  3. elbow, elbow joint, orthopedics, joints, epicondylitis

  4. Make a light warm-up for warming up the joints and muscles to prepare for the further load of the forearm and shoulder tendons before proceeding to any work with the same ways.
  5. After large physical exertion, it is advisable to make self-massage, which includes such adhesions as light stroking, then thorough kneading and rubbing.
  6. If you have for a long time to sit, performing work, then be sure to follow your posture. Your hands must be comfortable for them. Move work several times, arrange short breaks. Do not be lazy, spend a small gymnastics for limbs during a break.
  7. Comerate any infectious processes in a timely manner (sinusitis, tonsillitis, urethritis, prostatitis and others).

People who most often develop epicondylitis are athletes (not only tennis players, but also rowers, rods, boxers), builders (plasterers, painters, carpenters), musicians (violinders, pianists), workers of the agricultural sphere (milking, mechanisters, tractor drivers ), health workers (masseurs, surgeons, dentists). Even avid gardens and gardeners are predisposed to this disease. People mentioned above professions and categories should be especially attentive to their hands, do not neglect the measures of prevention, correctly calculate the duration and intensity of loads on the joints of the hands, so that such a disease like epicondylitis passed by them.

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