Treatment of acute appendicitis in children


Treatment of acute appendicitis in childrenThe treatment of acute appendicitis in children, one of the most common surgical diseases, is given serious attention in the field of high technologies. According to medical statistics about 75% of cases of acute surgical pathology — This is appendicitis sharp. Children's surgery today knows a number of techniques and methods of urgent intervention, saving kids from possible dangerous complications. Among them: Appendectomy is a brine, ligature, invagination and laparoscopic method.

Conducting a laparoscopic surgical surgical surgery to remove appendicitis is carried out through small punctures, up to 5-7 mm in size, while significantly reduced the duration of the intervention relative to standard surgical techniques, when the incision is produced in the right iliac region or below the navel at extremely heavy forms. The advantage of this method is that the surgeon with the help of modern equipment has the ability to completely inspect the abdominal cavity to eliminate possible pathologies, in addition, such a small-acting operation corresponds to aesthetic and cosmetic standards, which is especially important in childhood.

Features of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis in children

The disease is celebrated by the gradual beginning and most often occurs in children 4-15 years. In infancy, up to three years old there is a high mobility of the blind intestine, and the Cous form has a Cone form, which ultimately saves the intestine of a child from stagnant phenomena. The specific pathogen is not detected, it is usually an autogenic flora, which does not detect its pathogenicity until a certain point. The clinical picture of acute appendicitis is manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite and increasing body temperature.

Features of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis in childrenInitially, pains are spilled in nature, and the child with difficulty indicates the localization of the painful area, which sometimes makes it difficult for the diagnosis of young children. In this case, the experience of a pediatrician or children's surgeon specialist, who knows how to extract important information from a conversation with a small patient and inspect it precisely there and so as not to scare and do not cause additional pain. This is necessarily warm hands, soft, but confident movements, confidential tone conversation. Definition of a positive symptom of Filatov and Brush-Blumberg is priceless in this case. It is very important that mom from the toddler complaints could understand the true picture of his condition. There are a number of signs of appendicitis in children who indicate the sharpness of the moment. Only mom may notice that the child is frightened, the complexion has become a grayish-green that he lies all the time, turning around with a hacker, choosing the most painless pose. And here it is important not to make mistakes! This is none «Stomach clogging», And it is not necessary «wash» With the help of enema or laxative, one should not help your baby painkillers or warm heating. Such techniques only erase the true picture of the disease, increasing the rate of inflammatory process and steady movement to complication and tragic. What can mom help his child, if signs of appendicitis in children manifest themselves and worried for some time, so it is an urgent challenge of a precinct pediatrician or brigade «Ambulance». It should be remembered that the stage of appendicitis directly depend on the time of development of inflammation:

  • Catarial — up to 6 hours;
  • phlegmonous — up to 24 hours;
  • gangrenous — can develop for three days.

Diagnosis of acute appendicitis

In a surgical hospital where baby will deliver «Ambulance», Diagnostics are carried out on the basis of laboratory research methods: General analysis of blood and urine, ultrasound, laparoscopic examination, if necessary. Number of blood leukocytes — Important diagnostic indicator, significant increases — leukocytosis indicates acute inflammation. Sometimes the growth of leukocytes is not an indicator of acute appendicitis, it is in this case that a differential diagnosis is carried out with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroenterocolitis and intestinal infection.

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