Myocardiodestrophia: Symptoms and Treatment


  • Myocardiodistrophy
  • Symptoms of myocardiodistrophy
  • Treatment of myocardiodistrophia

  • Myocardiodistrophy

    Myocardiodystrophia - a non-inflammatory damage to the heart muscle as a result of its metabolic disorders under the influence of inconsection factors.

    The origin of myocardiodistrophia. Acute and chronic exogenous intoxication, including alcoholic, endocrine and exchange disorders (thyrotoxicosis, mixedma, Cushing syndrome, obesity, diabetes, avitaminosis, starvation), anemia, pathological climax, physical overvoltage («Soldier's heart»), infections (including tonsillar), physical agents (radiation, weightlessness, overheating), systemic diseases (collagenoses, neuros-nose dystrophy and others.).

    Myocardiodistrophines also include deposition in the myocardium of pathological products of exchange or normal metabolites: amyloid, iron (with hemochromatosis), glycogen, etc. Some forms of myocardiodistrophy are often called myocardiopathies (alcoholic, menopacteric, amyloid).

    Symptoms of myocardiodistrophy

    Myocardiodestrophia: Symptoms and Treatment
    Symptoms of myocardiodistrophy are often masked by signs of the main disease. There is an increased fatigue, a small shortness of breath with physical stresses, muffling 1 tone of the heart on the top, sometimes moderate tachycardia. The systolic noise over the top and the pulmonary artery is often listened to the anemia, with thyrotoxicosis, pain in the heart area, pronounced tachycardia, an increase in systolic and pulse pressure, flickering arrhythmia; With myxedema-dyspnea, rare pulse, hypoten-zia, deafness of cardiac tones, signs of heart failure appear early.

    With the progressive course of myocardiodystrophy of any etiology, heart failure develops, heart rate disorders arise. ECG changes are more often moderate, expressed in reducing, compassion or inversion of teeth; with myxedema - a decrease in the voltage; In electrolyte impairment, changes observed in hypo- and hypercalemia, with hypomagnalionia, etc. Differential diagnosis is carried out with chronic ischemic heart disease, myocardians, cardiomyopathy.

    Treatment of myocardiodestrophia

    Elimination of the main pathological process that caused myocardiodistrophi. Regulation of the labor mode, prevention of physical exertion, rational nutrition (correction of exchange disorders), Sanation of chronic foci of infection. Assigns to help the normalization of exchange in myocardium - multivitamin drugs, potassium orotat (1 g per day), cocarboxylase (50-100mg per day), metandrottenolon, Nerochol (0.005-0.01 g per day).

    Forecast for adequate therapy favorable.

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