Symptoms and treatments of herpes

How many times it happened to us to disappear with you, feeling familiar burning in the lip - Again herpes «Sleezing». But herpes is not just an annoying sore on the lip, herpes virus cannot be expelled from the human body. Get infected - easier simple, but get rid of - in no way. Herpes may arise on genitalia - we will also tell about his treatment.

How many times it happened to us to disappear with you, feeling familiar burning in the lip - Again herpes «Sleezing». But herpes is not just an annoying sore on the lip, herpes virus cannot be expelled from the human body. Get infected - easier simple, but get rid of - in no way. Herpes may arise on genitalia - we will also tell about his treatment.

Types of virus

Herpes virus (macro)
There are as many 8 varieties of herpes virus, affecting a person. 95% of the Earth's population are carriers of the 1st VSA type virus (simpleness virus) are well-known for all the manifestations of herpes on her lips, face, and even hands.

HDV 2 type causes a genital herpes. HDV 3 type causes windmill («chickenpox») and slouching. HVV 4th type causes the appearance of infectious mononucleosis (inflammation in the sip, fever, the increase in liver and spleen), inflammatory plaques in the language. HVV 5th type - one of the causes of cytomegalovirus infection. HVV 6 type is manifested in the fact that an adult constantly feels tired, and the child suffers from short-term climbs of temperature and pink rash, which disappears as suddenly, as appears. Herpes 7 and 8 types were open recently, and doctors are still not sure if they are the cause of certain types of cancer and lymph diseases.

Symptoms of herpes

Symptoms of herpes
Determine the type of virus is very difficult, as in the body of a person perfectly hudded at several types of. But most often we are striking viruses 1 and 2 types, we will talk about them. Herpes virus manifests itself in moments when human immunity is weakened. For example, after hypothermia, the unlimited consumption of alcohol, the body temporarily weakens and herpes virus can manifest itself in the form of «Boycles» On the Gub. Council from our site: as soon as you feel burning and itching on the lip, urgently take measures: a starting herpes can be «strangle».

Herpes virus is transmitted during contact with an infected person and air-droplet. This causes that herpes may affect eyes. Under the influence of the virus, herpetic dermatitis of the eyelids are developing, conjunctivitis and many other diseases. The manifestations of herpes dermatitis are similar to herpes on the lips: eyelids are covered by clusters of bubbles.

The first-type herpes virus is transmitted by sexual. Accordingly and manifests itself - on genitalia. After infection, there are 3-7 days, and groups of bubbles on the inflamed red base appear on the head of the penis. Sometimes bubbles arise on the scrotum. Bubbles break through, there are long-focal foci on the spot erosion. Often erosion merge into several big foci. The process may occur not only on the skin, but also in the urethra: a person complains about pain and burning in urination, the body temperature increases, inguinal lymph nodes increase. If herpes is not treated, erosion will disappear after 1-2 weeks. However, in most cases, the genital herpes will recur (after all, the virus remained in the body, it only waits for a suitable moment to manifest itself again: imminent immunity, supercooling, alcohol intoxication - any of these conditions will again cause herpes to life).

In women, herpetic bubbles and erosion are formed on the sex lips, the clitoris, in the vagina, on the cervix.

Diagnosis of herpes

Most often, the doctor defines herpes visually, its manifestations are too much. But in some cases, laboratory procedures are needed to identify herpes virus. Conduct immunofluorescent and immunoassimensional analysis, cytomorphological methods are used, the level of patient's immunity is estimated.

The most reliable method in determining the herpes virus is the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). It is unique in that it allows you to identify even single representatives of the virus. For PCR, need scraping with herpetic erosion or microscopically small droplets of the contents of a herpety bubble. Analysis is automated, the result can be obtained after a day.

Treatment of herpes

Immediately make a reservation that modern medicine does not have means allowing to destroy herpes virus. Treatment only eliminates the manifestations of the virus, but the virus itself remains in the body in spite of everything.

For the treatment of herpes of the lips best suited anticherine ointment Herpferon, Zovirax, acyclovir, Vatrex, Famvir. The more often you lubricate the sore place, the sooner get rid of the manifestations of the disease. If you did not have time in time, and Herpes still manifested itself, our site advises to continue to lubricate it with ointment - it will reduce pain and speed recovery.

For local treatment of genital herpes apply acyclovir (200 mg 5 times a day for 10 days), valacyclovir (0.5 mg 2 times a day, 10 days). Foscarnet (it is phoskavir) apply local, in the form of applications for affected places. Phoskarnet is also produced in the form of intravenous drug. These drugs (in the form of tablets and ointments) remove the manifestations of herpes and improve the patient's condition.

In addition, the patient with genital herpes during the remission is introduced by a vaccine in which the killed herpes viruses are contained - 0.2 ml of vaccine is introduced every 3 days, only 5 injections. This procedure must be carried out twice a year, then the number of relapses can be reduced to 1-2 per year and even less.

Herpes virus causes a decrease in immunity, and, as a result, frequent recurrences of the disease. That is, treatment should be reduced not only to the suppression of symptoms, but also to strengthen the immunity, what we will also tell.

Errors in the treatment of herpes

Treatment of herpes
Herpes lips do not require treatment with tablets, all therapeutic procedures are reduced to frequent lubrication with ointments. In no case are not attempting to squeeze herpety bubbles - risk infection. Better continue to use ointments and wait until herpes passes under the action of ointment.

Unfortunately, there is no doctor who would only engage in genital herpes, so patients are treated urologists, venereologists, gynecologists... by itself, errors are possible in treatment. So, for example, a doctor can recommend a patient to burn herpetic erosion with liquid nitrogen. Of course, herpes virus will perish in place, but in the blood he will still remain, and recurrences will appear again.

Another common mistake is the appointment of immunomodulatory funds without prior analysis of immunity. Illiterately designated immunomodulators can be reversed: the number of recurrences will not decrease, but will increase. Our site recommends: before assigning you immunomodulators, require estimates of the level of your immunity - immunograms. So you will save your health from unqualified physicians.

Prevention of herpes

Strong Immunity - Health Warranty, so try to eat right, take vitamins in the cold season. It happens that a person lives a lifetime, carrying herpes virus in the body and never sick them. In order not to infect the genital herpes virus, you need to observe loyalty to your partner, use a condom with random sex contacts.

So take care of your health, strengthen the immune system with healthy diverse nutrition, silent physical exertion and no virus you are afraid.

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