Heart failure


Heart failure — It is a clinical syndrome associated with the weakening of the reduced function of the heart muscle and the infringement of the body's blood supply. Cardiac insufficiency can develop in acute and chronic forms. At first, the disease is predominantly left-handed or direct, and then manifests itself in the form of failure of both heart departments. Consider in more detail these types of heart failure.

Symptoms and types of heart failure

Heart failureAcute lefto-delicate insufficiency develops very quickly, especially in the presence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, aortic vices and other diseases accompanied by a load on the left ventricle. Its can provoke exercise, increased blood pressure, tachycardia and infection. Outragia left-detection deficiency is often manifested at night. The forms of its manifestation include cardiac asthma (acute shortage of air; To reduce the shortness of breath, it is necessary to take the position sitting with the legs lowered and provide access to fresh air), the pulmonary edema (progressive cardiac asthma, reinforced cough with the release of fenastic sputum is noticeable; requires urgent treatment) and Cardiogenic shock (the patenity and cooling of the skin, suffocation and the formation of the lips, the pain in the chest; may happen in acute myocardial infarction due to a sharp reduction in cardiac output and peripheral circulation).

Chronic left-deceiving deficiency develops gradually with the same diseases as acute. It is characterized by venous stagnation in the lungs, the gradual appearance of shortness of breath with the usual loads and tendency to tachycardia. People with chronic left vehicles are easier to breathe in a half-sidental position with lowered legs. Additional load can lead to cardiac asthma and lung edema.

Outragia referee failure arises due to embolism (blockage) of the major branch of the pulmonary artery. It manifests itself as swelling of the cervical veins, a sharp and painful liver increase, skin planning and tachycardia.

Chronic rightful failure mainly joins chronic left-selling failure. Independent chronic form of referee may develop on the basis of chronic lung diseases, heart defects associated with the overload of right ventricle, pericarditis and obesity. For this type, a resistant tachycardia is characterized, breast veins, swelling and an enlarged liver, sensitive when painting and creating a feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium.

The insufficiency of both ventricles is characterized by stagnation in both circles of blood circulation, increasing heart, fibrosis (growth) of the liver, disorders of the central nervous system, the appearance of trophic ulcers on the legs and low-speed bronchopneumonia.

Causes and treatment of heart failure

Causes and treatment of heart failureThe reasons for the development of heart failure can be increased blood pressure, ischemic disease and heart defects, heart rate disorders, diabetes mellitus, myocardits and bad habits.

Treatment of heart failure — Comprehensive. Drug therapy is to use drugs that prevent heart overload (Betubologists, reduced blood pressure and heart rate), eliminating symptoms (glycosides: Corglikon, Digoxin, and others.) and the consequences of the disease (diuretics for removing edema). A large role in the successful treatment of heart failure has the correct lifestyle: adherence to the diet to maintain normal weight and get rid of heart overload, exercise (in moderation) and rejection of bad habits.

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