Today, the diseases of the cardiovascular system firmly occupied the first place not only in Russia, but in the world. Arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, ischemic heart disease, angina and myocardial infarction - frightening diagnoses that are increasingly appearing in our medical maps. The reason for their mass in most cases is the industrialization of society life, poor nutrition and endless stressful situations.
In the life of each of us once the day comes when we understand that they have already grown, got to their feet, got housing, children appeared… And there are still most beloved and expensive people — our parents. As often precisely they become the target of cardiovascular diseases. It is unlikely that there is a person who would not hear from someone complaints about increased blood pressure, pain in the heart and shortness of breath. As a result, the quality of life deteriorates, efficiency is often reduced to disability. Usually people tend to think that it «Age», that nothing to do with it, and do not seek medical care. Such an opinion is erroneous because often such symptoms are a formidable manifestation of heart disease.
Arterial hypertension
According to different data, periodic or constant increase in blood pressure is detected in 10–30% of the adult population. Often, symptoms of beginning hypertension coincide with a sign of general overwork. That is why the person will find out about this disease only in critical condition. Normally pressure of a healthy person 120/80 mm RT.Art. But if the pressure exceeds 140/90 mm RT.Art. — We are talking about the development of hypertension.
Chronic heart failure
Chronic heart failure has widespread, especially in older people. This condition in which the heart cannot pump blood in sufficient volume, as a result of which the organs and tissues experience the lack of oxygen and nutrients. People who begin to notice heart «pranks» It should always be remembered: early diagnosis of heart failure, and, consequently, the early beginning of its treatment — Pledge of success in syndrome therapy.
Coronary heart disease
Many people with age begins to feel pain or feeling squeezing in the heart. First, they appear only with a significant physical or emotional load and stress. But over time, the load at which these sensations occur, is becoming less. And once at the doctor's reception, a record appears in the map: «Coronary heart disease».
Ischemic heart disease or «Fasting Heart» — Insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle. When blood bringing oxygen and nutrients does not pass in the right amount through heart vessels due to their narrowing or blockage.
«Breasts toad» — So call anginaard. One of the forms of ischemic heart disease. The immediate cause of the disease is the atherosclerosis of the heart arteries, in which the clearance of cardiac vessels is narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques. Stenokard attack manifests as pain cutting, gulp, as if burning heart, compressing the throat.
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial infarction — This is an acute form of ischemic heart disease. No wonder about a man who upset his words or actions, they say «Before the heart attack will bring». The saying reflects one of the characteristics of this disease, its development can provoke strong emotional experiences and stress. How dangerous myocardial infarction is eloquently testify the statistics: per 100 thousand people only from myocardial infarction in Russia are dying 330 men and 154 women annually.
How to protect yourself and loved ones?
One of the important principles in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases — This is prevention. No wonder, many pharmaceutical laboratories and companies are developing more efficient, safe and convenient to use preparations of prevention.
Cardiogen — Peptide complex containing amino acids that promote the normalization of myocardial functions. The use of cardiogen increases the efficiency of complex treatment of ischemic heart disease, including angina, in combination with arterial hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy and chronic heart failure.
Why experts recommend taking cardiogen?
The state of people who have undergone treatment with cardiogen is significantly improved: the strong pain in the heart disappears, the sword disappears, the overall activity is increasing compared to people who, with the same constant symptoms, did not take cardiogen
- Cardiogen is used both to improve the efficiency of complex treatment and for the prevention of heart disease
- Does not have contraindications, does not cause addiction or addiction, you can take a doctor without appointing
- Cardiogen is patented in Russia and leading European countries.
Peptide complexes do not completely have contraindications, does not appear dependence on their use. Bioregulators can be taken independently, the course of treatment by peptide complexes is approximately 4 weeks, after a break that can be repeated. Is peptide complexes — Panacea from all diseases will show time, but now you can argue bioregulators able to prolong life.
Cardiogen is recommended to take 1–2 capsules 1–2 times a day while eating. Duration of reception — twenty–30 days.
Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.