Cardiac arrhythmia


  • Types of arrhythmia
  • Symptoms arrhythmia
  • Diagnosis of arrhythmia
  • Methods of treatment of arrhythmia

  • To appoint adequate treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of arrhythmia – That is fix it on the ECG.

    Millions of people around the world for their lives feel interruptions in the heart.

    Heart beats about 100,000 times a day. Each of these cuts
    Starts with an electric pulse arising in the heart.
    Heart rhythm disturbances called arrhythmias — this is a change in frequency and
    Regularity of heartbeat. Rhythm can be too fast, too
    Slow or irregular.

    Types of arrhythmia

    There are many types of arrhythmias and heart blockade. You can simplify them to divide into the following groups:

    Cardiac arrhythmiaTachycardia — This is too frequent rhythm (more than 90 dd. in Min.). Tachycardia is divided into two large groups: ventricular and superstrics.

    — it's too slow pulse. It depends on age and physical
    activity, but in most cases, the pulse is less than 60. in Min.
    It is considered rare.

    Extrasystole — This
    Extraordinary Reduction Heart. Normally, impulses arise in sinus
    node and then go through the electrical system of the heart. With extrasystole
    Pulses occur outside the sinus node.

    Blockade Heart
    — When the impulse can not go through certain parts of the heart
    Muscles. Sometimes it can end with complete heart stop.

    Symptoms arrhythmia

    • Heartbeat
    • Interruptions, «Pulls» in chest
    • Weakness, dizziness
    • Breast pain or pressure
    • Dyspnea or frequent breath
    • Fainting and loss of consciousness

    Diagnosis of arrhythmia

    ECG: description, analysis

    (ECG) graphic representation of the potential difference arising in
    Heart operation time on the surface of the body registered by the device under
    title electrocardiograph in the process of electrocardiography. Is an
    One of the main methods for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases.

    Monitoring for Holter

    Monitoring is named after the researcher Norman J. Holter, who
    For the first time applied this technique in 1961. This is a functional method
    Diagnostics by which the daily record of the electrocardiogram (ECG) is carried out in several leads. ECG record is carried out continuously within 24 hours.

    ECG by phone

    By phone allows you to transmit an electrocardiogram from anywhere
    The globe where there is a telephone connection. Patients get into their
    Order portable devices allowing to register and
    Transmit to the center of remote cardiology diagnostics (tsuk)
    Telephone lines Electrocardiogram (ECG). Experienced Tsukd doctors
    Analyze the data of the received ECG and issued immediate recommendations

    Methods of treatment of arrhythmia

    Treatment of arrhythmias with medicinal therapy

    Cardiac arrhythmiaHow
    Rule, treatment of arrhythmia begins with the appointment of antiarrhythmic
    drugs. In some cases, this can significantly reduce
    Manifestations of arrhythmia.

    Radio frequency ablation (ablation) arrhythmia

    Radio frequency
    Ablation (ablation) is the minimum invasive protector, which
    Allows you to fully cure arrhythmia with small proces.

    Pacemaker (electrocardiomator, ex)

    (Electrocardiomulator, ex) or artificial rhythm driver —
    Medical device designed to maintain heart rhythm.
    The main task of the pacemaker is maintaining or
    imposing heart rate patient who has a heart
    Beats not often (bradycardia), or there is a blockade
    Between the atria and ventricles (atrioventricular blockade).

    Cardioverter defibrillator

    A bunch of
    People die from a sudden stop of the heart in everyday life.
    Heart stop is often caused by ventricular arrhythmias that
    most cases could be interrupted by pacemaker and

    Combined treatment of arrhythmia

    Combines all previously described treatment methods for arrhythmia.

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