Infarction. How to recognize and what to do


  • How to recognize myocardial infarction
  • Doctors not arrived
  • Myocardial infarction may occur at a while
  • Myocardial infarction risk and home first aid kit

    How to recognize myocardial infarction

    Heart attack. How to recognize and what to do Heart pain pain often may not have anything to do with the heart. For example, they can be caused by osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia. The heart attack is most often a consequence of the atherosclerotic damage of the vessels, which may be developed for more than a dozen years. At the beginning of the disease, atherosclerotic plaque has the appearance of a thin film on the inner surface of the vessel and does not interfere with blood movement to the heart muscle. Subsequently, the size of the plaques increase, and the clearance of the vessel is becoming less and less. Only when an atherosclerotic plaque occupies 3/4 of the inner diameter of the vessel, stenocardia symptoms appear.

    The person has a sense of discomfort, gravity, sternum pain, especially when fast walking or physical effort. It is characteristic that when the load decreases, for example, if you go slower or completely stop, the pain decreases for a few minutes and passes. Often the pain is not felt in the chest, but in hand, back or even the lower jaw. It may seem that it is absolutely not connected with the heart. Let it do not deceive you. If you notice that the chest pain is enhanced with the load and force you to stop work, most likely it is a serious signal. In the very near future, you need to seem a cardiologist, as angina region is often preceded by a heart attack.

    The main sign of myocardial infarction – This is pain, similar pain during angina, but stronger and prolonged. With a heart attack, it appears suddenly, it is not necessarily associated with exercise and does not pass at rest. The attack can last more than 10 minutes, and the reception of nitroglycerin tablets does not always facilitate the state. In addition to pain, a person can feel nauseous, suffocation, dizziness. Even the loss of consciousness is possible. Try «Finger» Similar symptoms in no case can. Deletion in such a situation is dangerous. Need to cause as quickly as possible «ambulance».

    Doctors not arrived

    Feeling pain behind the sternum, you need to stop all active actions, sitting, leaning on the back of the chair or chairs. If the pain does not pass within 4–5 minutes, nitroglycerin tablet should be put under the tongue and wait for it to complete dissolution. Nitroglycerin quickly realizes through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and practically instantly enters the blood. Remember that the reception of nitroglycerin, especially for the first time, can be accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure and headache. If the first tablet did not bring relief and the pain does not pass to the end, you can take another tablet, but not earlier than 5–6 minutes. Undesirable to take more than 5 tablets within an hour. If you have increased blood pressure, do not try to reduce it yourself. Even if you usually take drugs to reduce pressure, now it is better to refrain from their use: it is possible that nitroglycerin will be enough. In addition, you can delay half the chalk of ordinary aspirin.

    Often the development of myocardial infarction is accompanied by a sense of fear, anxiety and even panic. Man begins to rush nervously around the room, fuss. Do it extremely undesirable. In this case, the most correct actions – calm down, take nitroglycerin and call a doctor. If the nerves still pass, drink 30–40 drops of fishes and calmly sit until the doctor arrives. But to slow down with the challenge «Emergency» it is forbidden. After all, according to statistics, about half of the patients died of heart attacks die before they are seen by the doctor, and it is connected with the peculiarities of this disease. Ideal medical care time – it's the first 40 minutes.

    Myocardial infarction may occur at a while

    Often the first symptom of a long-term in the vessels of atherosclerosis is the myocardial infarction. Felt a man perfectly, nothing hurt – And suddenly infarction. Sometimes even a medical examination is not able to recognize the impending trouble. Therefore, it is especially important to take into account the so-called risk factors of myocardial infarction. On some of them we can influence some – No. For example, half a person, age, heredity to change is impossible. It is known that women are less susceptible to the development of cardiovascular diseases, but only until menopause comes. With the onset of Klimaks, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases sharply, especially in combination with other risk factors.

    The development of myocardial infarction contributes diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, elevated cholesterol content in the blood, excess body weight. Risk factors for which we can influence are smoking, a low-lived lifestyle, excessive emotional loads and, of course, improper nutrition.

    The prevention of myocardial infarction, first of all, is to eliminate these factors. It is useful to control blood cholesterol and perform cardiologist recommendations. For example, replacement in the diet of animal fats for fats of vegetable origin leads to a noticeable reduction in the risk of heart attack. In general, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, many problems can be avoided.

    Myocardial infarction risk and home first aid kit

    Especially attentive to the state of his heart you need to be those who suffer hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus. All people over 60 years old, those who in the family there were early myocardial infarction, and everyone who has increased blood cholesterol. If you feel at least one of these groups of the population, nitroglycerin and valocardine must be in your home first aid kit. It will not hurt to have home and tonometer. In addition, now it is possible to purchase a portable transmitter electrocardiograph. This extremely easy-to-maintenance device with a pack of cigarette makes it possible to register your ECG at the time of the attack. Recorded ECG with any telephone set to a specialized medical center, whose doctors in mode «real-time» will be understood in the situation and give relevant recommendations. Due to this, the time between the malaise and its qualified assessment is reduced from several hours to 2–3 minutes.

    From the conversation with the Cand. honey. Sciences, cardiologist, chief physician medical center «Cardio Scan» in g. Moscow Nina Andreevy Sysoeva.

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